She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 321: Orders

Chapter 321 Taking Orders

 She explicitly asked Mo Qicheng to investigate everything, but in fact all his actions were under her control.

In this way, it is easier to find out his details.

Li Jiu fiddled with the melon seeds on the plate and said casually: "Now, just sit and wait."

 Sit and wait for Mo Qicheng to reveal his trump cards in person, so that she can reap the benefits.

Qi Jingci raised the corners of his mouth, his eyes were full of smiles, and he praised without hesitation: "Smart."

Li Jiu rolled her eyes at him.

 Just, there is another strange place.

“Why are you so sure that Mo Qicheng is from Mo Sang?” Qi Jingci asked.

Li Jiu smiled, raised his eyebrows and asked, "Do you know why, I have rarely appeared in the Mo family in recent years, but I know the Mo family well?"

Qi Jingci has also heard about this.

 He looked at Li Jiu and uttered two words: "Secret guard?"

Li Jiu snapped his fingers, "That's right."

 In fact, in every family, secret guards are not mysterious, but are everywhere, responsible for monitoring family members and performing secret tasks.

 It’s just that since the death of the old head of the Mo family, the secret guards of the Mo family have been leaderless and have never appeared in the eyes of the public.

 This is also the direct reason why everyone in the Mo family is fragmented and has different hearts and minds.

Qi Jingci did not expect that Li Jiu would actually take the Mo family's secret guard into his own hands.

“So, you relied on the Mo family’s secret guards to find evidence of Mo Qicheng’s crime?”


Qi Jingci frowned. If that was the case, why didn't she take action earlier and eliminate Mo Sang and Mo Qicheng before they grew in power and colluded with the Cha League? She had to wait until now?

Li Jiu seemed to have read through his thoughts. He sighed and murmured: "It's not what I wanted to delay until now..." I just didn't have time to care.

Qi Jingci: "?"

Bai Muyou, who was standing behind them, saw that Li Jiu was about to pull out more things, and coughed lightly, causing her to stop the car.

Li Jiu suddenly came back to his senses and shook his head, "It's okay."

Qi Jingci narrowed his eyes slightly, his eyes moving back and forth between her and Bai Muyou. He was very sure that she was hiding something from him, and it was not a small matter.

But there is no way. Although he is Li Jiu's fiancé on the surface, in fact he is almost a piece of paper. At best, he is her suitor, and he is not qualified for her to tell him everything frankly.

Qi Jingci looked at Li Jiu quietly, and suddenly sighed in his heart, when would she agree to him?

This has been shown in vain, and people have chased it, so why is there no improvement?

Even sometimes, Li Jiu's attitude towards him was not as good as before he confessed.

 What went wrong?

Qi Jingci was depressed and couldn’t figure it out.

Li Jiu didn't know what he was thinking. She just felt that this man was sitting opposite her, and his eyes suddenly became weird. She seemed to be able to read a trace of... sadness in it?

 What happened to him?

Li Jiu sighed heavily, feeling inexplicably tired.

Ever since he confessed to her, it felt like a new switch had been turned on. His whole person had changed. He always liked to cling to her, and he also liked to say some disgusting words. His previous cold and dignified persona had completely collapsed. Who can bear this!

 Is there anyone who pursues people like this?

The two of them sat facing each other, with different thoughts on their minds. They both lowered their eyes and were deep in thought for a moment.

 After a long time, Qi Jingci suddenly thought of an idea.

How about taking Li Jiu back to Organization J to stay there for a few days?

Since things in the Mo family won't end in a few days, why not let him get along well with Li Jiu and cultivate their relationship. Maybe she will agree to accept him one day.

"How and I go back to Organization J to stay for a few days?"

Li Jiu looked at him in surprise.

“Those old guys are also being held in the J organization. You can interrogate them anytime you go. As for the Mo family, just let Yu Xiu and the others keep an eye on them.” Qi Jingci said plausibly. With the expression on his face, Li Jiu would have believed it if he didn't know what he was thinking.

 “I won’t go.” His answer was an merciless refusal.

The Mo family still has a lot of things to do. How can she have time to go back to Organization J with him?

"If you want to go back, go back by yourself." Li Jiu said with disgust.

Qi Jingci's eyes darkened, and he was a little disappointed, but it didn't matter. From now on, it would be wrong to abduct his daughter-in-law...well, it's not right, it's wrong to lie...if she catches her, there are plenty of opportunities to take her back.

 When he thought about it, he felt relieved.

"It's okay. If you don't want to go, don't go. Organization J is too **** and cruel and is not suitable for you."

As soon as he said this, all three people except himself were silent for a moment.

Bai Yuxiu: "..." So cruel? Is your own organization black?

Bai Muyou: "..." Bloody and cruel, seems more suitable for the boss.

Li Jiu: "..." I'm looking at you seriously when you put p here.

"...So when will you go back?" Li Jiu finally couldn't help but ask.

 He has been following her for several hours and is not planning to leave yet. Does he really want to rely on her?

Li Jiu stared at Qi Jingci expressionlessly with a stupefied expression. The meaning in his eyes was very clear. Go back to where you came from!

However, Qi Jingci seemed to not understand what she meant, and pretended to be confused for a long time.

In the end, Li Jiu couldn't help but get angry, so he pursed his thin lips and left unhappily.

“Pfft! Boss, you should really see it. The third brother’s face turned dark when he left.”

 Bai Muyou couldn't bear it anymore when he sent Qi Jingci and the others back, so he sprayed it out in front of Li Jiu.

  "You just drive him away, it's strange that the third brother would be happy."

Li Jiu returned to his room and sat leisurely on the sofa with his legs crossed. There was a tablet on his lap, and his long fingers kept sliding on the screen, as if he was checking something.

Hearing this, she didn't even raise her head and said casually: "If he is unhappy, let him be."

If this person can't figure out how to chase people properly, then he will be a bachelor for the rest of his life!

 Bai Muyou saw that she had been operating on the tablet and couldn't help but curiously walked over, "Boss, what are you looking at?"

She lowered her head slightly and saw a simple and familiar website page. The huge and red account "Nine Gods" almost made her tongue twitch.

Bai Muyou couldn't help but raise his voice: "Boss, why did you enter the mission hall? And log in to your own account?"

 Who are you trying to scare to death?

Li Jiu’s voice was light, “Take the order.”

Bai Muyou: “…”

It's incredible, the Nine Gods actually want to take the order personally. Is it the distortion of human nature or Tao...ah bah! Is she crazy or is the world a fantasy?

 The lists in the association's task hall are posted anonymously. Most of them have clearly marked prices. Some of them use money directly, but some use other valuable items. They are open to all superpowers in the association.

 Some people take orders because they want to train themselves to improve their strength, while some people take orders because they can get more money.

 After all, even those with superpowers sometimes have a difficult life and have to take on tasks similar to those of mercenaries.

 But these have absolutely nothing to do with Li Jiu!

She will never be able to spend all the money in her next lifetime.

 Strength, damn, she hasn’t faced an opponent in N+1 years.

 So, why does she want to take the order?

 (End of this chapter)

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