She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 324: Do you dare to say it?

Chapter 324 Do you dare to say it?

   X: ...What you said makes sense. ]

Lu Qingran narrowed her eyes and snorted lightly.

   L: That makes sense! Will you die if you admit that I'm smarter than you? ]

   X:…Get out! ]

Bai Yuxiu only sent one word, and then there was no movement.

There must be something going on over there, so Bai Yuxiu ignored him.

Lu Qingran curled her lips, put down her phone, and focused her eyes on the document again.

 Just follow the third brother to Continent S, and throw a lot of things about the Bai Group to him! Is this a human job? !

 Are the CEOs he trained just for show?

Lu Qingran looked at the densely packed words on the document. The more he thought about it, the more angry he became. He picked up his phone and punched the screen as if to vent his anger.

   L: Come back to me as soon as you finish your work! I won’t care if something goes wrong in your company! ]

Obviously he wanted to follow his third brother to Continent S, but he was left behind by his third brother. He was so depressed.

Lu Qingran looked at the documents on the table with a sullen expression, sighed deeply, remembered Qi Jingci's instructions, and picked up the pen resignedly.

Just as he was about to sign the signature, he suddenly heard a noise coming from outside the door.

Lu Qingran frowned, stood up and opened the study door. When he listened carefully, he heard the voices of the Lu family and his **** brother.

 He stopped the servant who had just come up the stairs to bring him coffee and asked, "What's wrong?"

The servant looked panicked for a moment, then lowered his head and said, "It's Miss Li...she's here again, and this time the second young master is also here, and the two of them are having a huge quarrel."

Lu Qingran’s eyebrows tightened, “My parents are here too?”

The servant nodded slightly.

Lu Qingran's face suddenly turned ugly.

He also heard about Li Yun's frequent visits to the Lu family in the past few days, but he was not at home a few days ago, so he didn't expect to meet him today.

 “This is nonsense.” He cursed and went downstairs quickly.

In the living room downstairs, Li Yun was sitting on the single sofa on one side, and Lu Shaoqi was sitting opposite her. Both of them had bad expressions.

Mr. and Mrs. Lu were sitting on the couch in the middle. Mrs. Lu had exquisite makeup and noble temperament. Her face, which was over forty years old, did not have many marks and was very well maintained. However, at this time, she felt a headache as she pressed her forehead. My temples are throbbing.

Lu Shiqian was wearing a suit that was ironed to fit. He was obviously planning to go out, but he stayed at home temporarily because of Li Yun. He was sitting next to Mrs. Lu, his hands gently pressing back and forth on her temples, his brows slightly furrowed, his expression Unpleasant.

Lu Shaoqi looked at Li Yun who was as if nothing had happened, and then at his mother who was having a headache, and immediately said angrily: "Li, how many times have I told you not to come to our house, but have you turned a deaf ear to it?!"

Li Yun pursed his lips, "Brother Shaoqi, I'm also afraid that Auntie and the others will miss my grandson, so..."


When Lu Shaoqi heard this, he couldn't help it. He jumped up from the sofa, pointed at Li Yun and cursed: "Who gave you the courage to say that the seed in your stomach is from the Lu family? Have labor and management admitted it?"

Li Yun's face turned pale, and he raised his head to look at Lu Shaoqi, with a cry in his tone: "Brother Shaoqi, whether you admit it or not, this is your child. How, how could you..."

Before she finished speaking, she sobbed twice, looking like she was about to cry.

Lu Shaoqi felt cold for a moment, with goose bumps all over his body, and said disdainfully: "You are acting like this in front of me, who are you pretending to show?" He has seen countless women, and he usually has more girlfriends than clothes. As far as Li Yun's rank is concerned, to be honest, he is not qualified at all in White Lotus and Green Tea.

How dare you pretend to be in front of him, ha!

Li Yun's tears were frozen in his eyes, his fingers subconsciously tightened, and he secretly gritted his teeth.

Dad already knew about her pregnancy. If she couldn't get the Lu family's approval before showing her pregnancy, everyone in the Imperial Capital circle would know that she was pregnant out of wedlock.

If the Lu family doesn't want her, a pregnant daughter of a rich family, even if she is the daughter of the Li family, her reputation will be ruined. No matter how much her father loves her in the future, he will not let her do whatever she wants!

 So, we must find a way to gain recognition from the Lu family.

Li Yun's eyes trembled slightly, and he said to the Lu couple with tears in his eyes: "Uncle, aunt, I really don't have any other intentions. I just want this child to recognize his ancestor and return to the clan. But every time I come, you are either not here." , or you can't evade me, I really have no choice but to stop your car this time."

Lu Shiqian pressed his finger on Mrs. Lu's forehead and snorted coldly: "There is really no other way? Miss Li, I think you are trying to blackmail our Lu family with your life!"

Li Yun was startled and hurriedly explained: "No, Uncle Lu, I -"

 “Don’t call me Uncle Lu!”

Lu Shiqian's eyes turned cold and he glanced at her coldly.

Li Yun's expression immediately froze on his face.

Compared to Lu Shiqian, who has been immersed in shopping malls for decades, her little tricks are simply unacceptable.

 Under his cold gaze, she actually had the illusion of being seen through.

Lu Shiqian said coldly: "Miss Li, I think you are a junior. It would be too ugly to say nothing, but today you suddenly rushed out and stopped our car, which frightened my wife. In this case, you said that I am a junior." On your account or on your father’s account?”

His voice carries the innate pressure of a superior, giving people the feeling of being out of breath.

Li Yun was really panicking now. If she really offended Lu Shiqian, it would mean that it would be even more difficult for her to enter the Lu family.

 But there was nothing she could do.

Father's condition has become worse and worse recently because of Li's condition, and his temper has become worse and worse. In the past, my mother could intercede for her in front of him, but now, she doesn't dare to say a word at all.

 All the cards in her name have also been stopped. In fact, even if they were not stopped, the current situation at home would not be able to meet her consumption needs.

 She could only hug the Lu family's thigh, and her bargaining chip was the child in her belly.

If she can marry into the Lu family and persuade Lu Shiqian to support Li Shi, maybe Li Shi will get better, and she won't have to receive strange looks from others.

Li Yun took a deep breath and apologized sincerely: "I'm sorry, Uncle Lu. It was my recklessness that scared Auntie. I brought some supplements. I hope Uncle and Auntie don't dislike it."

Lu Shaoqi looked at the things she put on the table and sneered: "I hate it! I'm afraid my mother will have diarrhea after eating your things."

Li Yun's face turned pale, "Brother Shaoqi, I know you hate me, but we have been dating for a while, can't you be gentler to me?"

"Hey, hey, hey," Lu Shaoqi stretched out his hand to interrupt her: "It's just that you are pestering me unilaterally. We are not in a relationship, okay?"

When Li Yun heard this, his eyes widened in disbelief, and he said angrily and excitedly: "Lu Shaoqi! How can you not admit it! If we didn't have a relationship, how did the child in my belly come about? Is it possible for me to do it myself? IVF?”

It's okay not to say this, but Lu Shaoqi exploded when he mentioned this: "I *your* Li Yun! I also want to know how the child in your belly came from! Do you dare to say it? Ah?!"

 (End of this chapter)

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