She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 325: Mrs. Lu: Want to enter the Lu family? sure.

Chapter 325 Mrs. Lu: Want to join the Lu family? sure.

The evil fire that Lu Shaoqi had been suppressing since he saw Li Yun suddenly surged.

His eyes were full of contempt, and he glanced at her with disdain and said: "In order to climb into my bed, you did not hesitate to drug yourself. Miss Reiji, you really impress me!"

Li Yun has been pampered by Li Hong and Xu Suchong since he was a child. He usually associates with ladies and gentlemen. He has never heard such insulting words, and it was in front of the Lu couple.

The last bit of blood on her face faded away completely, and she took out the folds of her clothes with both hands. She bit her lower lip tightly with her teeth, and humiliation flashed in her eyes.

Mrs. Lu frowned when she heard this, and secretly exchanged glances with Lu Shiqian.

Although Lu Shaoqi is usually a bit of a bastard, he was born in her tenth month of pregnancy. She knows best that no matter how bad this son is, he will not do anything irresponsible to make a girl's belly bigger.

  Early when Li Yun came to her door for the first time, apart from the initial shock, she still had a trace of doubt in her heart.

After listening to Lu Shaoqi's words, she finally understood that he did not recognize the child in Li Yun's belly simply because the child had an unfair name.

Lu Shiqian could see what she was thinking at a glance, and said to Lu Shaoqi in a deep voice, "Are you telling the truth?"

Lu Shaoqi was furious. When he heard his words, he trembled with fright and looked over subconsciously.

 “Of course it’s true,” he replied immediately.

 The attitude should be as reverential as possible.

 This is all thanks to the "education" given to him by Lu Shiqian in peacetime.

 Because of the **** things he did, the ruler that had been passed down to the Lu family for three generations did not collect dust and was often asked to put it to good use.

After so many times, Lu Shiqian didn't bother to take action and directly kicked him out of the Lu family, just pretending that he didn't have this son.

Mrs. Lu initially disagreed with the matter of driving him out of the house, not because she was worried that he would not be able to take care of herself, but because she was worried that without control, he would be more unscrupulous and harm other girls.

 So, after learning of her concerns, Lu Shiqian once again froze all the cards in his name.

As a result, he can only live and eat in the homes of his friends.

  It is enough for a wealthy young man to do what he does.

Lu Shaoqi thought of this with sadness in his heart.

Lu Shiqian looked at Li Yun again, his eyes sharper, "Miss Li, let's not mention anything else for now, just because the child in your belly was obtained by drugging, there is absolutely no way I can recognize him!"

"Uncle Lu!" Li Yun couldn't believe his ears, "This is Brother Shaoqi's flesh and blood! Your grandson!"

She repeatedly stressed that she simply could not accept the fact that Lu Shiqian denied the child.

Why? Why?

This is obviously the blood of the Lu family and Lu Shaoqi's biological flesh and blood, but not only does he not admit it, even Lu Shiqian refuses to admit it.

"How can you deny him because of his origin? This is also a life." Li Yun said sincerely: "Even if his arrival is unexpected, can't your Lu family even afford to raise a child?"

 “Miss Li.”

Hearing this, Mrs. Lu couldn't bear it anymore and interrupted her directly. She should have been the one to deal with Li Yun's matter, but because she had always been in poor health, Lu Shiqian was worried that she would relapse due to worrying too much, so he left her alone. He had also sent Li Yun away when he came before.

Who would have expected that Li Yun would do such a bold thing this time? You know, when she suddenly appeared and opened her arms to block the car, she almost breathed a sigh of relief in her chest.

 It took a long time to calm down, and it wasn’t until just now that I felt a little better.

"It's not that our Lu family can't afford to raise one child. To be honest, we can afford to raise even a hundred children. We don't recognize him, and it's not because we dislike his origin. If you want us to recognize him, it's not impossible. "


Lu Shaoqi became anxious when he heard what she said. He knew Li Yun's temperament best. If he recognized the child in her belly, she would definitely kill snakes and follow the stick to rely on the Lu family, plus the pair of vampires behind her Parents, the Lu family will fall into her hands sooner or later!

At this moment, Lu Shaoqi was filled with regret. Why did he provoke this woman Li Yun!

If he troubles the Lu family and his parents again, then how can he have the dignity to live?

 He is usually a bit of a bastard, but he is not heartless. He must pay for the sins he has done, and the Lu family and his parents must not be involved!

 So this child cannot be recognized!

Li Yun's eyes lit up, and a hint of joy flashed across his eyes.

Sure enough, women are still soft-hearted. They say that the head of the Lu family loves his wife the most. If Mrs. Lu opens her mouth, there is still a good chance.


Li Yun spoke expectantly, wanting to further convince Mrs. Lu, but was immediately slapped in the face by her next words.

"We can recognize this child, but it is just a child. As for you, you have nothing to do with our Lu family. We will find a mother for this child so that he can grow up without any worries for the rest of his life." Mrs. Lu He spoke unhurriedly, but the words he spat out were like knives gouging Li Yun's heart.

"If you are willing, we can find someone to draw up a contract now. If you sign it, we will give you a sum of money when you give birth to the child. From now on, the child will be a stranger to you and will have nothing to do with you."

Mrs. Lu's expression remained unchanged from beginning to end, surprisingly calm and terrifyingly calm, just like when she first heard the news that Li Yun was pregnant with Lu Shaoqi's child.

 Having been the mistress of the Lu family for decades, what scenes have you not seen? Even if she has been well protected by Lu Shiqian, it doesn't mean that she has no means at all.

On the contrary, her method made Li Yun even more desperate than Lu Shaoqi and Lu Shiqian's firm denial.

 Because she killed Li Yun's hope of entering the Lu family from the ground up.

Li Yun finally couldn't bear it anymore and shouted in a broken voice: "Impossible! This child was born to me! Why should I sever ties with him?"

"Since he was born to you, why didn't you raise him? Instead, you kept trying to stuff him into my Lu family?" Mrs. Lu emphasized her tone, and her eyes became sharp, "Miss Li, as a human being, you must Know how to be content, if it weren’t for the child in your belly, you wouldn’t have the right to sit here and talk to us!”

 Finally, Mrs. Lu said coldly, "You are young and your heart is as high as the sky. Are you worthy of joining my Lu family?!"

Li Yun couldn't bear it anymore and stood up, staring at her with malicious eyes, and said harshly: "Why am I not worthy of your Lu family, the eldest daughter of the Li family?"

Mrs. Lu glanced at her indifferently and asked: "My daughter-in-law of the Lu family is gentle, honest and kind, and has both ability and political integrity. May I ask Miss Li, which of these eight characters do you think of?"

Li Yun's face suddenly twisted.

 (End of this chapter)

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