She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 329: Is this also called a date?

Chapter 329 Is this also called a date?

"Qi, Jing, Ci! Please be more serious!" Li Jiu gritted his teeth.

 “I’m very serious,” Qi Jing said.

Li Jiu took a deep breath and decided not to argue with him, "Did you hear clearly what I just said?"

Qi Jingci nodded gently, "Don't worry, I know what's appropriate."

No matter how complicated the association is, it doesn't matter to him. Anyway, even if those people dislike him, they can't do anything to him openly.

What's more, the president is now older, and he rarely interferes with matters in the association except those related to the second team. Most matters are handled by him.

 Simply put, he has the final say in the association now, and no matter how much the board of directors refuses to deal with him, it will not have the guts to cause trouble.

 Her worries were obviously unnecessary.

 But he was still very happy because his wife cared about him.

Qi Jingci couldn’t help but raise the corners of his mouth, and his eyes were smiling, like a fool.

Li Jiu’s eyes twitched and he looked away unbearably.

Those who say that Qi Jingci is the flower of the high mountains, cold and noble, must be blind.

That's it? The flower of the high mountains?

 The feeling of déjà vu as the top two fools in the entire village.

Qi Jingci was not sure how Li Jiu was complaining about him in his heart, and the smile on his face did not disappear for a long time.

“Jiujiu, are you hungry? I’ll take you to eat. There is a good restaurant nearby,” he said.

“…” Li Jiu’s expression became more subtle. She glanced at him lightly, raised her wrist to reveal her watch: “It’s only nine o’clock now.”

“I heard from Asiu that you came here early in the morning. You must have missed breakfast and you must be hungry now.” Qi Jing said.

Li Jiu became angry when he heard this. He crossed his arms across his chest and looked directly at him: "I didn't eat in the morning because of you, wasn't it?"

If he hadn't forced Bai Yuxiu to detain her, how could she not have even eaten breakfast?

Qi Jingci quickly admitted his mistake, "My mistake, I will make it up to you immediately and treat you to a meal."

Li Jiu snorted slightly, but she was really hungry, so she asked, "Where to eat?"

Qi Jingci's eyes flickered, and a hint of joy flashed across his eyes, "I'll make the arrangements."

After finishing speaking, he immediately took out his mobile phone and sent a message to the restaurant that had been booked before he came back, asking them to prepare the dishes immediately. By the way, he also bought a bouquet of flowers online.

 Well, we’re almost ready.

Qi Jingci rubbed his chin and thought deeply. When he came back from the association, he planned to have a formal date with Li Jiu, but because it was an impromptu idea and there was no preparation in advance, he was a little hasty.

Even the dating guides are all found online, so I don’t know if they are trustworthy.


Qi Jingci looked sideways at Li Jiu.

 Isn’t it said that girls all like to be more romantic? If you follow the guide, you should be fine.

However, he overlooked one thing. Li Jiu is not an ordinary girl. She is not interested in these fancy and troublesome things. The most important thing is that she is allergic to flowers!

 “A sneeze!”

After Li Jiu sneezed for the third time, Qi Jingci guiltily pulled out a tissue and handed it over, then quietly moved the flower further away.

 Lowering his eyes, a trace of annoyance flashed across his eyes, which was simply a mistake.

Li Jiu sat opposite Qi Jingci, rubbing his already red nose with a tissue, his face darker than ever.

  “Just eat, why are you buying flowers?”

Qi Jingci said sarcastically: "I think it feels better to have flowers when eating."

Li Jiu chuckled twice: "...I thank you, I feel like I have it."

 Ever since she sat down, she has been feeling like sneezing.

Qi Jingci felt more and more guilty. He pushed a plate of sliced ​​steak in front of her and decisively changed the subject: "Let's try this first, this restaurant's special dish."

 Li Jiu: “…”

 She has no sense of taste, how can she taste?

Qi Jingci is probably poisonous, right?

Li Jiu did not move, but looked around. There were only two of them in the huge French restaurant, and it was extremely quiet.

 …I know what he wants to do by thinking on his toes. Li Jiu was a little helpless: "You want to date me?"

Qi Jingci’s hand that handed her the condiments paused, his expression froze, his Adam’s apple moved up and down, “…Hmm.”

 He paused and then asked: "Is it so obvious? I didn't do anything, right?"

Li Jiu sneered and glanced at the things on the table, "Red wine, candles, steak, roses, do you want to invite a violinist to play next to us?"

 That's all she couldn't see, unless she was blind.

Qi Jingci was silent and replied after a while: "If you want, I can arrange it."


Li Jiu’s eyes darkened, and he gritted his teeth and said, “I want a fart!”

 She is so angry!

 “I said what the **** are you doing?”

 Ever since I left Imperial Capital, it was as if some seal had been unlocked, and I felt bad all over.

Qi Jingci pondered for a second and said seriously: "I'm chasing you."

 Very special, very serious, chasing people.

Li Jiu's face turned darker, and he almost squeezed out a few words through his teeth: "Is this how to chase people?"

She doesn't feel like being chased at all now, she just wants to rip his head off!

Because of her pollen allergy, no one has dared to give her any flowering plants for several years.

 Afraid of causing allergies.

 When other people are allergic, at most they have some allergic reactions, and they just need to go to the hospital.

But Li Jiu is different. She is allergic, which is equivalent to the extinction of the dinosaurs and the doomsday explosion of Mars hitting the earth. It is absolutely a horror on the level of **** and nightmare.

If you are irritable, you will die, and you will be merciless at all.

 It’s like menopause coming twenty years early.

If anyone who is familiar with Li Jiu is here at this time, he must give Qi Jingci a thumbs up, warrior.

He actually danced on Li Jiu's bottom line without any deviation. I'm afraid it's because he didn't know how to write the word "death".

Li Jiu took a deep breath and then breathed again, fearing that she might lose control and rip off Qi Jingci's head.

She kept thinking silently in her heart, hold it back, hold it back, kill him, Mr. Li will not let her go.

 Be sure to hold it back!

Qi Jingci was silent at this time. He really lacked experience when it came to chasing people and didn't know what to do.

 He sighed, "It seems like this date has been ruined."

"Remind me, this is not a date." Li Jiu said expressionlessly.

 At best, it’s a mistake.

"Okay," Qi Jingci's expression was a little downcast. It was like this anyway, so it didn't matter what she said.

"Are you okay? Why don't you go to the hospital for a checkup?"

Qi Jingci looked at her red nose that had been wiped with a tissue, and his eyes flashed.

The red tip of her nose is quite cute.

 Want to pinch.

"No, it's not a big deal. It'll be fine later." Li Jiu didn't know what he was thinking at this moment, and just frowned.

Neither of them said a few words, and the whole meal was very quiet. Li Jiu was hungry and was too focused on eating to think about anything else, while Qi Jingci was thinking about other things in his mind.

 Soon, the meal was over.

Qi Jingci elegantly picked up a tissue and wiped his hands, thought for a moment, and said, "Jiujiu, let's go somewhere else."

Li Jiu raised his eyes: "Where?"

"Hmm..." Qi Jingci thought for a moment, "Let's go to the seaside."

 (End of this chapter)

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