She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 330: Li Jiu: Is this coming with bad intentions?

Chapter 330 Li Jiu: Is this coming with bad intentions?

 On the coastal road, a black car silhouette sped past.

The car window was half open, and Li Jiu put his arms on the side of the car window, letting the cold wind hit his face.

On the beach, the waves kept hitting the shore, and the seagulls hovered in the sky, waiting for the opportunity to rush into the sea, pick up the captured food, and fly into the sky.

The sun shone into the sea in small pieces, casting layers of golden light, coating the horizon with light and shadow.

Li Jiu's eyes lit up, and before Qi Jingci could stop the car, he opened the door and got out of the car.

 “Hey, wait a minute.”

Qi Jingci quickly caught up with him, holding a bag in his hand.

 He ​​pointed to the beach not far ahead and said, "Put on your slippers first, otherwise your feet will be covered in mud."

Li Jiu raised his eyebrows, glanced down at the bag in his hand, and clicked his tongue: "Let me tell you, your mysophobia doesn't have to be this bad, right?"

 Having to change shoes before going to the beach, my good mood was ruined.

Qi Jingci frowned and was about to say something else, but saw Li Jiu suddenly bend down and take off the writing.

His white feet stepped directly on the soft beach, and his trousers were rolled up to reveal his slender ankles. The slim jeans made his long legs stand straight and straight, which made Qi Jingci's eyes heat up.

"You..." He widened his eyes slightly, not knowing what to say.

Li Jiu glanced at him and stepped on the sand with bare feet and walked towards the seaside.


Qi Jingci frowned even more, not because of mysophobia, but because she stepped directly on the ground with her bare feet. What if there were broken shells or stones?

So, Qi Jingci caught up with her in a few steps, stepped in front of her with his long legs, and in Li Jiu's confused eyes, he took out a pair of slippers, bent down, and put them on for her himself.

Li Jiu's pupils suddenly dilated, and he forgot to react for a moment.

He gently held one of her feet with his slender big hands, and the hot temperature instantly spread from the soles of the feet to the top of her head, making her tremble all over. The ankle he held gradually became hot, and she subconsciously wanted to take it back.

 “Don’t move.” Qi Jingci frowned and said, put on one shoe for her, and then changed to the other one.

Looking from Li Jiu's point of view, you can only see his black head and the action of putting on shoes.

I don’t know why, but he did such an abrupt action so naturally.

Moreover, she didn’t respond?

 Aware of this, a flash of emotion flashed in Li Jiu's eyes.

Logically speaking, if someone dares to touch her without her consent, she should kick him. Why is there no reaction now?

Just when she was confused, Qi Jingci had already put on her shoes for her.

 He straightened up and met Li Jiu's expressionless gaze.

"What's wrong?"

Li Jiu moved his ankle, as if to get rid of the remaining warmth in his palm.

"The ancients said that men should not touch their heads and women should not touch their feet. I was wondering if I should beat you to death." Li Jiu said in a calm tone.

Qi Jingci chuckled upon hearing this, "The ancients also said that a woman's feet are only for her husband to see, so do you want to marry me?"

Li Jiu kicked him over.

Qi Jingci raised his hand to block her sweeping long legs, and his arms were suddenly numb from the shock.

 “Hiss—” This is really quite powerful.

 “Are you murdering your husband?”

Li Jiu had murderous intent in his eyes, "Get out!"

Then he turned around and kicked him with a spinning kick, bringing with him a biting wind on his legs.

 As a result, I used too much force and the slippers I had just put on flew out in a parabola.


Qi Jingci couldn’t hold it back any longer.

Li Jiu glared at him, his murderous look even stronger.

But in Qi Jingci's eyes, he was so embarrassed that he became angry.

“You are...wanting to sacrifice your slippers as a hidden weapon? But the direction is not very clear, right?”

 Why did his slippers fly far away when he was in front of her?


Li Jiu gritted her teeth and wanted to slap the other slipper on his face.

It’s too late!

Qi Jingci knew he couldn't tease her any longer, so he picked up the shoes and asked her to put them on again. "Okay, after all your hard work, come to the beach, so don't even think about kicking me." He said with a smile in his tone.

Li Jiu kicked his shoes carelessly. Hearing this, he narrowed his eyes and hummed softly: "You deserve to be kicked."


The two walked side by side along the beach for a while. Gradually, more and more people were nearby. Unknowingly, they came to the place where tourists gathered, which was also the most scenic place here.

"I heard from Uncle Mo before that the sea view here is quite beautiful, but I didn't expect it to be really good." Li Jiu stretched out his hand to cover the dazzling sunlight and said.

Qi Jingci asked: “You haven’t been here before?”

  She is also the head of the Mo family after all, so how come she has never been to the most famous place in Continent S?

Li Jiu shook his head.

 She doesn't often stay at Mo's house. She is usually busy and has no chance to come to a place like this. This is the first time.

“By the way, why did you think of bringing me here?” Li Jiu suddenly asked.

Qi Jingci paused for a moment, looking at the sea with phoenix eyes, his eyes far away, "Nothing, I suddenly remembered that there is such a place, it just makes up for the date just now."

 Actually, of course this is not the case.

There is a saying in Szhou that when you have what you want most in your heart, come to the beach and tell your thoughts to the sea, and then everything you want will come true.

Now, what he wants most is standing beside him, hoping that the sea can make his wishes come true.

Li Jiu didn't understand what he was thinking, so she made a loud noise. Just when she was about to complain, the tips of her ears suddenly twitched.

 The next second, the corners of her lips curled up slightly, revealing an evil smile, "When you talk about making up for it, do you mean these uninvited people?"

A few disharmonious figures were mixed in with the noisy crowd around them, approaching them furtively.

 Obviously, the person who came is not good.

Qi Jingci obviously noticed it, his expression instantly turned cold, and he said solemnly: "Of course not."

Li Jiu sneered coldly, "Then it seems that these are annoying flies. Well... what should we do?"

 Such beautiful sea water, dyed red, is a bit unbeautiful.

Qi Jingci's eyebrows were already filled with chills, and his whole body's aura suddenly changed, and he said to Li Jiu: "Go back to the car first, and leave this to me."

Li Jiu curled her lips, this was just what she wanted and she didn’t need to do anything.

  "Then you hurry up and make a quick decision." After saying that, she walked back.

Qi Jingci hummed softly.

Then he glanced at the group of people who suddenly appeared with cold eyes, and said in a playful tone: "From the Shameng?"

The other party didn't say anything and just pounced on him, his intention was obvious.

Qi Jingci sneered in his heart, that's good, so as not to talk nonsense.

So he moved his wrist a few times and struck out neatly.

A few minutes later, they were lying in a circle on the ground. Qi Jingci stood in the middle, looking at them condescendingly, and said in a cold voice: "You guys really know how to pick the right time to take action."

I had long thought that the Chamong would not give up, but did not expect that they would mix them when he was dating with Li Yan.

It’s really annoying!

Thinking about this, Qi Jingci's expression became colder and colder. He took out his mobile phone and notified Bai Yuxiu to come and deal with it.

He didn't dare to interrupt his date just now. It was too easy for them to just solve it like this.

Over there, Li Jiu walked towards the car unhurriedly.

 Suddenly, several people stopped her.

Li Jiu stopped looking, raised his eyelids casually, and said, "I'm in a good mood today, so I won't kill any living beings."

 Several people looked at each other, and then rushed towards her at the same time, with their killing moves revealed.

Li Jiu sighed, his expression did not change at all, and his eyes were quite helpless.

I have never seen someone so anxious to seek death.

Almost instantly, the sharp color in Li Jiu's eyes flashed away, and his figure was so fast that no one could see him clearly. The next second, bright red blood gradually smeared on the beach.

The pupils of several people were dilated, their eyes were frightened, and they would die without knowing what kind of person they had provoked.

Li Jiu glanced at the corpse on the ground, snorted coldly, stepped over it in disgust, and returned to the car.

 (End of this chapter)

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