She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 332: There is no difference between the future Mrs. and Mrs.

Chapter 332 There is no difference between the future wife and the madam

  J organization.

Qi Jingci sat on the swivel chair and flipped through the interrogation report sent by the people below.

 “These people have tough mouths.”

Li Jiu sat casually next to him, swaying her straight long legs, casually glanced at the content on it, took out the lollipop in her mouth, raised her eyebrows, and said in a playful tone: "Is it possible? Even the secret hall of J organization can’t find these old bones?”

 When she said this, her eyes happened to be directed at the other people in the study.

They were all interrogators in the secret hall of J Organization. At this time, each of them lowered their heads and did not dare to take a breath.

There is no other reason. After almost a day of trial, there is no result. They can almost meet their own end.

Everyone held their breath and listened quietly to Qi Jingci's final verdict.

Unexpectedly, Qi Jingci’s reaction was particularly calm, “You guys go out first.”

Everyone looked at him in surprise, thinking that they were too nervous and had something wrong with their ears.

 It’s gone like this?

Qi Jingci frowned slightly and said in an impatient tone, "What, you think you haven't trained too much recently?"

Everyone shook their heads and quickly retreated. Before leaving, they closed the door sensibly.

 “Oh my god, I’m scared to death.”

“That’s right, I was really worried that the leader would let us undercover people experience all the undercover methods in person.”

As the man spoke, his body couldn't help but tremble.

 “Why didn’t the leader get angry this time?” someone asked doubtfully.

 “Maybe it’s because… Madam is here?” someone guessed uncertainly.

 Everyone nodded in agreement and gave him a thumbs up.

 That’s right, it must be so!

 The leader must be trying to maintain his image in front of his wife.

However, what they didn’t know was that Qi Jingci’s image had long been gone in front of Li Jiu.

In the study, Li Jiu looked at the direction where everyone was leaving, raised his eyebrows slightly, and asked in surprise: "You just let them go?"

If it were someone from the Mo family, and there was no result at all after such a long trial, she would definitely teach them a long lesson.

At first I thought that according to Qi Jingci's temperament, these people would definitely be punished until they peeled off a piece of their skin.

 The result, that’s it?

Qi Jingci leaned back slightly, leaning on the backrest, supporting his chin, putting his fingers on his lips, and his eyes narrowed slightly: "The reason why they can still remain calm after being locked up in a dark hall for so many days is simply because they know that major universities The family will not give up on them.”

Li Jiu nodded in agreement. They still hold important information about the major families. No matter what, the heads of the major families will not give up on them.

 So, they think that as long as they bite the bullet and delay, they will be saved.

But, would Qi Jingci let this happen?

 Obviously impossible.

Li Jiu raised her lips and smiled softly, and asked: "So what are your plans next?"

Qi Jingci glanced at her, raised the corner of his mouth, stood up suddenly, and said to her: "Let's go and meet them together."

Li Jiu raised her eyebrows, "Isn't this good? The secret hall organized by your J..." If she goes in as an outsider, people will gossip, right?

Hearing this, Qi Jingci raised his eyebrows slightly and corrected her: "It's 'us'. Now the entire J organization knows that you are the future leader's wife. What are you afraid of?"

“…” Li Jiu’s eyes twitched slightly.

“So, who spread the rumor?” She gritted her teeth and spoke word by word.

Qi Jingci spread his hands to express his ignorance.

But in fact, he was the one who asked Bai Yuxiu to pass it on, and even asked him to add some extra details to it, for fear that some people wouldn't know.

 In this regard, Bai Yuxiu said.

 Others would show affection and show off their love after the relationship was established, but he was not a boyfriend and girlfriend yet, so he showed it off alone.

Li Jiu’s face turned dark. They say rumors stop with the wise.

 How come the people in this J organization are all idiots?

Li Jiu took a deep breath and tried to calm down. Ignore these things for now. It is more important to examine those old bones.

However, on the way to the dark hall, everyone who saw her walking with Qi Jingci would have a strange expression on her face, making her feel uncomfortable all over.

 “Hello, chief, and hello, madam.”

 Li Jiu: “…”

She originally wanted to explain, but Qi Jingci nodded before her, "Yeah."

 It kind of acknowledged what they called her.

Li Jiu couldn't bear it and kicked him, "Hurry up!"

 If she doesn’t leave, she’s going to go crazy!

Qi Jingci smiled and said in a gentle tone, "Okay."

 Everyone's jaws were almost dropped, as if they had seen a horror movie.

 Isn’t it?

How could the leader be so gentle even after being kicked?

And someone actually dares to kick the leader?

 The interaction between the two almost shocked the others out of their wits. Until they left, leaving only their backs, no one had recovered.

 In the next period of time, the relationship between the leader and his wife was stronger than ever, and the news that the leader was a strict henwife spread throughout the J organization like wings.

“Qi Jingci, please clarify the rumors quickly.”

Seeing that the third person had called her madam, Li Jiu finally couldn't help it.

The eyes of these people always made her feel like she was being watched like a monkey.

Qi Jingci raised his eyebrows, "Why?"

Li Jiu grinds his teeth, he still dares to ask?

“What do you think? When did I become your wife?”

Qi Jingci pondered: "You are my fiancée now, aren't you my future wife? They are right."


“Besides,” Qi Jingci said with a smile, “there is no difference between the future wife and the madam, right?”

"It's you!" Li Jiu was so angry that he almost wanted to hit him with a hammer.

“Third brother, sister-in-law, are you here?”

Just when Li Jiu rolled up his sleeves and wanted to take action, Bai Yuxiu appeared out of nowhere.

 He took off his coat at this time, wearing only the inner lining. His sleeves were rolled up a bit, revealing his strong forearms, and the cuffs were stained with specks of blood.

 Li Jiu's attention immediately shifted to him.

 It seems that he has personally tried the people?

Qi Jingci hummed, "How are those people?"

Bai Yuxiu took out a cigarette and held it in his mouth, his eyes filled with hidden anger, "Some of them can't hold on anymore, and some of them are still resisting."

Qi Jingci hummed softly, narrowed his eyes slightly, took off his coat, rolled up his sleeves and said, "I want to see how hard it is to gnaw a hard bone."

Seeing his posture, Bai Yuxiu was stunned for a moment: "You want to come in person?"

He hasn’t done it himself for a long time. This time they are just old bones. No matter how tough his mouth is, it is only a matter of time before he can pry them open. Why be in such a hurry?

However, Qi Jingci's patience has been worn out now. People from the Chameng dare to attack him and Li Jiu so openly. If the debt is not paid, he will not be able to swallow this breath.


Qi Jingci threw his coat to him and entered the dark hall with a cold expression.

Li Jiu pouted and wanted to follow him in, but was stopped by Bai Yuxiu.

 (End of this chapter)

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