She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 333: Kissed Li Jiu

Chapter 333 Kissed Li Jiu

Li Jiu raised her eyebrows and looked at him doubtfully.

Bai Yuxiu looked a little confused. He hesitated for a long time before speaking: "Sister-in-law, the picture inside is not very good. Why don't you go in?"

He said it more reservedly, for fear of scaring Li Jiu. The secret hall organized by J was a hell-like existence. Basically no one came out intact after entering it.

 This scene is even more **** and terrifying. Even though Li Jiu is very strong, she is still a girl. To be honest, seeing that kind of scene might make her sick.

After Li Jiu understood what he meant, he suddenly wanted to laugh.

She has been to places scarier and bloodier than this dark hall, and would she still be frightened by this?

 It would be too small to underestimate her.

Li Jiu glanced at him lightly, patted his shoulder, ignored his obstruction, passed him and followed Qi Jingci in.


Bai Yuxiu looked at Li Jiu's back, sighed, and followed in.

The dark hall of J organization is indeed a frightening place. It is dark and cold everywhere, the lights are dim, and the walls are engraved with blood-colored patterns of different shades, making the atmosphere particularly eerie and strange, as if you are in the Temple of Hell.

If the person who enters here is not mentally strong enough, it is very likely that he will be scared out of his wits the moment he enters.

This kind of teasing design, I really don’t know who created it.

“Who designed this place?” Li Jiu walked forward step by step along the steps, turning back to Bai Yuxiu and asking.

Bai Yuxiu followed her and hesitated a little when he heard these words.

 “Why, you can’t say it?”

 “This…” Bai Yuxiu hesitated.

Suddenly, Qi Jingci, who was walking in front, spoke, his cold and deep voice echoing in the darkness: "Lu Qingran's masterpiece."

Li Jiu's eyes flashed with surprise, "Lu Qingran?"

Seeing that Qi Jingci had no intention of hiding anything from Li Jiu, Bai Yuxiu no longer hid it, and simply told Li Jiu: "He designed it, and this secret hall is under his control."

 “What about you? What are you in charge of?”

Li Jiu suddenly realized that after knowing that Bai Yuxiu was a member of Organization J, he had not yet gotten to know him well.

After all, he is Bai Muyou's brother, so there is no harm in knowing more.

Bai Yuxiu was stunned for a moment, then replied with a smile: "I am responsible for training the people in the organization."

Li Jiu nodded clearly and said no more, but felt funny in his heart and couldn't help but focus on Qi Jingci in front of him.

This man is really awesome, he can actually let the eldest son of the Lu family, the president of the Bai family, who is the emperor of the imperial capital, work for him.

If this spreads out, wouldn't it startle a lot of people's jaws?

Just when he was thinking about this, he followed Qi Jingci into a room unknowingly. Compared with the outside, it was a world of two things that could be compared with his study room just now.

  It’s just that there are no books or unnecessary furnishings here, only a few chairs.

Li Jiu chose the chair closest to her and sat down, crossing her legs and looking at Qi Jingci at leisure, intending to see what he would do next.

Qi Jingci noticed her gaze, and the corners of his mouth curved unconsciously. Then he quickly lowered his voice and said to Bai Yuxiu in a deep voice: "Let them bring everyone here, and I will interrogate them one by one."


Bai Yuxiu's actions were very efficient, and in a short time he brought all the people who could no longer walk on their own.

Each of them was handcuffed, and their clothes were in tatters hanging on their bodies, revealing staggered blood stains. Their hair was messy and stained with blood, almost covering their entire faces.

It was completely different from their usual well-dressed appearance. Li Jiu raised his eyebrows and almost didn't recognize them.


One of them wanted to say something, but when he opened his mouth, it was covered in blood, without a tongue, and exuded a foul smell. The ulcerated flesh hung around his mouth, which made Li Jiu twitch the corner of his mouth.

Although it had been a long time since she had eaten, the sudden visual impact made her feel a little nauseous.

Especially since she was sitting very close to that person, the fishy and disgusting smell penetrated directly into her nose. Li Jiu stood up directly and sat next to Qi Jingci with his teasing eyes.

 The air around him should be fresher.

Bai Yuxiu has been observing Li Jiu since he brought the person here, fearing that she would have any adverse reactions so that he could respond in time.

 However, it turns out that she thought too much.


Qi Jingci raised his eyebrows playfully at Li Jiu.

Li Jiu chuckled and followed his words, "Yeah, I didn't expect your J organization to be so violent and cut out your tongue?"

Qi Jingci asked: "Is cutting out the tongue violent?"

Li Jiu looked sideways at him and rolled her eyes mercilessly, "Isn't this violent? Our Mo family uses modern civilized methods to judge people. How can you be like a feudal tyrant?"

Qi Jingci hissed, and his slender hand took advantage of her unpreparedness to press the back of her neck, and asked in a dangerous tone: "Who do you think is a tyrant?"

Li Jiu was not afraid at all: "You."

Qi Jingci chuckled, "If I were a tyrant, who would you be? A demon concubine?"

She is a demon concubine who brings disaster to the country, and he is a tyrant who brings disaster to the people. They are a pair at first sight.

  A smile of success flashed across Qi Jingci's eyes.

Li Jiu frowned, slapped his hand away, and said, "You are a tyrant, and I am the Queen Mother."

Qi Jingci’s face darkened visibly.

He pinched Li Jiu's chin and forced her to look directly at him. His warm breath sprayed on her face, and she could even see the cold light in this man's eyes.

Qi Jingci asked in a gloomy tone: "You mean, you want to be my mother? Huh?"

 The last word "um" caused the surrounding temperature to drop to the extreme.

The man's fingertips rubbed her chin, causing an itch. Li Jiu felt a little uncomfortable, but she still didn't flinch and said, "Yes, what's wrong?"

What's wrong?

Qi Jingci sneered twice, quickly lowered his head and pecked her lips.

 “Punishment,” he said.




Li Jiu, Li Jiu has been petrified at this time.

My eyes were dull, looking at the ceiling, and I suddenly forgot where I was.

 After a long time, he came back to his senses, but his face was still stiff and dull, as if he was stupid.

After the kiss, Qi Jingci carefully observed her expression and found that she didn't look angry at all, and his eyes lit up with joy.

  Does this mean that she also has feelings for herself?

 In this case, he can speed up the progress!

Li Jiu seemed to have all the strings in his mind broken now, and he couldn't think about what just happened.

She looked at Qi Jingci with a blank look in her eyes and asked, "Why did you kiss me?"

“…” Qi Jingci coughed softly against his lips, “…I can kiss you if you want, so why are there so many reasons?”

 Li Jiu: “…”

Then can she understand that now that she wants to slap him to death, she can also slap him if she wants?

  Yes, after reacting, Li Jiupi twitched the corners of his mouth with a smile. He just wanted to slap Qi Jingci to death!

 (End of this chapter)

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