She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 334: Loreni, please show some face!

Chapter 334 Roleni, you need some face!

Qi Jingci noticed that the air pressure on her body was getting lower and lower, coughed slightly, and returned his attention to the people kneeling on the ground.

Li Jiu snorted and sat down without arguing with him.

Qi Jingci glanced at everyone with cold eyes and said in a deep voice: "Even now, no one is willing to speak?"

 There was silence.

After a long time, one of them snorted coldly and turned his head away, as if he would kill me if he could.


A cold light flashed in Qi Jingci's eyes, and he winked at Bai Yuxiu. The latter immediately understood and stepped forward to pull the man out and bring him to him.

The man's body was covered with scars, and Bai Yuxiu's movements were not so friendly. He grinned in pain and couldn't help but cursed: "If you dare to touch me, the Chelsea family will definitely not let you go!"

Bai Yuxiu rolled his eyes inwardly and kicked him at the crook of his knee without hesitation, causing him to kneel in front of Qi Jingci with a plop.

Qi Jingci raised his eyebrows, his tone full of interest: "The Chelsea family, Lorene Chelsea?"

His eyes flickered, and his gaze suddenly turned to Li Jiu.

Li Jiu also raised his eyebrows, "Hey, we are old acquaintances."

When she disguised her identity and infiltrated various major families, she accidentally stole the old man's beloved child, and even scratched the face of his favorite young lady. She was so angry that he chased her all over the continent, but she didn't succeed. I can't even catch her shadow.

Although this Roleni has a high status in the Chelsea family and no one dares to go against him, he is also very unpopular. Almost everyone in the Chelsea family looks down upon him.

 There is no other reason. To put it bluntly, in their eyes, Roleni is in his current status because of his better reincarnation skills and the favor of the previous family head.

Otherwise, with his hopelessly stupid IQ, there would be no place for him in the entire Chelsea family.

Thinking about Roleni, as long as the current head of the Chelsea family is not stupid, he will definitely not spend too much money to save him. Therefore, he dares to scream in front of Qi Jingci now. Who gave him the confidence?

 Is it stupid?

 “His—the Chelsea family will definitely not let you go…”

Roleni was kneeling on the ground and his knees hurt. He wanted to stand up, but as soon as he made a move, other injuries on his body were injured. He suddenly took a breath of cold air and cursed in his mouth.

Qi Jingci chuckled and asked: "I'm really curious, why didn't the Chelsea family let me go? Did they break into the headquarters of Organization J to rescue you? Mr. Chelsea, you have to be realistic."

 The door of his J organization, even if all the major families come together, may not be able to shake it at all.

Rolieni’s face froze, and suddenly it became extremely complicated and colorful.

 He was used to speaking harshly, but in his impatience just now, he completely forgot about his current situation.

"Mr. Jing, I..." His lips trembled as he explained: "You really misunderstood. I did not collude with the people of the Shameng."

 “You mean, I made a mistake?”

Qi Jingci narrowed his eyes slightly, with a flash of danger in his eyes.

 “No, no, no, you’re not wrong, they, they really want to collude with the Cha League!”

Roleni stretched out his hand and pointed back, betraying the people behind him very simply, and then said sincerely: "I'm not, I was forced to go by them. This is none of my business, can you let me go?" ?As long as you let me go, the Chelsea family will never cause trouble to you."

 He has had enough of being here! Definitely can't stay any longer!

When everyone heard what he said, they immediately exploded:

  "Roleni, do you want face?! Why did we force you to go? It was obviously you who was rushing to go!"

“Jing Junyue, you can’t listen to his words, he is clearly farting!”

"Roleni! When Mr. Chang asked who wanted to join, you were obviously the first to agree! Who are you pretending to be here now?"

 Someone took a loud sip. Roleni's face suddenly became even more ugly.

 “Shut up!” he shouted angrily.

One person sneered. "What, you can't say it anymore?"

They had been locked up in Organization J for so many days, and had just been interrogated. Their bodies were covered with injuries, and they were feeling angry with nowhere to vent their anger. As a result, he hit the muzzle of the gun!

"Where do you think this is? The Chelsea family? Bah! Let me tell you, if you want to put the blame on us, it depends on whether we are willing or not!"

“That’s it! It’s come to this point anyway, Roleni, even if we die here today, we will still catch you!”

Everyone had the idea of ​​​​simply losing everything. Anyway, if it fell into the hands of Qi Jingci, it would definitely not end well, so why did they want to take advantage of Roleni?

Roleni was so angry that he was shaking all over. He turned around with difficulty and pointed at them with a trembling hand: "Don't bully others too much!"

"You are obviously the one who bullied others too much, Roleni. Are you really shameless? You actually want to step on us to clear yourself?"

Roleni retorted: "Those who know the current affairs are heroes. I was trying to save my life, and I was right!"

"You are right. If we want to drag you to death together, you can't control it!"


Qi Jingci's face turned cold when he saw everyone quarreling with each other.

He slammed the table, his eyes were cold, and his tone was chilly: "That's enough."

 Everyone was as quiet as a chicken.

Qi Jingci sneered, scanning them with his eyes like sharp knives, and said, "You guys are quite leisurely, and you actually started a quarrel in my place."

Everyone's eyes trembled, their bodies froze slightly, and their heads hung lower.

“That’s just right. Taking advantage of this atmosphere, let’s talk about how you and the Chameng colluded, huh?”

  The final sound of the last word is raised, which means a lot.

Qi Jingci narrowed his eyes slightly, raised his eyebrows slightly, and looked cold, waiting for their reaction quietly.

 For a long time, still no one said anything.

  A few people secretly exchanged looks, lowered their heads again, pursed their lips, and returned to normal.

Qi Jingci crossed his hands, rubbed the distinct joints back and forth with his slender index finger, and said impatiently: "My patience is limited. If you don't say it again, then you will never say it again."

 After saying that, he glanced at Bai Yuxiu, who immediately understood and nodded.

Their actions caught the eye of Roleni, causing his pupils to shrink suddenly, and he said in a panic: "No, I say! I say!"

 When he saw that Qi Jingci was serious about coming, he immediately panicked and quickly begged for mercy.

 No matter what, survival is the most important thing at the moment. Even if the Shameng can bring him unimaginable benefits, it is all based on the premise that he is alive.

 He ​​admitted that he was a piece of trash, but he was not without merit. After all these years, if he was really hopelessly stupid, he would have been dead long ago.

  No matter how tempting the benefits are, they must be enjoyed with life. If he is asked to pay the price with his own life, it is impossible.

  A part of the chapter is repeated. I came back late tonight. I will make up the word count first and make up for it tomorrow.



 (End of this chapter)

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