She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 335: Leave it to the association to resolve

Chapter 335 Leave it to the association to resolve

However, when he just opened his mouth and wanted to say everything, his voice suddenly got stuck in his throat and he couldn't make any sound.

His eyes widened, and the expression on his face was instantly replaced by pain and fear. The veins on his neck were exposed. He pinched his neck with both hands and gasped desperately, as if he was suffocating.

 Everyone present was shocked for a moment by his sudden change.

Li Jiu frowned, thinking flashed in his eyes, feeling that his reaction seemed familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere.

While she was thinking carefully, Bai Yuxiu saw that Loreni was about to strangle him to death, and quickly stepped forward to stop him.

But as soon as he got close to him, the man suddenly raised his eyebrows, his eyes were scarlet, and he looked at him ferociously. His hands turned into claws and he immediately grabbed him.

Bai Yuxiu's eyes flashed and he dodged quickly, then quickly found his weak point and stopped him.

 “Be honest!” he snapped.

 He pressed Roleni's hands firmly behind his back, restricting his movement.

 “Third brother, he—”

At this moment, Li Jiu's expression suddenly changed, he stood up and said sternly: "Stop him!"

Bai Yuxiu was stunned, turned around suddenly, and saw Luo Lini spurting out a mouthful of blood. He fell weakly to the ground, his eyes widened, and he lost his breath in an instant.

Li Jiu's eyes flashed coldly, and he immediately stepped forward to investigate.


Everyone who just looked like they wanted to strangle Roleni to death was suddenly shocked: "He, he is..."

Li Jiu lowered his eyes and gave Qi Jingci a look with obvious meaning.

 Some people didn’t want him to speak.

Li Jiu stood up, looked at Roleni's body, and his expression became serious.

I am afraid that they can not be detected in front of them. I am afraid that they are only good at mental control.

 This type of superpower, when their mental power reaches a certain level, can invade the spiritual realm of any person they sense from a distance, and forcibly control that person's actions through their own powerful mental power.

 Including causing him to go berserk in his mental realm and causing death.

Li Jiu’s eyes gradually became playful, and things became interesting.

She turned back to Qi Jingci and said, "I attack in front of you. It seems that I really don't take you seriously."

Qi Jingci frowned, his eyes lingered on the corpse on the ground for a while, and he ordered Bai Yuxiu: "Take someone to check the area immediately. The murderer should not be far away."

Bai Yuxiu nodded solemnly and did as he said.

 Roleni's body was quickly taken away amidst the different expressions of everyone.

Li Jiu walked up to them, observed their reactions, and asked in a cool tone: "Don't you have anything to say about his death?"

 Everyone looked at each other and said nothing.

 Suddenly, a chuckle came from the crowd, "He asked for it."

Li Jiu's eyes flashed, she walked up to him, narrowed her eyes slightly, and asked, "What did you say?"

The man repeated it again, with a calm tone, as if Roleni's death just now was completely expected by him: "I said, he asked for it."

Li Jiu raised his eyebrows. It seemed that this man knew something.

So, she followed his words and asked: "Why do you say that?"

The man paused and slowly raised his eyes, his eyes sparkling with light. His facial features were thin and mean. Compared to others, the clothes on his body were relatively clean. He had obviously tidied them up himself. People who still care about image under such circumstances are either extremely particular or have an indifferent attitude.

Li Jiu looked at him and felt that he was partial to him. This was the second situation.

 If this was the case, and what he said just now, it was enough for her to be sure that he might know more than Roleni.

As expected, the man narrowed his eyes and said in a disdainful tone: "A scoundrel like Roleni who adapts to the changing circumstances will have to die. The Shamen will not let him go, a traitor."

 From the day they cooperated with the Chameng, it meant that they had no way out.

That idiot! He actually wanted to tell the matter to Organization J, which was simply asking for death.

Li Jiu's eyes darkened slightly, "How did the Chameng know that you had betrayed them?"

The man paused and said, "It's okay to tell you that when we first cooperated with them, they took us for a full-body examination, and they also asked people with superpowers to monitor our brains."

“So, as long as we leak any information about them, even a little bit, it will be known to them.”

Li Jiu's eyes flickered and she looked at him strangely, "Then how do you know this?"

Logically speaking, in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, the Chameng should not tell them these things.

The man stiffened, as if he had thought of something bad, and his expression turned ugly. "I only found out about this by overhearing their conversation by chance."

 But when he knew these things, it was already too late. They had already been tied to a boat with the Chameng, and it was impossible to think about it.

 “What about Roleni? You didn’t tell him?”

"He has a cowardly temperament. He hesitated for a long time before deciding whether to join. If he knew about it, he would be afraid of the bad things. Why should we tell him?" he said.

Li Jiu's eyes grew colder, "So, you just watch him die?"

 It is right to be harsh on these people, they do not deserve sympathy at all.

The man snorted coldly, "He himself is stupid, who can he blame?"

Li Jiu chuckled lightly, hooking up the corners of his lips, and looked at him coldly: "Yes, he made himself stupid to death, but we haven't gotten what we want to know yet, so now, we can only find ways to pry it out of your mouths." ”

The man's expression did not change at all, and he was not frightened by her words at all, "Don't waste your strength. I have told you that our brains are controlled by the superpowers of the Cha League. If we betray them, our fate will be the same as that of Roleni." Either way, you’ll die if you say it, or you’ll die if you don’t say it, it doesn’t matter.”

He looked like he was breaking a jar, as if he had taken life and death lightly.

Li Jiu glanced sideways at the others and found that they also had calm faces and obviously did not intend to speak.

  Tsk, it’s a bit difficult to handle.

Li Jiu touched his chin with the tip of his tongue and glanced at Qi Jingci thoughtfully, considering whether to release his spiritual power in front of him and break the control of the Cha League on these people.

But the risk of doing so is too great, not to mention that in her current situation, if she releases her mental power, whether she can hold it back is a question. If she cannot hold it back, the entire J organization will probably be destroyed by her.

After much thought, Li Jiu decided to see what Qi Jingci planned to do first.

Looking back, he found that Qi Jingci kept his head lowered, and his long eyelashes covered the look under his eyes, making it difficult to tell what he was thinking.

Li Jiu frowned, stepped forward, waved a hand in front of him, called his attention, and asked, "What are you going to do?"

"What can we do? Let the superpowers solve the problem."

 So what this means is, leave it to the association to solve it?

 (End of this chapter)

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