She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 336: Li Jiu fainted

Chapter 336 Li Jiu fainted

Li Jiu’s eyes flashed and she said, “Are you sure?”

Qi Jingci: "Otherwise? There is nothing I can do about this kind of thing."

His tone was ordinary, but it sounded a little strange to Li Jiu's ears.

Li Jiu frowned and gave him a strange look. She always felt that he would not just let it go.

  After all, he is not so generous that others would kill people in front of him without reacting.

 But she couldn't see anything wrong in his face, so even if she had doubts in her heart, she could only suppress them temporarily.

Qi Jingci waved his hand and asked people to take these people back and lock them up temporarily. Nothing came out of the trial this time, which was beyond his expectation, but it also made him sure that these people were more important than he thought. .

 Otherwise, the Chameng would not put so much thought into their hearts.

As long as we find out what tricks the Chameng has done on these people, everything will be easy to handle.

Just when Qi Jingci informed the association of this matter, Li Jiu's bracelet suddenly vibrated a few times. It was a message from Bai Muyou.

—[Boss, the owner of the silver needle has been found out. ]

Ji Yunshu’s silver needles are all made by herself. She will mark the tail of each silver needle, and the silver needles produced in different batches are marked according to a specific number sequence, which is so strict and precise that it is outrageous.

 Bai Muyou's scalp was numb during the examination. Ji Yunshu had obsessive-compulsive disorder. She knew that doctors would be somewhat hysterical, but at her level, that was really not something a normal person could do.

Have you ever seen someone who marks a silver needle and still keeps a file?

 Almost every time she used silver needles for medical treatment, there were detailed records. In addition, people who asked her to buy silver needles also had records.

  It’s simply…insane.

The hairs all over Bai Muyou's body stand on end. Even a small silver needle can do this. Does she still belong to the category of human beings?

But thanks to Ji Yunshu's suffocating operation, Silver Needle's information could be checked so easily.

—[It has been verified that this silver needle comes from the council. ]

Li Jiu narrowed his eyes and tapped his fingers.

—[Council? ]

—[Well, Lao Qi said that Mu Wanzhou from the board of directors invited her to see a doctor some time ago and asked for a small pack of silver needles from her. It should be correct. ]

Li Jiu’s lips curled up slightly and she sneered.

 After working on it for a long time, I went back to the council in circles.

That group of people really had enough to eat and had nothing to do.

However, Li Jiu carefully thought about Mu Wanzhou. He was not outstanding in the council. He was barely at the bottom in terms of credibility and strength, and his presence was also very low. If Bai Muyou hadn't mentioned it, she would have almost disappeared. Forget that this person exists.

If that silver needle comes from his hand, then he is really brave enough.

Colluded with the Cha League under the eyes of the president and their supervisory team, and treated them as blind?

—[I understand, you ask the people at the base to keep an eye on the council. ]

     Okay, by the way, in addition, Lao Qi asked you to go back quickly, the medicine she gave you won't last long. ]

Li Jiu’s eyes darkened, and he rubbed the screen of his bracelet with his fingers. After a long while, he replied:

-[I see. ]

"What are you doing?"

 Suddenly, a low and cold voice sounded in my ears.

Li Jiu's pupils shrank, she turned around suddenly and almost threw herself into the arms of the person behind her.

 She put her arms down pretending to be natural, and her sleeves slipped down to cover the bracelet.

 I just don’t know if he saw it.

Li Jiu paused. It didn’t matter if he saw it. He didn’t know the function of the bracelet.

 “I’m not doing anything, just counting the time.” She said.


Li Jiu twisted her wrist and made a clicking sound, "I'm tired and want to sleep."

Qi Jingci chuckled and his eyes softened, "You are tired today. You go and rest first. I will do the rest."

Li Jiu made an OK gesture, then passed him and left without hesitation.

It shows how much she doesn’t want to stay here. Qi Jingci smiled helplessly and looked at her back. He didn't look back until she disappeared, pursed his lips in thought.

Just now, he seemed to see something very familiar in her hand. Was he dazzled?

 Maybe it’s just a watch.

How could she have a superpower bracelet?

Qi Jingci shook his head, suddenly feeling that his idea was a bit ridiculous.

 Where did he get the illusion that Li Jiu was a person with supernatural powers?

 Perhaps I have been upset by these things about people with superpowers recently, and I tend to associate them with everything I look at.

 It would be better to resolve the recent matters quickly.

 Otherwise, not only would you not have time to spend time alone with Li Jiu, but you would also have to worry about all this nonsense!

Li Jiu walked out of the dark hall, raised his head slightly, stretched his waist, and sighed comfortably.

I finally came out. I was so suffocated inside that I couldn’t even breathe.

"Madam, do you need me to take you back?" The person who had been watching outside saw her coming out and immediately stepped forward and asked.

Li Jiu waved his hand: "No, I know the way, you can go and do your business."

The man was surprised for a moment, with some disbelief in his eyes.

 If he remembers correctly, is this the first time Madam has come to J Organization?

Bai Yuxiu only took her around once, and she memorized the entire route?

 How strong a memory does this have to be? !

The man didn't believe it and was worried that something might happen if Li Jiu wandered around by herself, so he followed her quietly, keeping a certain distance just in case.

Li Jiu was walking leisurely in front. When he noticed the people following him, he ignored them and returned to the original place in a familiar way.

 She turned back, waved to the people who had been following her, and then entered the door.

The man's face suddenly turned red, ashamed and angry.

 It turns out that she really knows the way, it turns out that she has discovered herself a long time ago.

Then I followed all the way in such a pretentious manner.

 It’s embarrassing!

The man ran away immediately.

Li Jiu looked at his fleeing back, and couldn't help but curling up the corners of his lips, and his eyes were full of smiles. The people in J organization were quite funny.

I really don’t know how these people can endure it with Qi Jingci’s bad character.

 Tsk tsk!

At this time, Li Jiu was madly complaining about Qi Jingci in her heart. Little did she know, how was she different?

If Bai Muyou and others were here, they would definitely shout with their head on the ground and say, "What do you have to say about others? Are you more devil than him?"

It's a pity that she probably won't be able to hear their true words.

Li Jiu touched the bracelet on his wrist and planned to check the information about Mu Wanzhou again.

Unexpectedly, as soon as I took a step, my head suddenly became dizzy and my whole body began to feel weak.

Li Jiu's eyes turned cold, and a bad premonition came to her heart.

 She immediately put one hand on the wall next to her, shook her head, and bit her lower lip with her teeth, intending to use pain to stimulate herself to stay awake.

 However, these are of little use.

 The next moment, his vision went dark and he completely lost consciousness.

At the last second when his eyes closed, Li Jiu cursed one word fiercely in his heart:


 (End of this chapter)

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