She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 337: Help her relieve her condition

Chapter 337 Helping Her Relieve Her Condition

The whistling air blew past my ears, surrounded by cold and solid walls, and the mechanical lights above my head emitted dazzling light.

There were intermittent screams in the distance, and there was chaos.

Li Jiu's head was throbbing, his ears were ringing, and double images appeared in front of his eyes. For a moment, he couldn't tell the difference between reality and the environment.

 Amidst the confusion, a voice was particularly clear.

 “Xiaojiu! Let’s go!”


Li Jiu frowned and held his head in both hands, feeling in great pain.

who? Who is speaking?

 “Take them away!”

 “Leave quickly! Don’t come back!”


who! Who is it!

 “Xiaojiu, be obedient and don’t come back!”

That voice kept lingering in her ears, clear and profound as if imprinted in the depths of her mind.

 But she couldn't remember it at this time.

Head hurts!

 It felt like it was going to explode.

 Why, why does that voice sound so familiar?

 Why did she feel a sense of sadness in her heart after hearing this?

Who is that person!

Scattered fragments kept flashing in Li Jiu's mind, but they couldn't be combined at all. The chaotic memories gave her a splitting headache.

Suddenly, a pair of warm hands touched her forehead.

She vaguely heard someone calling her anxiously: "Jiujiu! Wake up!"

 “Wake up quickly!”

This voice became even more familiar to her, and she recognized him almost instantly.

Immediately afterwards, the chaos in my mind was put to rest, the fragments were reassembled, and memories came back like a flood.

In the huge bedroom, Li Jiu's face was pale, his eyes were closed, and he was lying on the bed unconsciously. He was held in Qi Jingci's arms, calling eagerly: "Jiujiu! Jiujiu!"

However, no matter how he called her, there was still no response.

Qi Jingci’s eyes darkened and he asked coldly: “What’s going on with her?!”

 He only came back a little later than her, and saw her lying unconscious on the ground.

At that moment, he really understood what it meant to feel like his heart was about to beat out of his chest.

Li Jiu, who was unconscious, looked extremely weak and looked completely different from his usual self. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes this time, he would never have imagined that Li Jiu would still look like this.

“You have been checking for half an hour. Have you found anything?”

Qi Jingci was now extremely anxious, the air pressure in his body was getting lower and lower, and his eyes were so cold that he almost froze to death.

  The doctor who examined Li Jiu almost wrinkled his face, with a tangled expression. After a moment of silence, he said with a look of shame: "Chief, I can't do anything about Madam's illness."

Qi Jingci said sharply: "You are a doctor! But you told me that you are helpless?"

The doctor pushed the frame on the bridge of his nose, paused, and said, "I'm not sure. Madam's condition looks like..."

 He stopped and did not dare to say any more.

Qi Jingci narrowed his eyes and said, "Say."

 The doctor pursed his lips and said, "It looks like depression, which is a mental illness. You should see a psychiatrist."

Qi Jingci frowned, "What did you say?"

"I know this is strange, but the test results do show this." The doctor flipped through the medical records in his hand, which were the results that had just been rushed to him.

“If the test results are correct, it is very likely that the lady has PSTD plus severe depression.”

Qi Jingci felt that he was talking nonsense, "She is just like a normal person."

The doctor smiled and said: "Chief, not everyone with psychological problems can be easily identified."

“It is true that Madam’s condition is very serious, but if she keeps taking medicine to control it and has a strong willpower, it will be easy for her to be like a normal person.”

Qi Jingci was silent.

The doctor looked at Li Jiu in his arms and sighed. He had been working for Organization J for several years and was very familiar with Qi Jingci's cold and indifferent character.

He knew very well that the leader was indifferent on the surface, but in fact he was even more ruthless on the inside. He was like a cold machine without emotion, and he had no humanity at all when facing them.

This time I heard that he brought a woman back to Organization J. Her attitude and behavior were very intimate. She must be his future wife.

He was happy about this for a long time, feeling that finally someone could make the leader a little more humane, but in the blink of an eye this happened.

A flash of emotion flashed in the doctor's eyes, and his probing gaze fell on Li Jiu.

He had also observed her from a distance out of curiosity these days, and he didn't notice anything strange about her at all. Although he was not a psychiatrist and might not be that sensitive, she pretended to be so similar to such a serious situation. She was still a human being. ?

Qi Jingci tightened his arms around Li Jiu and lowered his eyes to stare at her. His long trembling eyelashes covered the expression in his eyes. No one knew what he was thinking.

After a long time, Qi Jingci suddenly asked: "How can she wake up?"

His voice was slightly trembling, and the doctor actually heard a hint of panic in it.

He was stunned for a moment, then cleared his throat and said: "I can give Madam some stimulating drugs first to see if they can stimulate her to wake up. But for the rest, you have to ask a psychiatrist. After all, I am not a professional in this field." Expertise.”

Qi Jingci hummed and asked him to go out without raising his head.

The doctor nodded and was about to turn away. He didn't know what he thought of, and said to Qi Jingci: "Chief, if Madam's condition is as serious as this, I suggest you find the cause of her illness quickly and see if you can alleviate the condition. After all, she is suffering from heart disease. Still need heart medicine.”

Qi Jingci’s eyelashes trembled slightly and asked: “What will happen if it cannot be relieved?”

The doctor pursed his lips and said, "If the root cause cannot be solved, the only way to treat it is with medication. However, as far as I know, this type of medication is highly dependent and the effect will only become weaker and weaker. It is not a very good solution." method."

"Another point is that Madam's condition is already extremely serious. If she attacks again, her spirit is likely to completely collapse, so... you'd better think of a way."

 The doctor turned and left after saying the last words.

 The two of them were alone in the bedroom for an instant, and it was so quiet that each other's breathing could be heard clearly.

Qi Jingci was leaning against the bed with Li Jiu in his arms, his arms around her waist, holding her tightly in his arms, watching her quietly.

Li Jiu's breath was very unstable, his brows were slightly furrowed, and there was a layer of sweat on his forehead. His lips were white, and the blood on his face had faded.

Qi Jingci's eyes suddenly turned pitiful, and he whispered in her ear over and over again with distress and helplessness: "Jiujiu, wake up quickly."

 “If you don’t wake up, I’m going to kiss you.”

 “Don’t scare me.”

However, Li Jiu still had no reaction.

A flash of loss flashed across Qi Jingci's eyes, and he suddenly felt a sense of powerlessness in his heart.

The doctor's words just now poured cold water on him.

 He really didn’t know enough about Li Jiu.

At most, he only knew the identity of the head of the Mo family, Li Jiu. The two of them met after she became the head of the Mo family. Before that, he knew nothing about her.

 Who is she, where does she come from, what has she experienced, and why did she become the head of the Mo family?

 There is no way to know any of this.

 In this case, how can we help her alleviate her condition?

 For a moment, Qi Jingci’s eyes were full of manic depression.

 (End of this chapter)

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