She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 338: Li Jiu: Let me go

Chapter 338 Li Jiu: Let me go


 A slight whimper sounded, and Qi Jingci instantly regained his concentration, lowered his head and lowered his eyes.


Li Jiu's long, dark eyelashes trembled slightly, and her eyes slowly opened. There was still confusion in her eyes, and she couldn't tell where she was for a moment.

Qi Jingci's eyes lit up and he quickly asked, "Are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere?"

Li Jiu was still immersed in the dream just now, and did not answer him, but just looked at the sky in silence.

After a moment, her eyes moved slightly, she raised her hand and gently pushed Qi Jingci away, sat up from his arms, and said in a hoarse voice, "It's okay."

It’s just that her face was pale and she looked very weak, which made Qi Jingci unable to believe what she said. He frowned and took her into his arms again.


Li Jiu stared, but since he had no strength now, he couldn't do anything to him.

Qi Jingci sighed softly, turned sideways and changed his position so that she could lean on him more comfortably. He whispered softly: "Jiujiu, be good, don't hold on if you feel uncomfortable."

 The magnetic voice accompanied by the warm breath made her ears itch.

Li Jiu frowned, pushed her with both hands, and said unnaturally: "You...don't get so close."

At this time, she was held in Qi Jingci's arms. She was almost sitting on him, and her upper body was lying on his solid chest. Through the thin fabric, she could even feel the lumps under his clothes. Defined muscles.

This feeling is so uncomfortable.

Unfortunately, she couldn’t muster the strength to do so, so she could only maintain this posture.

Li Jiu bit her bloodless lips and struggled slightly, trying to get off him.

Suddenly, Qi Jingci snorted, his eyes darkened, his brows furrowed slightly, he held her down, and his tone became serious, "Be honest."

You are twisting around on him so openly, do you really think he is a gentleman?

 He won’t be polite if he gets angry!

Li Jiu stiffened and did not dare to move.

 “I asked you, what are you thinking about?”

She gritted her teeth and glared at him fiercely.

If she could take action now, Qi Jingci would definitely be dead.

 What time has it been and he is still thinking about these unhealthy things!

Perhaps he could hear the gritted teeth in her words, Qi Jingci chuckled, hugged her closer, narrowed the distance between them, and said in a soft and flirty voice, "I'm thinking of you." "..." Li Jiu narrowed his eyes, reached out a hand to his waist, and twisted it hard at 180 degrees.


The man who was pinched suddenly took a breath of air.

Li Jiu looked at him with serious eyes and said, "Qi Jingci, don't think that I can't do anything to you because I don't have the strength now."

Qi Jingci smiled helplessly, "I didn't."

How dare he?

According to her current situation, even if she had a hundred courages, she wouldn't dare to act recklessly.

Li Jiu didn't care about this. He raised his chin to the side, signaled him with his eyes, and said, "Put me down."

"You are very weak now. Whatever you want to do, I will help you." Qi Jingci showed no intention of moving.

"..." Li Jiu's face turned dark, but he understood that what he said was true, so he could only say: "...I will take medicine."

Upon hearing this, Qi Jingci straightened his expression and asked, "Where is it?"

 “In my coat pocket.”

Qi Jingci put Li Jiu on the bed and let her lie down. He turned around and took out the medicine as she asked. He also took a glass of warm water and handed it to her mouth along with the medicine.

 “Open your mouth.”

Li Jiu tilted his head, looking slightly unnatural, and reached out to get the medicine and water, "I'll do it myself."

Qi Jingci retracted his hand to avoid her movement.

“The sick should behave like sick people. Sit down and I will feed you.”


Unable to defeat him, Li Jiu could only let him feed her.

After taking the medicine, Qi Jingci put the water glass aside, raised his head again and looked directly at her, and asked seriously: "Jiujiu, what's going on with you?"

Li Jiu lowered her eyes and avoided his sight, "It's nothing, you don't need to worry about it."

 (End of this chapter)

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