She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 345: Li Jiu: I don’t need treatment

Chapter 345 Li Jiu: I don’t need treatment

 The two of them lingered in the room for a while before getting ready to go out.

As soon as they opened the door, they saw Nan Feng, the doctor who examined Li Jiu yesterday, looking at them with a resentful and complicated expression.

Nanfeng laughed dryly: "Chief, you got up... really early."

If he hadn't clearly known that his wife's physical condition was not suitable for strenuous exercise, and that the leader was not a beast who took advantage of others' danger, he would have thought that the two of them were playing some adult game in the room that was not suitable for children.

Qi Jingci straightened out his sleeves that were messed up by Li Jiu, and glanced at him coldly: "What does it have to do with you?"

The corners of Nanfeng's eyes twitched, he pushed up his glasses, and his eyes gradually moved downwards.

Then, relying on the good eyesight of a doctor for so many years, he clearly saw that two buttons on Qi Jingci's collar were broken, and his tie was even more scattered and askew.

ˆSouth wind: “…”

 He felt that after all these years, he had misjudged the leader.

 After all, it’s an animal wearing human clothes, and the lady is like that, yet she can still do it.

For a moment, Nanfeng looked at Qi Jingci with a trace of anger hidden in his eyes. He felt that he was with the wrong person, or else he should just resign!

Qi Jingci saw that his eyes were getting more and more strange, and he immediately said: "???"

What are you so crazy about this morning?

Li Jiu followed Qi Jingci out and moved his wrist, his expression showing a hint of joy.

Hmm, a dozen Qi Jingci every day, get √ for morning activities

 Yes, the two of them had been fighting in the room for so long just now. They were really fighting.

 It's just that unlike Nanfeng Naobu, whose scope is limited to "fighting" on the bed, their kind can be called housebreaking.

 The two of them went back and forth, but in the end Qi Jingci was the first to give up because he was worried about Li Jiu's physical condition, and was then severely beaten by her.

  Although the victory is unclear, Li Jiu said: If you don't hammer, you won't gain.

Just when she was in a good mood and wanted to sing a tune, she suddenly met the particularly sympathetic and pitiful eyes from Nanfeng.

 Li Jiu: “…?”

Li Jiu's expression was momentarily confused.

Who is this?

She was still unconscious when Nan Feng examined her, so she didn’t recognize him at all.

"Who is this…"

Seeing that Li Jiu noticed him, Nanfeng introduced himself seriously for a second: "Hello, little madam, I am Nanfeng, the leader's personal doctor and also your attending doctor."

Hearing the last sentence, Li Jiu's eyes flashed and he lowered his eyes slightly, his long eyelashes covering the expression in his eyes.

"Thank you, but I don't need a doctor." After a moment, she raised her head and said with a smile.

Nanfeng was shocked when he heard this, "Madam!"

His face became solemn, feeling that she had not realized the seriousness of the matter, "Madam, I think you don't quite understand your condition. You have reached the point where you cannot ignore it. If you don't..."

However, before she finished speaking, she was interrupted by Li Jiu. She still had a smile on her face, but it didn't reach her eyes.

“Mr. Nan, I know my own situation better than anyone else.”

Nanfeng frowned: "If that's the case, then you..."

Li Jiu spoke again: "But because of this, I don't need treatment."

 Because, he can't cure it.

Qi Jingci frowned when he heard this. He grabbed Li Jiu's wrist and pursed his thin lips tightly, looking a little unhappy. Feeling his movement, Li Jiu's eyes trembled slightly, but she didn't resist and let him catch her.

Nanfeng was shocked by Li Jiu's words at this time and did not understand the logic of it at all.

 Since you know that your condition is serious, why don’t you want to receive treatment?

Isn’t this obvious self-abandonment?

Nan Feng frowned and looked at Qi Jingci. If Madam continues like this, something will really happen. Doesn’t the leader have any reaction?

How could Qi Jingci not react at all? He was trying his best to restrain his inner impulse and asked in a hoarse voice: "Why not treat it?"

He has thought about all the possibilities. If Li Jiu's disease is difficult to cure, he will always stay with her. If it cannot be cured in a lifetime, then he will stay with her for the rest of his life.

But she just doesn’t want to be treated!

Qi Jingci pulled her into his arms, held her chin with both hands, and said close to her face: "Jiujiu, please obey me and get treatment, okay? I'll stay with you."

“…” Li Jiu tilted his head and said, “No.”

 The tone was unusually firm.

Nanfeng watched from the side as Qi Jingci and Li Jiu were in a stalemate for a while, neither of them compromised first.

 Long silence.

Looking at Qi Jingci's increasingly dark and gloomy gaze, Li Jiu suddenly sighed, "I know I can't cure it... ugh!"

Before she finished speaking, the hand around her waist suddenly tightened and hugged her tightly. There was a soft and familiar heaviness in the crook of her neck. Qi Jingci once again put his head on the crook of her neck and said in a low voice: "It must be cured well. I will ask SR and J organizations to invest in experimental projects to specifically treat your disease."

Li Jiu twitched the corner of her mouth and gave a sarcastic laugh. MZ has been doing this for many years, but so far, among countless experimental teams, only Ji Yunshu's medicine has worked for her.

Ji Yunshu has been looking for a way to treat her day and night in the past few years, but with little success.

 So, his idea is a bit naive.

However, Li Jiu looked at his expression and understood that if she continued to refuse, this man would never give up and would even go crazy. She could only nod lightly and let him go for the time being.

Seeing Li Jiu nodding, Nan Feng finally sighed with relief, took out a bottle of medicine from the pocket of his white coat and handed it to Li Jiu, "I begged my classmate to fly this over last night. Although it can't cure, it can also provide relief." "Ma'am, you use it first, and I'll think of a solution later."

He is really not good at mental illness. He happens to have a classmate who is an expert in this field. They discussed it all day yesterday, and finally his classmate sent this bottle of medicine, saying it can provide temporary relief.

 As for a complete cure, he still needs to study it carefully.

Li Jiu took the bottle, glanced at it casually and put it into his pocket, not intending to eat it.

Just kidding, if Ji Yunshu knew that she had taken some random medicine during her trip to S Continent, it would be an advantage for the ghost doctor not to tie her up in the Imperial Capital and let her study it.

 Besides, it is impossible to take medicine of unknown origin even if you think about it.

Nanfeng pushed up his glasses, looked Li Jiu up and down, and said with some uneasiness: "Madam, I'd better check it again for you to avoid any accidents."

 He knew too little about her situation and needed more data.

Li Jiu thought for a moment and said, "Okay."

So, Qi Jingci accompanied Li Jiu to Nanfeng's laboratory. During this period, his attitude was extremely cautious, and he spoke softly, as if he was afraid that Li Jiu would stumble when he walked.

Nanfeng watched this scene, his eyes twitched, and he couldn't help but said: "Chief, although Madam is in a bad condition, she is not seriously ill. Your posture makes me feel like I need to check up on the mother."

  Qi Jingci: “…”

 Li Jiu: “…”

Li Jiu gritted his teeth. Why is this man so crazy?

 Didn’t you have a good fight with her in the room just now?

 What does it mean to look like this now?

 Are you precise? !

 (End of this chapter)

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