She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 346: Qi Jingci: Spending money bought loneliness

Chapter 346 Qi Jingci: Money bought loneliness

Qi Jingci glanced at him coldly, troubled.

Nanfeng’s lips twitched: “…”

 After arriving at the laboratory, Nanfeng asked Li Jiu to sit down and went to prepare the things to be used for inspection.

Qi Jingci stood behind her, his eyebrows lowered and his eyes narrowed, looking at her quietly.

Perhaps his gaze was too obvious, and Li Jiu felt frightened by his sight, "What's wrong?"

“Jiujiu,” Qi Jingci asked casually as if he had just remembered, “Is your illness... related to the Mo family?”

Li Jiu stiffened suddenly, his eyes narrowed, and a flash of emotion flashed through his eyes, "Why do you ask?"

Her immediate reaction caught Qi Jingci's eye, and he had some guesses in his mind, "I have heard some rumors about the old head of the Mo family before... Are they all true?"

The Mo family was the first head of the family and had a son and a daughter. However, he was kidnapped by a rival family when he was seven years old and has never been heard from again.

Four years ago, she claimed to be the daughter of the head of the Mo family. She came to the Mo family. When the head of the Mo family was seriously ill, she used her strong hand to turn the tide and quickly pulled the scattered Mo family back from the edge of collapse.

  After some civil strife, Li Jiu became the new head of the Mo family.

Probably no one except Mo family insiders knows the specific circumstances of this civil strife.

He only knew Li Jiu after she became the head of the Mo family. Before that, he didn’t know anything about her.

Nanfeng once told him that Li Jiu's illness would not last more than five years, which happened to be within the period when she became the head of the Mo family.

 If the two really have nothing to do with each other, it is impossible.

Li Jiu was silent, his eyes darkened for a moment, and he said, "It's true."

"Then you...are the daughter of the head of the Mo family?" Qi Jingci continued to ask.

 However, Li Jiu shook his head and said, "No."

 She has no relationship with the Mo family at all, she is just an outsider.

This is why, after she took over the Mo family, people like Mo Sang were ready to take action and secretly plotted to remove her from power.

 Because her name is not correct and her words are not correct.

Qi Jingci frowned and his eyes flashed, "Jiujiu..."

Li Jiu suddenly sighed, looked up helplessly and met his gaze, saying: "Stop asking, I won't tell you if you ask me."

This tone, no matter how calm she spoke, he could hear a sense of determination in it.

 She didn't want to say it, no matter how she asked, she wouldn't say it.

Therefore, Qi Jingci had no choice but to give up and abandon this topic.

Li Jiu lowered his head and breathed a sigh of relief. Qi Jingci's mind was so sharp that he could figure out the general picture with just a few clues. If he continued to ask questions, her reputation would be exposed.

What's more...she doesn't want to lie to him now.

 “Madam, you’ve been waiting for a long time, let’s get started.”

Just when the two of them were having different thoughts, Nanfeng came over with a test instrument in his hand.

 He conducted various examinations for Li Jiu in turn and collected a lot of data. Now he just needed the test results.

 After completing the inspection, Li Jiu stood up to leave, but was stopped by Nanfeng.

Li Jiu raised her eyebrows and looked at him doubtfully, "What's wrong?"

 Nanfeng was debating whether to speak or not.

  “Say it.”

Hearing her two words, Nanfeng pursed his lips and said, "...Madam, I wonder if you have heard of ghost doctors."

"Huh?" Li Jiu's eyes suddenly filled with interest, "I've heard of it, what? Do you know her?" Nanfeng shook his head, "I don't know her, but her medical skills are very good. I don't know to what extent, but My teacher told me that even he can’t compare to the ghost doctor’s medical skills.”

His words were very serious in tone, which surprised Qi Jingci.

He knew Nanfeng’s medical skills. If he hadn’t carefully selected one from a thousand, he would never have stayed in Organization J.

He is usually very arrogant. Among his peers, he has seen few people whom he truly admires, and most of them he does not look down upon.

  When the ghost doctor was mentioned today, he restrained his arrogance. This in itself was an incredible thing.

Qi Jingci narrowed his eyes and thought about it carefully, is it a ghost doctor?

 He seemed to have heard of this name somewhere.

 But I can’t remember it.

Li Jiu chuckled twice. He didn't expect that Ji Yunshu could be harvested in Organization J... well, let's just call him a little fan.

What a surprise.

 It seems that Ji Yunshu's reputation as a ghost doctor has become popular all over the world in recent years.

"Madam, to be honest, I am powerless to deal with your condition. Even if it is someone else, with your level of difficulty, I am afraid that it cannot be completely cured. But if it is a ghost doctor, it is very possible." Nan Feng seriously treated Li. Jiu analyzed.

“As far as I know, the ghost doctor claims that there is no disease in the world that she cannot cure, so I think if she is willing to take over your disease, she may be able to cure it.”

Li Jiu’s lips curled up. His analysis was good, but he was a little wrong.

Ji Yunshu didn't dare to guarantee that her illness would be cured, otherwise she would have been cured long ago.

However, she is not in a hurry for this kind of thing. She believes in Ji Yunshu's medical skills, and she will find a way to treat her sooner or later.

 So now, she doesn't look anxious at all. Instead, she keeps others on tenterhooks.

Hearing that the ghost doctor had a way to cure Li Jiu, Qi Jingci finally looked serious and asked in a deep voice, "Are you sure?"

 Nanfeng nodded, "Chief, if the ghost doctor can't do anything, then there's basically no one left to treat."

“Then how can we contact her?” Qi Jingci asked impatiently.

He couldn't wait any longer. Every day Li Jiu was tortured, his heart would also be in pain.

The ghost doctor must be found!

"This..." Nanfeng was a little embarrassed. Although he knew that the ghost doctor could cure Li Jiu, he really didn't know how to contact him.

However, he still told what he knew: "I heard someone say before that ghost doctors have a specific order-taking website. Whoever has a higher unit price will have a higher order-taking rate."

Qi Jingci immediately took out his mobile phone and asked someone to check it, so fast that even Li Jiu couldn't stop him.

 Li Jiu: “…”

Can she say that everything about order acceptance rates is nonsense?

 Whether Ji Yunshu takes the order, when to take the order, which order to all depends on his mood!

 Despite this, there are still many people who are stupid and have a lot of money and come to give her money.

 Because money placed in online auctions will not be refunded.

So, no matter whether Ji Yunshu takes the order or not, these people’s money is almost wasted.

Yun Yin, who just recently lost hundreds of millions to treat her daughter’s illness, understands this very well.

Li Jiu sighed quietly when he saw that Qi Jingci had already found someone to place orders.

I don’t know if this is helping Ji Yunshu defraud money, and I feel a little guilty.

 After all, Qi Jingci did it for himself. If he had known that he had spent hundreds of millions, he would end up feeling lonely.

 I’m afraid I’m going crazy!

 (End of this chapter)

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