She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 348: You're so embarrassed

Chapter 348 You are so embarrassed

   A private collection in H country.

There is no light in the empty and silent exhibition hall. Strict monitors hidden everywhere are operating, closely monitoring the priceless treasures in the display cabinets.

Suddenly, there was a faint sound from above the center of the main hall, so subtle that even the nearest monitor could not detect it.

Immediately afterwards, a slender figure jumped down from above and landed silently.

Bai Muyou was dressed in black, and the mask on her face was not the one she had when she was at Mo's house, but a new one.

  After all, although only a handful of people know her identity as Mo Liu, there is a high possibility that she will be recognized by people when she shows up for Li Jiu.

 In this training mission, all possibilities of identity disclosure must be eliminated.

 Bai Muyou observed the surroundings vigilantly, his eyes coldly scanning the monitors everywhere, snorting disdainfully, and took out a special signal jammer from his backpack.

Almost instantly, all the monitors in the entire main hall failed at the same time.

 The delay can be up to five minutes.

 Bai Muyou raised his wrist to confirm the time, recalling the design drawings of the collection hall in his mind, and calculating the shortest time to complete the task.

 Five minutes is enough.

Bai Muyou pressed the tip of his tongue against the roof of his mouth, narrowed his eyes, and with a strong body, he walked through the main hall at an inhuman speed like a ghost, and flashed into an inconspicuous corridor next to it.

 This corridor, which is incompatible with the splendid collection hall, leads to the study of the owner here.

 A truly priceless treasure will never be left open and honest in a display case waiting for someone to steal it.

These wealthy businessmen are all old foxes. What can be shown to the public is not crucial to them.

And the owner here, Earl Adams, is the highest-ranking among the old foxes.

 His collection is said to be inaccessible to even the world's most powerful thief, and has repeatedly failed in his so-called world's most advanced security and anti-theft system.

Bai Muyou moved carefully while taking a deep breath in his heart.

Her mission this time is to steal this old guy’s most precious oil painting.

This oil painting is a portrait of the queen of a certain country in the last century. It was painted by a top master in the royal court and its value is unpredictable.

Adams bought this oil painting from a private auction two days ago. After hearing that it was sold, he immediately locked it in a special safe in his study and did not let anyone see it.

The only witness who is certain that the painting is authentic is Adams's personal butler, who watched him put the painting in and then never take it out again.

 So, her purpose this time is obvious, which is the safe in the study.

 The mission information was very accurate, and Bai Muyou found the safe without much effort.

 After successfully opening and taking out the painting, Bai Muyou whistled in a good mood.

 This year's training mission was completed so easily.

 She placed the painting properly, turned around and left without any further delay.

 At this moment, a strong wind suddenly came from behind.

Bai Muyou's eyes darkened and he nimbly dodged.

 The visitor is a tall, burly-looking man, an authentic H countryman.

At this time, his eyes were full of sternness, staring straight at Bai Muyou, as if he wanted to skin her alive.

 “How brave!” He said in a dangerous tone.

Behind him, the owner of the painting, Adams, arrived belatedly with his men. The Earl, who was over seventy years old, immediately rushed over with his men when he realized something was wrong, but he was still a step too late.

His eyes instantly went dark when he saw the paintings in the safe missing. He punched the floor with a cane studded with gems, making several crisp sounds, indicating his anger.

Adams tremblingly pointed at Bai Muyou and yelled in standard Chinese language: "Put the painting down!"

As he spoke, he waved his hand behind him, and everyone immediately pointed their guns at Bai Muyou.

Facing the dark muzzles surrounding her, Bai Muyou's expression did not change at all. She ignored them at all. She just looked at the man who had just attacked her with interest and asked in standard H language: "Are you a person with superpowers?" She felt the strong wind just now, and she felt the spiritual power.

 The man's eyes deepened, his movements became tighter, and his expression became cautious and dignified.

 This woman knows about supernatural powers.

 That means that she came prepared.

 Don't take it lightly.

Years of experience in fighting enemies allowed him to immediately react to several key pieces of information in his head after Bai Muyou's short words and analyze them.

Although Bai Muyou was covered with a mask on his face and only a backpack behind him, he didn't carry anything else, let alone weapons.

 But subconsciously, he could always feel the aura of danger from her.

 This is the chilling aura that only the strong can have.

The man narrowed his eyes, a sharp cold light flashed in his eyes, and said again: "Put down the painting."

Bai Muyou chuckled, "What if I don't?"

With a smile in her eyes, she casually glanced at the guns pointed at her, "Just shoot me?"

 “Then let’s try it?”

In the horrified eyes of everyone, Bai Muyou faced them and opened his arms at the same time, as if he was waiting to be shot.

 Everyone hesitated.

Adams kept shouting: "Shoot me! Kill her!"

However, no one dared to move because their boss had not expressed his intention yet.

Everyone turned their eyes to the man, and the man frowned fiercely.

"Oh, so they listen to you." Bai Muyou looked at him clearly and said, "Then what are you going to do? Catch me? With all due respect, that is wishful thinking."


 Too arrogant!

Adams felt that in his more than seventy years of life, he had never seen anyone dare to be so arrogant and unrestrained in front of him!

 "Lu Li! What are you thinking?! Kill her quickly!"

 “You idiot! Why do I raise you?! Why don’t you do anything to me?!”

Adams was furious and kept spewing out dirty words.

Bai Muyou couldn't bear to listen, and asked in disgust: "Lu, Lu Li, right? It's too embarrassing for a person with superpowers to be shouted around, isn't it?"

Her tone was full of sympathy, and those who didn't know it thought she was defending him.

Lu Li was silent, then snorted coldly, "It's none of your business! I'm happy to leave the painting to me immediately!"

Before he finished speaking, he moved suddenly, as fast as lightning, so fast that people could not see clearly, and rushed straight towards her.

 The fist was strong and powerful, attacking Bai Muyou's shoulder.

Seeing that he was about to succeed, at the last moment, Bai Muyou suddenly raised his lips and smiled, stretched out his hand and spread his fingers, and easily received his attack.

Lu Li's pupils shrank suddenly and he couldn't believe what was happening in front of him.

He desperately tried to pull his hand away, but found that Bai Muyou's palm seemed to be made of iron and he couldn't break free at all.

He raised his head in shock and looked into Bai Muyou's smiling eyes.

 “I’ve already said that as a person with superpowers, you are so embarrassed.”

   Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, I’m stuck. Let Mu You come out and wander around for a few times first. I need to think carefully about how to write it for Mr. Jiu.



 (End of this chapter)

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