She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 349: The one who issued the mission!

 Chapter 349 The person who issued the mission!

Bai Muyou raised his lips and smiled, and the strength of his hand continued to increase, bending his arm into a weird angle.

 Lu Li was in pain, and his expression was distorted for a moment.

 To be careless…

 He gritted his teeth and directly attacked Bai Muyou with his mental power.

The solidified mental power was like a sharp blade, shooting towards Bai Muyou with a cold light.

 She dodged again, but also let go of Luli.

Lu Li didn't expect this mental power to cause any harm to Bai Muyou, but he just wanted to force her to let go of him.

 After he broke free from the control, without any hesitation, he immediately used his supernatural powers and released his mental power to the extreme. Threads of mental power filled the entire space densely, like a big net that bound people to death.

The oppressive feeling in the surrounding air continued to increase. Even Adams and the security guards who were farthest away from him were affected. Their whole bodies became stiff and trembling slightly, unable to move at all.

 His special power is gravity, which can increase the gravity of himself and others.

 This has always given him an advantage in previous battles with superpowers.

 However, now, it seems that it has little impact on Bai Muyou.

Even Adams reacted. She who was closest to him still had a calm expression on her face, as if everything that happened here had nothing to do with her.

 Lu Li was more vigilant.

 This is a difficult opponent, but he still wants to defeat her.

Thinking like this, Lu Li roared loudly and attacked Bai Muyou.

 The two began to fight in the small study room.

The study room is filled with Adams' precious items. He is Luli's employer. Luli is naturally cautious when doing things and does not dare to damage anything in the study room.

But Bai Muyou didn't have so many scruples. On the contrary, after knowing Lu Li's concerns, she became even more wanton and almost kept smashing things in the study, which made Adams heartbroken.

 “My vase!”

"My painting!"

 “My bookshelf!”

Adams's face changed severely, and he felt dizzy for a while. He relied on the support of the people behind him to stand upright. "Luli! Are you an idiot? Catch her quickly!" Adams kept roaring.

 If the fight continues, his study will be destroyed!

Where on earth did this little thief come from?

Bai Muyou dismissed Lu Li's attack and struck a palm with him, knocking him back three steps in a row.

 Raising her wrist to look at the time, she tsked lightly and said regretfully: "The time is up and I can't play with you anymore. It's such a pity..."

Lu Li stabilized his body. When he heard her words, he thought she was going to run away, so he quickly shouted: "Want to leave? No way!"

 He condensed his superpower into his hand again, exuding a light yellow halo, intending to give Bai Muyou a fatal blow.

However, before he could make a move, Bai Muyou released his mental power ahead of him, and the numerous and fine mesh of mental power instantly suppressed his condensed superpowers.


Suddenly being attacked to this extent, Lu Li was a little unable to react. His facial features were distorted and his expression was very painful.

 He looked at Bai Muyou with a pale face, "Are you a level 2S superpower?"

Bai Muyou raised his lips and chuckled, raised his hand and snapped his fingers. Almost instantly, Adams and the security guards who immediately ordered the shooting when they saw Lu Li being suppressed were frozen, like ice sculptures, frozen in that moment. shocking.


 “It’s a pity that there is no prize.”

Lu Li saw that Adams was frozen, his eyes dimmed for a moment, his face was gray and he held himself up and said: "Take the painting away, I give up."

As if he couldn't believe that he gave up so easily, Bai Muyou raised his eyebrows and asked, "Are you sure?"

Lu Li closed his eyes. He was not stupid. The moment Bai Muyou released his superpower, he understood everything.

  A 2S superpower came to their small private collection to steal paintings, and they thought they were the work of the association.

He has been in the association, so he naturally knows that Bai Muyou is here to take over the tasks issued by the association.

He has been in the association for a while and knows that the tasks of the association are usually posted directly on the list at a high price by anonymous persons, without any background screening at all.

Hence, he also understood that this time, the person who wanted Adams' painting was not Bai Muyou, but the person who issued the task at the association!

 (End of this chapter)

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