She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 351: Bai Muyou: The boss is awesome

Chapter 351 Bai Muyou: The boss is awesome

In the end, Sister He’s words were almost frayed, but Bai Muyou remained indifferent. She sat on the sofa with her legs crossed and played with the tablet, saying that she didn’t agree with anything.

Just when she almost gave up, she saw Bai Muyou's eyes suddenly change as he looked at the tablet, and his body instantly sat upright. After a while, he suddenly narrowed his eyes and asked, "Sister He, where did you just say that the advertising cover was shot?" ?”

Sister He was stunned and didn’t understand why she was asking this, “… Country H, what’s wrong?”


Bai Muyou was silent for a moment, and finally changed his mind suddenly, "Okay, I will accept this endorsement."

Sister He didn't understand what was going on, but when she heard her agreement, her eyes suddenly lit up, "Really?"

 “Well, when are you leaving?”

Bai Muyou's tone sounded a little anxious.

“In the past two days, Liver has been pressing us very hard. If you really decide, you should prepare immediately.”

Bai Muyou nodded, "I understand. You go and tell the company that I have no problem."

Sister He frowned and looked at her doubtfully.

Didn’t you still firmly disagree just now?

 Why did you change your mind so quickly, and now you seem to be more anxious than she is?

But doubts are doubts, and it would be great if Bai Muyou agreed. As for the reason, she would not ask.

So Sister He went back to the company in a good mood, leaving Bai Muyou sitting on the sofa with a tablet on her lap.

If Sister He had come closer just now, she could clearly see that the location of her mission was displayed on Bai Muyou's tablet.

H country.

Bai Muyou walked alone on the empty streets. There was danger lurking in Country H at night. Therefore, people here basically did not go out at night. Almost every house had its doors and windows closed. Walking on the road, you could even Feeling those eyes from the darkness staring at her.

 But these had no effect on Bai Muyou. The slender high heels stepped on the ground, making a sharp and rhythmic sound that echoed in the quiet street.

 She was familiar with the way she went, twisting and turning in the alleys, and finally returned to the hotel where the crew stayed.

 Bai Muyou suddenly stopped not far from the hotel.

 Because she saw He Han pacing anxiously at the door of the hotel, constantly looking around.

Bai Muyou's expression changed for a moment, then he raised his feet and walked towards He Han.

After seeing her, the latter immediately ran over, stood in front of her, quickly looked her up and down, and after confirming that she was fine, he patted her shoulder angrily: "Where have you gone? You don’t even answer the phone, are you worried about me?”

He Han put his hands on his hips and scolded her through gritted teeth: "Do you know that this place is very chaotic at night? Everyone in Liver has warned us not to go out at night, but you still dare to go out?! Are you seeking death?"

Bai Muyou smiled and comforted her: "I just ate too much at night and wanted to eat up. I was just walking around. It's okay."

 “It’s okay!”

He Han interrupted sharply and poked her forehead with his index finger, "I think you are protected so well by Young Master Bai that you don't know how dangerous the world is. If something happens, I'll see how you cry!"

A hint of helplessness flashed in Bai Muyou's eyes.

  She knew He Han's temperament. If he continued to argue with her, he wouldn't have to sleep the whole night.

 So, she admitted her mistake very simply, "Sister He, I know I was wrong."

He Han snorted softly and saw that she was still wearing hotel pajamas. He was afraid that she would catch a cold, so he let her go temporarily.

 “I’ll spare you for once today, and go back to bed quickly! Otherwise, you’ll have a good time!”


Bai Muyou was followed all the way back to the room by He Han. Before leaving, He Han specially locked the door and took away the room key, for fear that she would sneak out again and make Bai Muyou dumbfounded.

"Sister He, isn't it?" Bai Muyou shouted in the room.

He Han stood outside the door, holding the room card in his hand, and snorted coldly, "Why not? Before going abroad, Mr. Bai Qian warned you that nothing would happen to you, but what about you? You just went out and ran around because of your foot injury. It’s just nonsense.”

Bai Muyou: “…”

He Han continued: "It's no better than at home. It's very chaotic. Let's go back after filming the commercial. In the meantime, don't cause any trouble for me. Just stay in the room. Do you hear me?"

 She warned Bai Muyou sternly and then left.

Bai Muyou sighed and shook his head. It seemed that he would have to find a way to avoid her when he went out in the future.

 It’s really troublesome.

 She went into the closet and took off the hotel pajamas she was wearing, revealing the tight black clothes and the painting underneath.

Bai Muyou took out the painting and put it away carefully, and couldn't help but feel happy.

Fortunately, the painting was not very big, and the clothes in the hotel were loose and it was dark outside, so He Han couldn't tell that there was anything hidden in her arms.

However, this painting is not a long-term solution for her. According to Adams' status in country H, I am afraid that the place will be completely sealed off tomorrow to search for this missing painting.

 At that time it will be difficult to get the painting out.

 So, tonight is the best and last chance.

But before that, she had to report the completion of the mission to Li Jiu.


After Bai Muyou took a bath, her bathrobe was loose and exposed, revealing a large area of ​​snow. However, she sent a video to Li Jiu without paying any attention. Unexpectedly, Qi Jingci appeared with Li Jiu, so she When it comes to the title on the lips, there is a temporary detour.

 Her eyes twitched and she glanced at the time. It was already midnight over there in Szhou. Why was the third brother still with the eldest brother?

On the other end of the phone, Li Jiu was enjoying the feeding treatment from someone. Suddenly he saw Bai Muyou's picture of him getting out of the bath, and he choked up off guard.

 “What are you doing?” Li Jiu’s eyes suddenly became very subtle.

 Bai Muyou raised his eyebrows and looked down along Li Jiu's line of sight. His eyelids suddenly twitched. He quickly closed the collar of his yukata and coughed awkwardly: "Sorry, it's an accident. It's an accident."

Li Jiu rolled her eyes. Suddenly, she narrowed her eyes and turned her head to look at Qi Jingci.

Did he also see it just now?

However, it turned out that she was overthinking it. Qi Jingci didn't even raise his eyes. He was peeling oranges for her attentively. He noticed her scrutinizing gaze and pinched a piece of orange with his long fingers and stuffed it into her mouth. Asked: "What's wrong?"

Li Jiu chewed it twice and swallowed it directly, saying: "It's nothing, I just want to video chat with Mu You, please stay out of the way."

Qi Jingci frowned and asked, "Why should I avoid it?"

 “What do you, a man, listen to when it comes to topics among girls?”

Li Jiu looked at him and then at the door, signaling him to go out quickly.

“…” Qi Jingci sighed, resigned, and left, thoughtfully closing the door.

Li Jiu turned back the screen on her phone and immediately saw Bai Muyou's half-smiling expression: "Okay, boss, you can train the third brother to be like this so quickly, how awesome!"

 She gave Li Jiu a thumbs up.

Li Jiu: "...Get out of here!"

 (End of this chapter)

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