She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 352: See what kind of face there is behind the scenes

Chapter 352 Let’s see what’s going on behind the scenes

Bai Muyou burst into laughter.

 After spending some time with her third brother, her temper became increasingly irritable.

Looking at her smiling and gloating, Li Jiu raised his eyebrows and said, "Is the mission completed?"

 Bai Muyou coughed lightly and said seriously for a moment, "The painting has been received, but Adams will definitely not give up. I am on the set now and have limited mobility, so I may need a little help from you, boss."

Li Jiu rolled his eyes, "The information I gave you clearly stated that the other party wants you to successfully steal the painting alone and hand it over to him personally. If I intervene in the middle, your task will not be considered completed."

Bai Muyou's little face immediately fell down, and he said aggrievedly: "Boss, I really can't get away, please help..."

 “It’s not easy to act coquettishly.”

Li Jiu glanced at her expressionlessly, "I am the examiner for your training this time. If I help you, what will others think?"

It's okay if you don't mention this. But when you mention this, Bai Muyou feels even more aggrieved.

“What do you mean, why is it that my task is so troublesome?”

He Yao and Ji Yunshu's mission was completed effortlessly without even leaving the imperial capital. She still wanted to take advantage of the endorsement opportunity to come to this shabby place in Country H to steal a painting?

  What kind of bad luck is this.

Li Jiu: "The difficulty level of others is much higher than yours. I think I'll give you a break because of your recent mental instability. Why are you still complaining?"

"The third child is now locking himself in a small dark room and trying to crack the firewall of a multinational group. The seventh child is fascinated by the patient conditions described in the mission intelligence and now has no intention of completing the mission. The fourth child is staying at Qi's house all day. Even if he receives a mission, he can't escape. As for Xiao Shi, he has been wandering around for a week. I heard that he has been entangled by a stupid CEO recently. He has no way to do anything. Let alone the mission, I'm afraid he can't find his home anywhere. ”

Li Jiu counted the progress of other people's tasks for her in detail, and then sneered: "...then you tell me that you don't think this task is too troublesome?"

Bai Muyou: “…”

 Bai Muyou opened his eyes wide across the screen, "So, I am the first to complete the task?"

Li Jiu nodded slightly.

 Bai Muyou was suddenly flattered.

Li Jiu curled her lips coldly, "So... stop talking nonsense to me! Go to work! You still have the last bit of your task. Don't come back until you finish it."

Li Jiu hung up the phone without caring about her expression.


 Bai Muyou looked at the screen that instantly went black, and the corner of his mouth twitched. Thinking of Li Jiu's words just now, he felt a little secretly happy in his heart.

 She was actually the first to almost complete the task!

  I can't help but spin in circles with excitement!

 Bai Muyou smiled and exited the chat box with Li Jiu, clicked into the WeChat group, and sent a long list of emoticons in the group.

      VI: Everyone, how is the progress? Listen to the boss, you can’t do it, tut! ]

 The last tut is meaningful.

     四:…If you’re a man, you can’t say no. ]

       三:…Although I am not a man, I can’t say no. ]

              六:Hey, you two are quite free to play with your mobile phones when you have free time. ]

 —[Three: There is a fart! Damn it, who can tell me why this group's firewall is so difficult to break? It’s been three whole days! I haven't finished it yet! Where does this put my number one hacker’s face? ! ]

     五:…三, children, don’t use bad words. ]

      三: (crying) Fifth brother, how is the progress over there?   …

     五:Wait a moment, the signal here is not very good. ]



       三:@五哥? @五哥? Where are people? ]

     八: Farewell @, Lao Wu, his mission this time was in a deep mountain, and the internet was probably disconnected again, or he encountered some wild beast. ]

—[Three:...Fifth brother is really miserable, isn’t Qi sister often in the mountains, let her help fifth brother @老七]

       七: I have no time, I am studying something, let the fifth one wish for his own happiness. ]

     三:…Seventh sister, could you please take this mission seriously? If you fail to complete it, you will be sanctioned by the boss. ]

 She has been studying the mission information for several days and has not taken any action at all. If she continues like this, she will really be punished.

 —[Seven: Sanctions are sanctions. ]

      三:Wow, the seventh sister is so strong! (thumbs up)]

—[Four: The third child, the seventh child is responsible for treating the eldest brother. Any punishment can be lighter. If you are different from others, don’t make a fool of yourself. ]

—[Six: Fourth brother, don’t just talk about others, what about you? I heard that I can't get away. It's because Wenxiang Runyu is in my arms and I don't want to leave, right? ]


Qi Sijin’s handsome face turned dark instantly.

What warm fragrant nephrite! Isn't it uncomfortable for her to have trouble all day long?

—[4: Bai Muyou, do you believe that I complained to your brother? ]

Bai Muyou rolled his eyes with disdain on his face.

      VI: If you have the ability to sue, let me see if he believes you or me. ]

  ——[IV: Heh. ]

 The two of them started to argue in the group with each other.

At this time, He Yao came out and said with emotion: "Well, on the surface, she is a wealthy young man, a lady from aristocratic family, and behaves like a gentleman and lady, gentle and polite, but secretly, she is so noisy regardless of her image. Is it human nature? Twisted or...]

Before she could finish typing, she was interrupted by Bai Muyou and Qi Sijin.

  —[6: Shut up! none of your business! ]

     四:Shut up! Labor and management are happy! ]

       三:…You two have quite a tacit understanding at this time. ]

They should really let Third Master Qi and Young Master Bai see what kind of faces their good nephew and good sister have behind their backs.

 Tsk tsk tsk.

Bai Muyou snorted coldly and decided not to get along with them.

     VI: I advise you to complete the mission as soon as possible, otherwise the boss will never let you go. ]

—[Seven: By the way, Lao Liu, how is the boss’s health lately? ]

—[Six: Not sure, you should ask Third Brother about this. ]

Ji Yunshu frowned, a trace of doubt flashing in his eyes.

—[Seven: Mr. Qi Sanye? Why? Is he also in Continent S? ]

Could it be that Li Jiu and Master Qi directly pursued him from the empire to Continent S?

      VI: ...I forgot to tell you that the third brother... is Jing Junyue. ]

-[seven:! ! ]

-[three:! ! ]


Ji Yunshu was so shocked that he almost bit his tongue and choked on his saliva.

            七:What did you say? ! Jing Junyue? Does J organization belong to Mr. Qi? ]

  —[6: Uh-huh. ]

 She almost fainted with fright when she first saw Qi Jingci in Szhou.

Although she and Qi Jingci didn't play together for a long time, they were in the same circle. They had known each other since they were young. They had never heard any news about their status, which caught her off guard.

 Luckily Li Jiu was there at that time, otherwise she would have exposed her secret at that time.

 Bai Muyou sighed and continued: "Not only that, but my brother is also a member of Organization J... I'm so fucked, they hid it so well!" Not even talking about my biological sister. ]

 —[3: I was so shocked that my melons dropped...]

  What kind of shocking plot is this?

 No novel authors would dare to write like this, right?

In order to make up the word count, I copied a hundred words first and revised them tomorrow. I can’t help it. I’ve been busy lately and I’ve been stuck in writing. I feel like my brain has turned into mush. It would be great if I could code out one chapter. Yesterday, I was criticized by the editor again. This update is broken, I'm going to cry oooooooooooo



 (End of this chapter)

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