She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 353: My eldest nephew is the most handsome

Chapter 353 My eldest nephew is the most handsome

Now that Bai Muyou thought about the situation at that time, he was still full of things to say. There was simply too much to say.

      VI: You don’t know that at that time, I was standing there like an idiot, and my mask almost came off in fear! ]

                           三:囧, fortunately you have a mask, otherwise the picture would be great. ]

       七:囧囧, I don’t dare to think about the picture. ]


 —[Three: Huh? Suddenly I remembered, doesn’t the fourth brother know the identity of the third master? Why have I never heard him mention it? ]

When He Yao mentioned this, Bai Muyou suddenly realized this.

                六: I almost forgot, Fourth Brother, what the **** is going on? ]

 Qi Sijin: “…”

  Qi Sijin felt that he was very confused.

  Bai Muyou has been at a loss ever since he said Qi Jingci was the leader of Organization J.

He was wondering, was he really Qi Jingci's nephew?

 Why does he not know anything about this kind of thing at all?

     四:…Don’t ask me, I’m confused too. ]

—[Seven: Don’t count on the fourth child. He is abroad all year round. He doesn’t know as much about the Qi family’s affairs as I do. What’s the use of asking him? ]

A trace of disgust appeared in Bai Muyou's eyes.

 —[6: Tsk, it’s useless. ]


Qi Sijin looked at Bai Muyou's disgusting words fiercely, grinding his back molars loudly, which made Qi Mowei look at him with a strange look.

 “What’s wrong?” Qi Mowei asked.

She stood beside him, holding the tickets for the concert and a pile of support items, which blocked her sight. She had to tilt her head and crane her neck to look at his mobile phone.

Surrounded by a crowded group of fans, most of them were young girls in their 18s or 19s. Like Qi Mowei, each of them held a bunch of support items in their hands. Their faces were filled with excitement and excitement, and they kept standing on tiptoes and looking ahead. team, estimate how long it will take to reach you.

 The venue, which was not very spacious to begin with, was so packed with fans who came after hearing the news that it was now almost difficult to move even one step.

Qi Sijin stood next to Qi Mowei. In the past half hour, he could feel his feet being stepped on no less than ten times.

He took a deep breath, turned off the phone screen and put it back in his pocket, forcing himself to calm down, and asked patiently: "How long until we get there?"

 If he stays here, he really won’t be able to bear it any longer!

Qi Mowei stood on tiptoe and glanced at the number of people in front of her. She did a rough count and said, "There should be dozens more. It's almost time. Wait a minute."

Qi Sijin gritted his teeth: “That’s what you said half an hour ago.”

He is really crazy to agree to this **** girl come to some crappy concert!

Qi Mowei curled her lips at him and said, "Oh, just wait a little longer. I've been waiting for half an hour, so be patient."

Qi Sijin finally couldn't control his expression and said impatiently: "What kind of crappy concert is this! It takes so long to get into the venue?"

“Ruining the concert?” Qi Mowei narrowed her eyes, snorted, and threatened: “Do you believe that if I shout out what you just said, the fans here will tear you alive on the spot.”

“…” Qi Sijin pursed her lips, looked around, and wisely did not argue with her.

With this number of people, not to mention tearing him alive, one person can drown him with just a drop of spit.

“I asked you, can you pursue it a little bit? Why should you choose such a popular singer for a concert?”

Qi Sijin really didn’t understand that as the daughter of the Qi family, she was invited to the concerts of so many world-class music masters, but instead of going to attend, she came here to listen to the concerts of popular stars.

What kind of distorted brain circuit is this?

Qi Mowei rolled her eyes and glanced at him disdainfully, "You know what the hell! Am I here to attend the concert? I'm here to see my brother!"

Qi Sijin: "???" What brother? When will she have a brother?

Qi Mowei's expression suddenly became depressed, she pursed her lips and said with a depressed look: "Brother hasn't posted on my blog for half a month. I have no face to lick, and I am as bodyless as a mummy."

   “…”     What pig language are you talking about?

Qi Sijin felt that he couldn't see what was going on in the minds of these star-chasing girls.

He was about to speak out against her, but she grabbed him and pushed him forward.

"Hurry, hurry, hurry! It's our turn! Hurry up, or you won't have time to watch my brother warm up."

 Qi Sijin: “…”

 He has never been such an idiot in his life!

A certain woman forced him to wear a headband with a glowing headband that did not match his aesthetics. He was dragged by her and ran wildly into the venue.

The speed is no different from when fleeing from the desert.

Qi Sijin silently put on the hood of her sweater to cover her face.

 Absolutely no one can discover him!

 Otherwise, the Qi family’s face will be completely disgraced!

Qi Mowei dragged him around for a long time before finding a seat. After sitting down, Qi Sijin let out a long sigh of relief.

 It’s terrible, it’s finally over.

He watched Qi Mowei take out the support items bit by bit, with a serious look as if she was taking an exam, and couldn't help but said: "Isn't it just a face? Could it be possible that he can grow up to be an immortal? Besides, even if he is an immortal, Our family has two faces: me and my third uncle, isn’t that enough for you?”

Qi Mowei stopped moving, raised her head and rolled her eyes at him, "Haven't you ever heard that 'if you enter the house of Zhilan, you will not smell its fragrance for a long time'? Anyone who has seen you and Uncle San since childhood would know how to do it." Are you tired of watching it?”

Qi Sijin suddenly opened his eyes wide, unable to believe what he heard.

Qi Mowei was still saying: "To be honest, when I look at you now, I still think you have a little bit of...well, a public face."

"What did you say?!"

Qi Sijin finally couldn't bear it anymore, stood up and asked her loudly, which attracted the attention of people around her.

He stretched out his finger and pointed at his handsome and charming face, asking her to check her conscience to confirm what she just said, "What do you think of my appearance, everyone? Huh?"

 His lungs were about to explode with anger!

Has this dead girl’s aesthetics been gnawed by a dog? You actually think he looks popular?

 If you have the ability, find another popular face like him! If he could find it, he would call her daddy!

 Yes, Qi Sijin is very confident in his appearance. Note that this is not narcissism. People who are narcissistic in this author's works generally do not end well.

His face, even in the entertainment industry, is a facial feature that instantly kills all the young talents and is praised as a beautiful face.

However, in her mouth, it inexplicably became a public face?

 Qi Sijin felt that she had been insulted.

Feeling the surprised looks from the fans around her, Qi Mowei frowned, pulled him by the corner of his clothes and pulled him to sit down, softly comforting him: "Okay, okay, I understand, my eldest nephew is the most handsome, okay? ? Let’s watch the concert first, okay?”

 After saying that, before Qi Sijin could answer, she gave him a pink cheering stick and asked him to lift it up and shake it together.

Qi Sijin looked at the glowing support stick in his hand: "..."

 (End of this chapter)

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