She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 354: Something happened

Chapter 354 Something happened

On the stage not far away, the host slowly walked out from behind the scenes to the center of the stage to say hello to the audience, and the concert began immediately.

Qi Mowei ignored him at all, turned her head and waved the support stick in her hand, her eyes bright, excitedly waiting for Ning Feng to appear.

 However, a few minutes passed, and the host on the stage was already sweating on his forehead, but Ning Feng still did not appear.

The audience gradually began to sigh, and a small number of spectators began to whisper among themselves.

  The host was on stage, barely keeping calm on the outside, but in fact he was extremely panicked inside.

From the headset, the director's suppressed angry voice came: "A few more minutes of commercials!"

The producer next to him frowned and said, "If we delay it any longer, I'm afraid the fans will be impatient."

The director scratched his head irritably and dropped the document in his hand to the ground with a bang.

“Damn it! Who is responsible for the backstage preparations? Why was there no problem with the costumes beforehand?!”

Several staff members in charge shrank their necks, lowered their heads, and no one said a word.

  After preparing for a concert for so long, such a low-level problem occurred just before the opening, which is simply ridiculous.

The director glanced at them with cold eyes, "Pack quail for me now? Why did you go there so early?"

 “Tell me! Who is in charge of the costumes?”

 A short boy raised his hand weakly and said, "Director Shen, yes, it's me."

Director Shen's angry gaze immediately shifted to him, "Why is there something wrong with Ning Fengdao's costume?"

"I, I don't know..." The boy's voice sounded like a mosquito, and his expression looked like he was about to cry.

 “It was fine when I checked it an hour ago, but somehow...”

He had made sure to check again before Ning Feng arrived. The clothes were all intact, but when they were about to be used, they were torn.

“I have locked the door to the dressing room. It is impossible for anyone except me to have the key. I, I don’t know what’s going on.”

The more the boy talks, the more he feels that he is the biggest suspect.

 But he has indeed never done such a thing, and now he is in a state of panic.

Director Shen wanted to scold him a few more times, but was stopped by the producer, who said: "The top priority is to solve the problem of the concert, and we will talk about the rest later."

  The scheduled start time of the concert has arrived soon, but Ning Feng hasn’t come on stage yet, and the fans in the audience are already waiting impatiently.

This concert has been prepared for a long time, and the company has invested a lot of energy and money, which shows how much it values ​​Ning Feng.

If this concert can be successful, it will have a great impact on his future transformation.

You must not screw it up!

Director Shen pinched his eyebrows with a headache and said, "Hurry up and see how Ning Feng is doing. Do you think of a solution?"

In the dressing room backstage, manager Zhou Lin was pacing back and forth anxiously, his brows furrowed to the point of killing a fly, his face ashen, and his expression like a death row prisoner about to be executed.

“It’s over, it’s over! It’s over now! It’s over!”

He was wandering around and talking, which made Ning Feng's head explode.

“Brother Zhou, can you be quiet for a while? I’m dead again!”

Ning Feng sat on the sofa and complained dissatisfiedly. His lazy and narrow eyes were fixed on the screen of his mobile phone, his fingers were tapping flexibly, and the sound of game kills kept coming from the dressing room.

Because the performance clothes were destroyed, he is now wearing his own personal clothes. Black jeans wrap around his straight long legs, casually placed on the coffee table. A loose shirt is gathered into his waist, and a silver chain hangs on the right side of the belt. The metallic luster is reflected under the light.

As one of the most popular traffic niches at the moment, Ning Feng's looks are undoubtedly very impressive. He was even compared with Bai Muyou, who is known as the top beauty in the industry, right after he debuted. He can be said to be a god. Enjoy the meal. It's just that if you ignore his careless and naive nature in private, he will be more perfect.

“I’m talking about ancestors, little ancestor Ning! Can you be more careful? Do you know how much effort the company has spent on your concert? Are you not in a hurry?”

Zhou Lin was so angry that his lungs were about to explode when he saw that he was still in the mood to play games.

Ning Feng manipulated the character in the game to get the first kill. The corners of his mouth suddenly raised, and joy flashed in his narrow and lazy eyes. As if he didn't hear his words, he cheered: "Ohyes!"

 Zhou Lin: “…”

 Zhou Lin: "Ning Feng! Did you listen to me?"

Ning Feng rubbed his ears that were about to be deafened, "Brother Zhou, I heard it."

 “Aren’t you worried at all?”

He was really **** off!

Whose concert is this?

Knowing what would happen if the concert didn't go smoothly, he actually still played and played here with a cheerful look?

 Is he really stupid or just pretending to be stupid?

Ning Feng raised his head and smiled gently at him, saying: "I'm worried, but the company is probably more worried than me, so in comparison, I feel relieved."

Anyway, if there was a problem with his concert, the company would have been in vain for so long.

So there is no need for him to worry. The company's senior executives who value their own interests more than their own lives will definitely find a way to solve it.


Zhou Lin's eyelids twitched, "I'm afraid you are the only one in the entire company who dares to say that."

If any other artist dared to think like him, he would have packed up and left long ago.

 Only he dares to be so unscrupulous because he is the company's cash cow and the company's top executives praise him.

 “I tell the truth.”

Ning Feng put his hand to support his chin, with an innocent expression, "If such a big thing happened, it would be strange if my little fans didn't tear up the company's official website if word got out. If they can't think of a way, they can just wait to be scolded."

Zhou Lin has absolutely nothing to do with him, "Okay, okay, okay, you are the ancestor. Everything you say is right, but what about now? Are we just waiting like this?"

  Everyone outside is in a mess, especially the director, who is almost driven crazy, but they are chatting calmly here. Isn't it good?

Ning Feng spread his hands, "What else can I do? Go out and interact with my little fans?"

He imagined the scene for a moment and trembled all over, "Let's forget it. Every time they see me, it's like taking a shot of chicken blood. I'm afraid I'll be eaten alive by them."

Zhou Lin retorted: "Even if they don't see you, it's as if they've been given blood."

  Usually posting a daily selfie can cause a stir in the comment section and lead to nominations and hot searches. Regarding this kind of physique, he no longer wants to say anything.

“So, except for necessary business, I’d better keep a distance from my fans.”

Ning Feng shrugged and continued to play with his phone with his head lowered. He didn't look like he was going to perform right away.

Zhou Lin looked at his careless attitude and sighed sadly.

 A person from someone else’s family wants to interact with fans all day long and then make a hot search.

 As a result, his family was forced to operate all day long, and the Buddhist monk looked like a half-disabled person.

 (End of this chapter)

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