She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 355: Sorry, no entry here

Chapter 355 Sorry, no entry is allowed here

"Eh? What's going on? Why doesn't Ning Zai come out?"

 In the audience, a fan finally raised a question.

As soon as these words came out, they attracted more echoes from around them.

“That’s right, it’s been so long since the scheduled time, why haven’t you started yet?”

“Host, go down! We want Ning Zai!”

 “We want Ning Zai! Get down!”

 “Get down quickly!”

Fans kept shouting at the host on the stage, demanding to see Ning Feng.

  The host’s hands behind his back were clenched involuntarily, and his palms were sweating nervously.

what to do? He can't hold on any longer!

While the fans were making a fuss, Qi Mowei frowned, feeling that something was not quite right.

She turned her head, pushed Qi Sijin, who was so bored that he put on his headphones and closed his eyes, and asked, "Do you think something will happen to Ning Zai?"

Qi Sijin took off his headphones and looked confused: "What did you say?"


Qi Mowei rolled her eyes, ignored him, stood up and left.

"Where are you going?" Qi Sijin was a little confused by her actions.



Qi Sijin raised his eyebrows and hummed softly: "If you sneak in, be careful of being thrown out."

 Only the staff can enter the backstage of the concert, and no one else can enter without permission.

What's more, Ning Feng is a top figure in the entertainment industry. The security of his concert must be tighter, and it is impossible to sneak in.

Qi Mowei raised the corners of her mouth, showing a proud smile, and took out the pass she had worked so hard to get before and waved it in front of him as if to show off.

 “Did you see it? This is called entering in an open and fair manner.”

She put her hands on her hips, glared at him, and said, "Do I look like someone who would sneak in? That's disrespectful to Ning Zai!"

Qi Sijin curled his lips and sneered in his heart.

Hunting one Ning cub at a time, the barking is really affectionate.

I do n’t know what the niche boy did Ning Feng give her a soul soup and fascinated her.

Although he was very disgusted with Qi Mowei's behavior of trying every possible means to meet her idol, he finally followed her.

 After all, if she was thrown out for seeing an idol, it would be the Qi family who would be thrown out.

 He followed Qi Mowei to the backstage, and as expected, was stopped by someone.

“Sorry, miss, this is the backstage and non-staff members are not allowed to enter.”

Qi Mowei took out the pass and said, "I have documents. Please let us in."

The security guard glanced at the pass, and his expression suddenly became a little embarrassed. He glanced at his companion, and after receiving the other's look, he coughed lightly and said, "Sorry, there are special circumstances today. The backstage is temporarily closed. You have a pass?" Can’t come in, please go back.”


Qi Mowei suddenly said angrily: "How can you do this? You gave the pass, and now you don't let anyone in?"

She dragged many little sisters to get this pass, and it took her two months of pocket money to get it. Now it’s useless?

“I’m sorry, Miss, I really can’t. Please go back.” The security guard extended his hand in a gesture of invitation. The meaning was clear, that he was not allowed to enter.

Qi Mowei was unwilling to give in. Since the pass was useless, she begged for mercy, "Security brother, just let me go in and take a look, okay?"

“I am a fan of Ning Zai’s mother, and I am definitely not a suspicious person. Can you let me meet him?”

 The security guard was indifferent and expressionless.

"No." Qi Mowei refused to give up and continued: "It's been more than ten minutes since the scheduled start time of the concert, and Ning Zai doesn't even show up. Did something happen?"

"I'm sorry, miss, this is the artist's privacy and we are not in a position to disclose it," the security guard said solemnly.

Qi Mowei stomped her feet angrily, "Can't you say something else besides sorry?"

Security: "I'm sorry, miss. If you can't come in, you can't come in."

 Qi Mowei: “…”


Qi Sijin, who was standing aside and watching her argue with the security guard, finally couldn't help but laugh out loud, and received a blank look from her.

"If you can't get in, then you can't get in. If you can't see Ning Feng, you won't die. Let's go back."

Qi Mowei glared at him fiercely and refused: "No, I won't leave until I see Ning Zai today."

The backstage area was suddenly blocked, something must have happened. She wanted to stay. Even if she couldn't get in, she might be able to help.

Qi Sijin shook his head and sighed, this man was hopeless.

 Qi Mowei has been stubborn since she was a child, and would not listen to anyone's advice. This time she kept her word, and the security guard refused to let her in, so she squatted directly at the door of the backstage, with a posture of guarding her until the end of the concert.

The security guard's expression finally changed, "Miss, even if you squat here, we can't let you in. You'd better go back and don't fight with us."

"Don't worry, I won't break in. I'm just waiting here. If I can't get in, I don't believe Ning Zai won't come out."


 The two security guards looked at each other, saw helplessness in each other's eyes, and let her go.

Qi Sijin pursed her lips and felt a dull pain in her temples. Looking at her expression, he knew that this girl's temper was rising again.

It's impossible to let her give up at this time. Let's wait until she calms down.

So, Qi Sijin took out the headphones from his pocket and put them on again, leaning against the wall, tilting his head back slightly and closing his eyes lightly.

Ten minutes later, Qi Mowei's legs were already numb from squatting, and Ning Feng still didn't move at all. The entrance to the backstage was quiet, except for her, the two security guards, and Qi Sijin, there was no one else.

Qi Mowei's expression was a little stiff. If she hadn't known that there was only one entrance and exit here, she would have really thought that Ning Feng had left through another exit.

"I said, just give up. Maybe Ning Feng won't be able to come out today?" Qi Sijin opened his eyes and advised her.

Qi Mowei lowered her eyes, looking a little hurt.

There is nothing more disappointing than waiting all day in vain to meet your idol.

Qi Sijin sighed lowly, took off his headphones, stepped forward and patted her shoulder, "Let's go, I'll see you again when I have the chance. Ning Feng is not a god, is it possible that if I don't see him this time, I won't see him again? "

 Besides, if she really wants to see Ning's not like he can't help.

Qi Sijin put his hands in his pockets, straightened his back, and squinted his eyes in the direction of the backstage, with a hint of dark color flashing under his light golden eyes.

That guy, what on earth is he doing again?

Because the light backstage was very dim, Qi Sijin was standing far away just now, and the two security guards never saw his face clearly.

Now the perfect and enchanting facial features were clearly displayed in front of them. A flash of surprise flashed across their eyes involuntarily, and the next second, they were both stunned in place.

 “Qi, Second Young Master Qi?”

One of the security guards shouted with a trembling voice.

Qi Sijin raised his eyebrows and nodded slightly to them.

security guard:"…"

The second son of the Qi family, one of the two top wealthy families in the Imperial Capital, had just returned from abroad recently and was in the limelight. They didn't expect them to bump into him.

So, the person squatting on the ground... is also from the Qi family?

security guard:"!!"

Did they keep the Qi family outside for more than ten minutes? !

 Isn’t this seeking death?

 (End of this chapter)

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