She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 356: I'm done being a cow and a horse for you, right?

Chapter 356: Are you ready to be a cow or a horse for you?

 The security guard's face changed immediately, and he was respectful for a second, "Second Young Master, what are you..."

"Oh, it's okay, you don't need to pay attention to me. I'm mainly here to accompany my little aunt." Qi Sijin said with a smile.

   小, aunt, aunt.

The security guard turned his gaze stiffly to Qi Mowei, his expression suddenly froze on his face, and his whole person was petrified.

"In that case, then, Miss Qi..."

Qi Mowei's eyes suddenly lit up, thinking that he was going to let her in, and she stood up from the ground instantly.

 But because he squatted for too long and stood up too quickly, his vision went dark, his body became unstable, and he fell forward.

Seeing that her face was about to come into close contact with the ground, Qi Mowei couldn't help but close her eyes, preparing to face the next misery.

However, the expected pain did not appear. 0.01 seconds before she was about to fall, Qi Sijin quickly grabbed her collar, like a cat by the scruff of the neck, and pulled her back. .

“Be careful!” Qi Sijin frowned and warned in a deep voice.

Qi Mowei stuck out her tongue at him and turned to look at the security guard, her eyes full of expectation.

The security guard swallowed his saliva, and under her bright eyes, he weakly finished the rest of the sentence: "Aren't you tired of squatting like this? Do you need to move a stool for you?"

 The meaning is very clear, even if you are a member of the Qi family, if you cannot enter, you cannot enter.

Seeing that there was no chance, Qi Mowei's shoulders immediately slumped, her head lowered, and her whole body was as listless as a wilted flower.

 Woo woo woo, sad.jpg

Originally, she thought she would be able to see Ning Zai with the pass. She even prepared things for signing, but she couldn't even get in.

I just want to hit a wall to death!

Qi Mowei walked to a corner not far away to grieve alone, closing in on herself on the spot.

 No love, no more love, no more life.

Qi Sijin was standing aside, looking at her actions amusedly, "Do you really want to see Ning Feng so much?"

 The latter did not move, still facing the wall with his back to him, as if he was cut off from the outside world.

Qi Sijin raised his eyebrows, raised the corners of his lips, coughed deliberately, and said, "What if I said, I have a way for you to see him?"


Qi Mowei's posture remained unchanged, her back turned to him and she replied coldly with two syllables to express her ridicule towards him.

Yo ho! You don’t believe it?

Tsk, if she knew that he not only knew Ning Feng, but also beat him since he was a child, would she just roll her eyes and roll her eyes?

such a pity.

  A gleaming smile of schadenfreude flashed in Qi Sijin’s eyes.

Even if she rolls her eyes out of the universe, this is still a fact, and she cannot help but not believe it.

But now, no matter how much he talks, she will think he is bragging, so she still has to prove it with actual actions.

  Qi Sijin took out her mobile phone and clicked on the chat box with Ning Feng.

   四:Ah Shi, come out for a moment. One of your little fans is almost autistic because he can’t see you. ]

 “Fuck! He’s dead again!”

Ning Feng cursed in a low voice, scolding the fool who sent him a WeChat message at this time and caused his tragic death.

 Sliding down the message bar, I saw that the idiot’s note was: Fourth Brother.

  Ning Feng: “…”

 He looked stiff.

 Look at the message he sent to himself again.

  Ning Feng: “…”


The next second, he jumped up from the sofa, staring at the phone, and carefully read the words Qi Sijin sent him word for word.

 You saw it right, and he understood it right.    —[Ashi:! ! Fourth brother, has your account been hacked? Shivering.jpg]

Having said that, stealing Qi Sijin’s account is as difficult as heaven and impossible.

He now prefers to believe that Qi Sijin was penetrated, otherwise how could he say such a thing?

 Listen, I'm calling you "your little fan", what an intimate tone.

sky! Fourth brother, is this crazy? Doesn’t he always hate celebrities, fans, etc.? What happened?

Ning Feng felt that his hand holding the phone began to tremble, and questions kept floating through his mind, as if there were tens of thousands of comments.

"What's wrong?"

Zhou Lin was waiting anxiously for a call from the company, but he almost sent him away with a "fuck".

Zhou Lin patted his chest and tried his best to calm down his heart so that he would not look for life-saving pills now. Zhou Lin took a deep breath and said with a smile: "Did a needle suddenly appear on the sofa and **** your butt, or did you find yourself I can’t stand it anymore?”


Ning Feng looked at him with horrified eyes, unable to believe his sudden venomous tongue, "I can understand the first half of the sentence, but what do you mean by the second half? Do you know that you don't know how to criticize others? You are not like me. Diss?"

 “It’s a fact that you are good at it.”

“Even if it’s true, I’m still proud of it.”

"Ha!" Zhou Lin twitched the corner of his mouth and said with a smile: "Stop talking nonsense, let me tell you, there is no news from the company yet. If this continues, the concert will be messed up, and you will really become a senior executive. A plate of food is served and left to be slaughtered! "

Zhou Lin gritted his teeth and glared at him, "I'm about to explode. Are you careless? Are you happy that you scared me into the hospital?"

Ning Feng: "...If I told you that one of my little fans has been waiting outside for more than ten minutes to take a look at me, and her identity is not ordinary, you will definitely be surprised."

 After all, even Qi Sijin said that she was his fan, so she must be a die-hard fan.

Zhou Lin sneered and looked at his face with an expression that said if you make it up again and again, I won’t believe it no matter how you make it up.

  Ning Feng: “…”

Ning Feng couldn't explain to him, so he just opened the door and walked out.

  “Hey! Where are you going? You can’t go out and walk around now! It will be bad if you are seen by fans!”

Zhou Lin's expression changed, he secretly said something bad, and quickly followed.

 —[Ashi: Where are you? ]

Qi Sijin raised his eyebrows, lowered his head and returned to his exact position.

      四:Entrance here. ]

—[Ah Shi: Okay, wait a minute, I’ll be there right away. ]

Qi Sijin raised the corner of his mouth with a smile, took back his phone, walked to Qi Mowei, patted her shoulder, and asked with a smile: "If I can let you see Ning Feng, how will you repay me?"

 Qi Mowei slapped his claws off angrily.

She is already like this, and he is still in the mood to make fun of her?

snort! Bad guy!

Qi Mowei turned her head, rolled her eyes, and said coldly: "Is it okay if I make you a cow or a horse?"

 If he could let her see Ning Zai, she would never go eastward if he asked her to.

 The question is, is this possible?

 Qi Sijin curled up the corners of his lips and showed a successful smile, which made Qi Mowei suddenly have a bad premonition and an inexplicable feeling of being plotted against.

 She looked at him doubtfully, her eyes full of questions.

Qi Sijin raised her chin in one direction, motioning her to look that way.

Qi Mowei slowly turned her head following his line of sight, and then she saw Ning Feng, who was rushing here in a hurry.

It turns out to be Ning Feng!

Qi Mowei's pupils shrank, and her eyes almost fell out of shock.

 (End of this chapter)

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