She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 357: It’s a fan who can’t afford to offend

 Chapter 357: Fans who can’t afford to offend

Ning Feng was not wearing sunglasses and a mask as usual at this time. His stunning and beautiful face was completely exposed to the air, and his temperament was calm and indifferent, just like a romantic nobleman.

He hurriedly walked towards them with a pair of long legs, still holding his coat in his hand. He was obviously in a hurry. Zhou Lin behind him was still mumbling: "Ancestor! What are you doing out here now that you are desperate?" If someone sees it, the trouble will be even greater!”

If he is met by a fan and the situation gets out of control, he will not be able to solve it!

Suddenly, Ning Feng's eyes moved and he stopped. His lazy eyes fell on Qi Mowei. He only stayed for a moment, and then immediately turned his eyes to Qi Sijin behind her.

Zhou Lin behind him did not expect that he would stop suddenly, and almost tripped with his left foot and fell on him with his right foot.


Zhou Lin opened his eyes wide and wanted to ask him what he wanted to do.

However, he saw the corners of Ning Feng's mouth raised slightly, a smile appearing in his usually cold and lazy eyes, and he waved forward in an unconventional manner.

Qi Mowei, who thought he was greeting her, suddenly looked confused: "...?"

what's the situation?

 The idol suddenly appeared in front of her.

 The idol smiled at her.

The idol waved and said hello to her?

 Is she insane?

Zhou Lin followed Ning Feng's line of sight and was immediately shocked: "These two are..."

His tone was a little hesitant. Although he usually came into contact with many upper-class wealthy families in the Imperial Capital, he knew very little about the real top wealthy Qi family. He had only seen Qi Mowei and Qi Sijin from a distance a few times. .

Now the two people were standing in front of him so vividly that he couldn't recognize them.

Ning Feng smiled and said, "My fans."

After saying that, he walked towards Qi Mowei, stood in front of her, and gave her a gentle and friendly smile.


Qi Mowei is now a little square and her head is dizzy. The courage to scream when she looked at Ning Feng's videos and photos suddenly disappeared. She can't even speak clearly: "Ning, Ning, Ning... Zai?"

Hearing her name, Ning Feng raised his eyebrows. Unexpectedly, she was actually his mother's fan.

 What a surprise.

 “Ah ah ah! What a Ning Zai!”

Qi Mowei suddenly screamed excitedly. She was afraid of attracting others, and immediately covered her mouth with her hand. Her eyes were wide open, like a duck being strangled by the neck, and her expression was extremely excited.

 It’s a normal fan’s reaction to seeing the real owner. Zhou Lin understood. Ning Feng suddenly ran out just to see this little fan.

Then the question is, what is the background of this fan, so that Ning Daxing, whose family has never been very fond of interactive business, can come out to meet him in person?

Ning Feng chuckled lightly, his blue pupils shone with tiny lights, he extended his hand to her in a gentlemanly manner, and said gently: "It's our first time meeting you, Miss Qi, hello."

Qi Mowei shook his hand dizzy, as if her soul had left her body, and she didn’t know what day it was.

 Zhou Lin: “…”

have to! I know where this fan comes from.

There was still a little uncertainty just now. Now it is a real hammer. The young lady of the Qi family was held by the little princess who was held by Father Qi and the Qi family.

No wonder he suddenly ran out in surprise.

If it were him, he would probably have to crawl out on his knees to greet him.

  There is no way to do it, who said this is the father we cannot afford to offend...ah, where are the fans?

However, this untouchable fan was now smiling at Ning Feng with a silly look on his face, like a silly son of a landlord.

Qi Sijin couldn't stand the embarrassing look of her drooling at the next second, so he took a step forward and pulled her behind him, raised his eyes and glanced at Ning Feng lightly: "Why did it take you so long to come out?"


As soon as these words came out, not only Zhou Lin, but also Qi Mowei, who was wandering in the world, immediately turned to look at him with question marks on his face.

 No, isn't it? Do they know each other? !

Zhou Lin's whole figure seemed to have been struck by lightning. His eyes wandered back and forth between Ning Feng and Qi Sijin, and he said in disbelief: "You, he... do you know him?"

Ning Feng nodded and said yes.


Qi Mowei:! ! "

 Qi Mowei looked at Qi Sijin's side face blankly, and his words just now appeared in her mind unconsciously: "If I let you see Ning Feng, how will you repay me?" ]

 How did she answer?

 —[Is it ready to make you a cow or a horse? ]

Qi Mowei’s face turned dark immediately.

 (End of this chapter)

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