She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 358: Think of it as a fan benefit

 Chapter 358 is just a fan benefit

 “Okay! Qi Sijin! You’re kidding me!”

Qi Mowei's whole body exploded in an instant. When she thought that he had just witnessed the whole process of her frustration because she couldn't see Ning Feng, but he was still watching the show, she was so angry that even the joy of meeting her idol could not be covered up. Her anger.

Qi Sijin twitched his lips and said, "Where did I fool you? It was you who said that if I could let you see Ning Feng, you would be my ox or horse."

Hearing this, Ning Feng raised his eyebrows in surprise and was a little confused about whether to laugh or cry, "Miss really want to see me so much?"

“No, Ning Zai, I...”

Qi Mowei didn't expect that he would be such a bitch. He told her embarrassing story directly in front of Ning Feng. His face suddenly became hot, his eyes averted, and his expression was a little embarrassed.

As a result, Qi Sijin’s feet were severely crushed by the slender heels.

 Qi Sijin: “…”

Qi Sijin’s face was distorted for a while, and the pain was visible to the naked eye.

 He took a breath and hissed lightly.

 This girl, why is her foot so heavy!

  Are you going to step on his instep?

Ning Feng looked at Qi Sijin's grinning look, and then thought of his expressionless and cold look when he was with them. The two formed a sharp contrast, and he couldn't help but want to laugh.

But he still held it back. After all, Qi Sijin was famous for holding grudges. If he laughed at him now, he would definitely not bypass him in the future.

So, Ning Feng covered his lips with his fingers, coughed lightly, suppressed the smile in his heart, and said, "Brother Si Jin, you have been standing outside for a long time, why don't you go and sit in my lounge?"

This scene would be really fun if someone saw it.

Qi Mowei was competing with Qi Sijin, and her eyes lit up when she heard this, "Really?"

 Can she really go to Ning Zai's lounge?

Ning Feng smiled and nodded, stretched out his hand and gestured, "Please."

Qi Mowei cheered excitedly and immediately ran to the lounge, leaving Qi Sijin where he was.

She has wanted to see Ning Zai's lounge for a long time!

Qi Sijin gritted his teeth: "...this **** girl."

Ning Feng stood beside him, watching him bending slightly, presumably due to the aftermath of the step he had just taken.

"Are you... okay?" Ning Feng asked with a sullen face and a low voice.

Qi Sijin moved his aching feet and glanced at him coldly.

Ning Feng was suppressing a smile, he could tell.

 “Laugh if you want to, don’t hold it in.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Ning Feng couldn't bear it anymore.

“Pfft hahahahaha, fourth brother, do you actually have this kind of status in the family?”


Qi Sijin looked at him with cold eyes and laughed so hard that he couldn't stand up straight, and said in a deep voice: "Isn't it funny?"

Ning Feng wiped the tears from laughter at the corners of his eyes, waved his hands, and said breathlessly: "No, it's not funny, it's not funny at all, hahahaha."

 Qi Sijin: “…”

 If you can, please lower the corners of your mouth that reach behind your ears.

Zhou Lin's eyes at this moment can no longer be described as surprised, it can be called terrifying.

Ning Feng is a top class person and has always been very strict with his expressions. He would never laugh wildly like this. Even in private, he has never shown such a true expression.

 Have he and Qi Ershao become so acquainted with each other? Zhou Lin was suddenly confused again.

If he is so familiar with Qi Ershao, does Qi Ershao know his current situation in the entertainment industry?

Ning Feng debuted at a young age and became a **** with one song. He blocked the way of many people and hindered the eyes of many people. Therefore, the ill will towards him in the circle has not decreased at all over the years.

Even in the current company, many senior executives dislike Ning Feng, even though he is the company's cash cow.

Take this concert as an example. If something goes wrong, I'm afraid some senior executives in the company will take the opportunity to suppress Ning Feng. Originally, the path of original singers has not been easy in recent years, but if Ning Feng is suppressed again, then Ning Feng will not be able to do so in the future. What will happen is really worrying.

He has been worried about this matter and mentioned it to Ning Feng frequently, but he always looked like he didn't care and didn't take it to heart at all. He was quite careless.

 Zhou Lin sighed silently in his heart.

If Ning Feng and Qi Ershao have a good relationship, then those people who want to cause trouble for him in the future will have to think carefully, right?

Zhou Lin looked at Ning Feng, who was arm-in-arm with Qi Sijin, lowered his head and fell into deep thought.

“Fourth brother, why did you suddenly come to my concert?” Ning Feng walked towards the lounge and asked in a low voice.

Qi Sijin glanced in the direction of Qi Mowei and said, "I came with that girl."

Ning Feng clicked his tongue and crossed his arms, "One girl at a time. Fourth brother, it's not a good idea for you to do this. She is your aunt no matter what."

 Although there is no blood relationship, and this aunt is one year younger than him.

Qi Sijin sneered, his eyes darkened, "Bullshit aunt."

Even if everyone told her that she was his aunt, he would not admit it!

 In his heart, she will never be his aunt.

Ning Feng looked at his stubborn expression and sighed, "You tell me, you can do it whenever you want. You have been hesitating for so many years, but we all seem to be more anxious than you."

Qi Sijin and Qi Mowei grew up and were childhood sweethearts. He liked Qi Mowei. They were not blind, so they could naturally see it. It was just that these two had a special relationship, so it was hard for them to say anything.

However, after all these years, he has still been silent and inactive, only maintaining the relationship between aunt and nephew with her. If one day, Qi Mowei falls in love, I'm afraid he will go crazy.

Qi Sijin looked at Qi Mowei's figure, his eyes darkened, he pursed his lips and said, "Let's talk about it later."

Now is indeed not a good time. If he wants to be with Qi Mowei, if nothing else, his old man's test will be enough to give him a headache.

Ning Feng: "Okay, I can't care about what's going on between you."

The two of them lowered their heads and whispered, and then arrived at the lounge. As soon as they entered the door, they saw Qi Mowei looking at his poster hanging on the wall infatuatedly and unable to take her eyes away.

Ning Feng wanted to laugh a little.

To be honest, he was quite curious as to why Qi Mowei was his fan.

after all…

He glanced sideways at Qi Sijin.

How could Fourth Brother, a person with such a possessive personality, allow her to chase stars?

 This was simply the most incredible thing he had ever heard.

“Miss Qi, if you like it, I still have a photo magazine that I just shot, you can take it.”


Qi Mowei felt like she was going crazy with excitement!

 Oh my God! What kind of magical luck is this!

 She not only met her idol today, but also had a photo book of her idol.

No, no, she's going to die. Is Ah Wei here? Come and die!

Ning Feng raised the corners of his lips, a gentle smile flashed in his eyes, and said with a smile: "Of course, it's a fan benefit."

Qi Mowei: “!!”

She can!

 (End of this chapter)

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