She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 359: Get out if you do it again!

Chapter 359 If it happens again, get out!

Ning Feng gave Zhou Lin a look, and the latter stood up helplessly, found a few magazines signed by Ning Feng and gave them to her.

Qi Mowei couldn't hide the joy on her face, and Qi Sijin couldn't help but complain: "A magazine can make you so happy?"

"I'm happy! Do you care about me?" Qi Mowei stuck out her tongue at him.

 “Without any future.”

Besides, Ning Feng held back his laughter.


His current expression is one of jealousy in capital letters.

I didn’t expect that Qi Sijin would have such a day, hahaha, I really laughed him to death!

Qi Sijin glanced at him fiercely, and still dared to laugh?

“Miss Qi, I didn’t expect you to be my fan. This is really an honor for me.”

Ning Feng coughed lightly, ignored Qi Sijin's eyes that seemed to be murderous, and turned to chat with Qi Mowei.


Qi Mowei was completely stunned. When she realized it, she quickly said excitedly: "No, no, Ning Zai, it should be my honor! You don't know how much I like to listen to your songs!"

Ning Feng chuckled. This time, he was really surprised. After all, most of his current fans are fans of his face. There are not many fans who are really fans of him because of his songs.

"Since you like it, it seems that my singing is not bad." Ning Feng teased to himself.

It was just a joke at first, but unexpectedly, Qi Mowei's expression suddenly became serious, "Ning Zai, I am really your fan. I have been following you since you first released your album, so don't belittle yourself."

Ning Feng was stunned for a moment, then nodded with a smile.

 Suddenly, he asked again: "Can I know why you like my songs?"

His question was a bit strange. Qi Mowei was stunned, "Of course it's because you sing well."

“Apart from that, is there nothing else?” Ning Feng asked with an inexplicable emotion flashing in his eyes.

Qi Mowei pondered for a moment and said: "If there is anything special about it, it would probably be...I don't know why, but your song makes me feel very familiar, as if I have heard it somewhere."

 Speaking of this, her expression was a little strange.

It stands to reason that Ning Feng is an original singer. He writes lyrics and music for every song. She will never hear similar songs. But it is so strange. The first time she heard his singing online, her heart arose. A long-lost feeling that was both familiar and unfamiliar.

It was also because of this that she fell in love with Ning Feng.


Ning Feng fell silent immediately, his eyes lowered, and the loneliness in his eyes was fleeting, and no one noticed it.

Qi Sijin, who was sitting next to him, also flashed his eyes after hearing her words, not knowing what he was thinking.

They didn't speak, but Zhou Lin's expression changed immediately.

If her words were spread, it could be understood as Ning Feng plagiarizing other people's works, which would be fatal to him.

Therefore, he immediately said: "Miss Qi, please don't talk nonsense. Do you mean that our Ning Feng is suspected of plagiarism?"

Qi Mowei didn’t know why he wanted to go to that place, but thinking back carefully about what he just said, it was indeed ambiguous.

She quickly explained: "No! Ning Zai, I'm not saying you plagiarized, I just... just have a feeling."

Looking at her panicked explanation, Ning Feng said nonchalantly: "It's okay, I know what you mean and I won't misunderstand you."

Qi Mowei breathed a sigh of relief.

 Fortunately, Ning Zai is considerate, otherwise she would definitely be expelled from her fandom!

 At that time, not only will I not be able to join Ning Zai’s support club, I’m afraid I won’t even be able to go to some of his usual concerts.


Qi Mowei straightened up suddenly.

 When it came to the concert, she seemed to have forgotten something.


Qi Mowei was so remorseful that she almost wanted to slap herself.

 It's all her fault that she was so excited to see Ning Feng that she forgot the purpose of coming backstage. She raised her head and glanced at Ning Feng, and asked cautiously: "Um...Ning Zai, it's been so long since the scheduled concert time, why don't you go on stage? Did something happen?"

Ning Feng did not answer, but looked at Zhou Lin.

The meaning of his actions was so obvious that Zhou Lin fell silent: "..."

Qi Mowei also followed his gaze and looked at Zhou Lin, her eyes full of curiosity.

In the end, Zhou Lin finally lost his battle in the eyes of these two people. He sighed and said resignedly: "Forget it, just say it."

 With the permission of his manager, Ning Feng slowly told what happened before.

“What? You said there was something wrong with Ning Feng’s concert?”

At this time, the Lu family in the imperial capital.

In the study room, Lu Qingran was reviewing the documents in his hand. Hearing the report from his subordinates, he raised his head in surprise and narrowed his eyes, "Have you found out who did it?"

The subordinate shook his head and said, "No, you have instructed Mr. Ning to report anything to you as soon as possible, so we have not taken any action to investigate the matter."

Lu Qingran frowned and said displeased: "I asked you to follow him to protect him, not to spy on him. Go and find out the matter for me immediately!"


 The subordinate nodded and retreated.

Lu Qingran put aside the document in his hand, picked up his phone, and clicked into the chat box with Ning Feng.

Chat records are also kept above the prompts for adding friends.

 Although he and Ning Feng were friends, he never sent a message to him.

Lu Qingran frowned, thought for a moment, and then sent a message to ask about the situation.

  —[I heard that you are in trouble and need help? ]

 He thought for a while, then deleted the sentence and typed it again: "Did your concert go well?" ]

Hmm, this way, it won’t seem too deliberate.

Lu Qingran smiled.

 However, after a while, Ning Feng still did not reply to his message, as if he had not received it.

Lu Qingran’s brows furrowed tightly, the aura around her body gradually became lowered, and her expression was not very happy.

Over there, in the lounge, Ning Feng and Qi Mowei were chatting, and during this period they received a message from Lu Qingran.

However, he just glanced at it with a frown, and then put the phone away.

Qi Sijin noticed his movements and asked, "What's wrong?"

Ning Feng: "It's okay, he's just an annoying guy."

Qi Sijin nodded and said oh.

 He ​​didn't reply, so Lu Qingran didn't give up. Instead, he kept sending him messages, causing his cell phone to keep ringing as if there was something wrong.

Ning Feng’s eyes became very dark.

Qi Mowei said: "Well...Ning Zai, why don't you reply to the message first? Maybe the other party is in a hurry?"

 Looking like this, he is really in a hurry, otherwise I wouldn’t keep sending him messages.

Ning Feng nodded, picked up the phone with a smile, and pressed the voice button.

 The next second, his violent and thunderous voice echoed throughout the lounge: "You are not allowed to send any more **** messages to the labor and management! If you do, you will be blocked! Get out!!"


 The mobile phone was placed firmly on the table.

 Qi Sijin: “…”

 Qi Mowei: “…”

 Zhou Lin: “…”

 (End of this chapter)

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