She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 360: The old stupid tyrant writing routine

 Chapter 360 The ancient idiot tyrant’s routine

 Zhou Lin's face showed a trace of cracks.

Qi Mowei turned to stone directly on the spot, staring blankly at Ning Feng, who suddenly lost his character for some reason.

Except for Qi Sijin, who only raised his eyebrows slightly and had no other reaction, the other two people present looked disillusioned.

Ning Feng narrowed his eyes slightly and snorted coldly. Even though he cursed loudly, the anger in his heart still couldn't dissipate.

That stupid man still dares to bother him after all this time? !

 “Who made you so angry?”

Qi Sijin changed his position and leaned directly on the back of the sofa, his posture was lazy and casual, and his eyes looked at him curiously.

Ning Feng snorted lightly, a flash of sarcasm flashed in his eyes, "It's nothing, just an idiot."

He rubbed the jade ring on his index finger, his eyes narrowed, and he couldn't help but think of the situation that day.

He is the spokesperson of the Lu Group, and he must not miss the Lu Group's cocktail party. However, since he is not interested in this kind of social gathering where people are drinking and drinking and pretending to be affectionate, he casually dealt with a few investors and just wanted to find a room. Wait until the reception is over.

But he never expected that he would encounter the old stupid and overbearing president's routine!

He went to the wrong room and entered the room of the young director of the Lu Group, that is, the famous dandy and unruly eldest son of the Lu family in Imperial Capital.

 Forget it, what the hell! Damn it, he happened to bump into Lu Qingran who had just taken a shower.

There is no need to describe the next scene too much, you can figure it out by yourself.

The rumored dandy and wanton eldest son of the Lu family may not be very smart. He was determined that he wanted to sacrifice himself for his position. He didn't know it, either dead or alive, and raised his chin with his fingers. He said it with a 20% accuracy. One sentence: "You want to be mine? Just you?"

Ning Feng chuckled at that time.

 I can **** your people.

His boss Li Jiu once had a wise saying: Never fight with an idiot, just do it directly so that he can never fight again.

So, who had always regarded Li Jiu's words as golden rules, he gave Lu Qingran a hammer on the spot and walked away.

The result after that can be imagined. Although Lu Qingran is a bit stupid, he is still a member of the Lu family. Can't he still find a little star?

 Of course not possible.

 So, in recent times, he has been visited by that idiot more than once under various names.

If it were any other celebrity, he might really be afraid of Lu Qingran's identity, but he, ha! impossible.

If you really want to count, his background may be more powerful than Lu Qingran's, but he usually keeps a low profile.

 So, facing Lu Qingran’s repeated threats and threats, he was not afraid at all.

Come on, be tough, let’s see who is more stubborn!

 But for some unknown reason, Lu Qingran suddenly changed her temper and stopped threatening him, instead harassing him.

  It’s not the harasser with evil intentions, but he is like air, appearing next to him all the time, and he can’t get rid of it.

 Ever since I didn’t know what method he used to add his WeChat account last time, he felt bad.

As expected, something happened during his concert this time, and this idiot immediately got involved.

Really! I want someone to slap him to death!

Ning Feng thought, the air pressure around his body dropped even lower.

Zhou Lin coughed a few times and signaled him to pay attention to his image. This was in front of fans. If his character failed, would he still want to be in the industry?

Ning Feng, who was so angry that Lu Qingran was so angry, suddenly came back to his senses, realized that there were outsiders, and immediately smiled sheepishly: "Sorry, I was a little emotional, didn't it scare you?"

Qi Mowei calmed down and calmed down her fright, "No, it's okay."

It's just that Ning Zai suddenly looked very fierce just now, which was a bit scary.

But if we really talk about it, how could Ning Feng be so angry and baring his teeth and swearing just now, so like those violent little wolfdogs in the novels she had read?

Qi Mowei was instantly shocked by her thoughts: "!!"

 What is she thinking?

Her Ning Zai is obviously a well-behaved little puppy, okay?

 She must have read too many novels.

She convinced herself so.

"It's okay." Ning Feng breathed a sigh of relief. He always managed his expression very well, but this was the first time he lost his composure in front of fans. It’s all that Lu Qingran’s fault!

Ning Feng couldn't help but grit his teeth when he mentioned him, and he couldn't help but feel angry.

Over there, Lu Qingran clicked on the voicemail, and after hearing Ning Feng's curse, she almost deafened her ears.

 Lu Qingran: “…”

 As for?

Lu Qingran's eyes flashed with helplessness.

This misunderstanding seems to be getting bigger and bigger.

 Difficult to do.

His first encounter with Ning Feng was indeed a mistake, not even a good one.

He drank a little too much that day, so he opened a room. Unexpectedly, a group of friends started video chatting with him, and they got high. A few grown men got drunk and played truth or dare through the video.

He lost, and those idiots forced him to act out a plot from a classic novel about bosses on the spot. The lines, emotions, etc. had to be in place.

 …That night, he didn’t know if his brain was tricked, but he actually agreed to their idiotic request and turned around to find props.

Then Ning Feng came in.

 Everything that happened after that is also known.

 Lu Qingran is still thinking weirdly that Ning Feng was so focused on beating him that he didn't see that the cell phone placed not far away was still in video mode.

 …Yes, he was videotaped being beaten to a black and blue face by a starlet, and the process was very detailed.

If he hadn't handled it properly at the right time, those idiots would have sent the video of him being beaten to the group of young men in Imperial Capital.

 At that time, all face will be really lost.

However, despite this, he was ridiculed by the group of friends for a long time.

 Being beaten by a little star is definitely a shame. Can he bear it? cannot.

 So he started looking for Ning Feng.

 You won’t know if you don’t check, but you’ll be shocked if you check.

Ning Feng is actually the spokesperson of Lu Group.

He, a serious young director of the Lu Group, has never seen him before!

With a mentality of revenge, he went directly to the door with the diagnosis certificate issued by the hospital.

 He originally thought that Ning Feng beat him that day because he didn't know his identity and thought he wanted to sexually harass him.

If he knows his identity, his face will definitely look particularly wonderful when the time comes.

 When he thought of that scene, he felt waves of pleasure in his heart.

However, he thought wrong. Not only did Ning Feng know his identity, but his attitude was extremely strong. He even gave him a card when he took out the hospital diagnosis certificate! !

 When has he ever been dumped by someone in his life?

 It’s simply unbearable!

Lu Qingran was so angry that he directly threatened him with his status as a young director of the Lu Group.

who knows…

This Ning Feng actually threw the expired contract between him and Lu in his face and told him to get out? ! !

 Lu Qingran: “…”

Your sister!

 (End of this chapter)

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