She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 361: Reiteikyo

Chapter 361 Return to the Imperial Capital

The sky is clear and clear, surrounded by white clouds.

On the plane, Qi Jingci tilted his head slightly, glanced softly at Li Jiu, who was sleeping peacefully, and whispered to the flight attendant not far away for a blanket, and gently covered her with it.

When several flight attendants not far away saw this, they immediately shouted excitedly: "Ah! Isn't it too sweet? That man is so handsome. Sure enough, all the good-looking guys belong to other families."

“It’s just that I’m so good-looking and good to my girlfriend. I’m so sad.”

“Okay, no matter how sour it is, it’s not yours, so don’t look at it.”

A few people reluctantly looked back.

Qi Jingci gently held Li Jiu's head with his hands and moved the position slightly so that she could lean on his shoulder more comfortably. Then he took out the magazine at hand and read it quietly.

Other passengers looked at this peaceful scene with envy, and felt sad for the dog food they were forced to eat.

Qi Jingci frowned, feeling uncomfortable with the constant glances from around him.

He didn't like the feeling of being watched.

But there is no other way. His seat is against the aisle, and Li Jiu is on the other side. If he gets out of the way, all the eyes of those people will fall on Li Jiu, which will make him even more unhappy.

 So, he had to endure the looks that made him uncomfortable.

Qi Jingci regretted ten thousand times why he didn't take a private plane and listened to Li Jiu instead.

He glanced sideways and lifted the blanket on Li Jiu, a look of helplessness flashing in his eyes.

There was no other way, she didn’t want to take a private plane and said she wanted to experience economy class, so he had no choice but to comply with her.

The matter in Szhou has been basically solved. The rest can be left to the people below. They don't need to stay here anymore.

 Nanfeng's inspection report on Li Jiu has been ambiguous and undecided. The reason is that the equipment and machines in Szhou are a bit crude, and some precise inspection data cannot be confirmed until they return to the Imperial Capital.

According to Li Jiu's situation, it is not known when the disease will relapse. At this time, Nanfeng is inseparable.

 So, he decided to come back with her.

Li Jiu disagreed at first. So far, several major families have not made it clear. She was worried. In addition, the Mo family was also a problem.

 But Qi Jingci was extra determined to take her back to the imperial capital. In his heart, no matter how important things were, they were not as important as her.

 After much persuasion, he finally convinced Li Jiu.

This is when the current scene appeared.

Li Jiu slept well and peacefully because Qi Jingci was beside her. She didn't wake up until the plane landed.

"Are you awake?" Qi Jingci looked at her, raised his eyebrows, and said with a smile, "You woke up just in time."

 If she still can't do it, he probably has to carry her off the plane.

Li Jiu's eyes were still filled with confusion that had not yet dissipated. He blinked his clear eyes and asked in a low voice, "Are you here?"


 “So fast?”

How did she remember that she seemed to have just gotten on the plane?

“…You slept all the way, so of course you feel fast.”

Li Jiu stood up from her seat, flexed her muscles, and stretched her waist. The hem of her shirt lifted up with her movements, revealing a slender white waist that was dazzlingly tight under the lights of the airplane.

Her actions made Qi Jingci's eyes darken, and he immediately picked up the coat next to him and put it on her body, covering up the eye-catching whiteness.

Li Jiu looked back at him in surprise. Qi Jingci coughed lightly, his eyes averted for a moment, and said, "Let's go, Jingyi and the others are waiting." The two of them took their luggage, and Li Jiu saw that they were still close to the exit. It was a long distance and there were so many people in the airport that I immediately felt too lazy to leave.

She stopped and looked at Qi Jingci pushing two suitcases in front, with a sly look in her eyes.

Li Jiu took two steps at a time, walked forward quickly, and sat on one of the suitcases, as if he didn't want to leave by himself.

Qi Jingci suddenly stopped and looked back at her helplessly. Under her smiling eyes, he let go of the hand holding the suitcase handle, changed the hold on the suitcase handle with his right hand, and pulled the other hand with his left hand. He pushed his suitcase in front of him and continued walking.

Just like that, in the crowded airport, a man with a tall figure and a cool temperament had a suitcase in each hand. On the suitcase behind him, there was a slender and lazy girl sitting, which annoyed the passers-by. Frequent attention.


After leaving the airport, Jing Yi and Jing Er, who had been waiting outside for a long time, immediately greeted them. They wanted to take the luggage, but when they saw Li Jiu sitting on it, they immediately retracted their hands.

Qi Jingci nodded, turned to look at Li Jiu, who had not walked a step since just now, and joked: "I wonder if your service, Miss Li, is satisfactory?"

Li Jiu curled her lips, got off the suitcase, seemed to think about it seriously, and said: "Not bad, Qi Sanye's service is very good."

Hearing this, Qi Jingci's eyes flashed with light and he said, "In that case, is there any reward?"

Li Jiu raised his eyes and asked, "What is the reward?"

Qi Jingci raised his thin lips and pointed at his cheek, his meaning was obvious.

 “It’s very simple, just a kiss.”


Jing Yi and Jing Er on the side almost choked to death when they heard what he said.

Are you so fierce? Asking for a kiss as soon as you come up?

Li Jiu's face turned dark immediately. This person is always pushing the envelope!

 “Kiss the ass!”

 She pulled him away and got straight into the car without even giving him a look.

Qi Jingci stood there, touched his nose, looked at her with a smile, and then got into the car. His tall body squeezed into the back seat, and the space in the car immediately became cramped.

Li Jiu frowned and moved to the side, "There is such a big place in front, why do you choose to... hmm?"

Before she finished speaking, the next second, she suddenly opened her eyes wide, staring blankly at the enlarged handsome face in front of her, with a touch of softness on her lips.

 Li Jiu: “!!”

He, he, he actually dared to kiss her?

Qi Jingci looked at her stunned look, and a smile flashed in his eyes. He didn't stay too long, just kissed her lightly, like a dragonfly touching water, but for Li Jiu, the feeling on his lips never disappeared for a long time. .

Scene 1 and Scene 2 of just getting in the car: “…”

 Haven’t seen it!

 So, what happened during the time when I went to S State? It’s only been a while since we last met, is the progress bar pulling up so fast?


Li Jiu finally came to his senses, and immediately glared at Qi Jingci angrily, wanting to slap him, but before he could do anything, he was scooped into his arms and held tightly.

Li Jiu, who was almost out of breath: "..."

Li Jiu sneered twice. He hadn't applied the roof tiles for a few days. Do you really think that since she was ill now, he could do whatever he wanted?

She narrowed her eyes dangerously, reached out to Qi Jingci's waist, spotted a piece of soft flesh, and twisted it hard, quickly, and in a 180-degree circle.

Qi Jingci’s face was distorted as expected.

 (End of this chapter)

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