She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 362: Why is it so familiar?

  Chapter 362 Why is it so familiar?

“Sir, should we go back to Jingyuan or...?”

The small movements between the two of them were not noticed by Jing Yi and Jing Er in front. Jing Yi raised his eyes and looked at the rearview mirror, frowning as he asked, feeling that something was wrong with Qi Jingci's expression.

 Is he hallucinating? You actually felt the pain on my face?

Looking carefully, Qi Jingci's expression was very normal, nothing unusual could be seen.

Hmm, it seems to be an illusion.

Li Jiu quietly retracted his hand and distanced himself from Qi Jingci.

At this moment, someone finally calmed down and stopped making random moves. Instead, he directly grabbed her hand and put it on his leg, interlocking his fingers tightly.

Li Jiu tried twice to withdraw his hand, but it didn't twitch.

She twitched her eyes: "..."

 Forget it, let it be.

So, Qi Jingci took his wife's hand with satisfaction, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and a look of joy flashed in his eyes.

 “Go to the city center hospital.” He said to Jing Jing.


Jing paused for a moment, with a look of astonishment on his face. He looked at each other with Jing Er and asked in surprise: "Sir, are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere?"


Qi Jingci said two words lightly, without intending to explain further.

As subordinates, they didn't have much time to ask questions. Jing Yi responded and started the car and drove into the passing traffic.

Li Jiu’s eyebrows moved imperceptibly, and she asked in a low voice: “Why do you want to go to the central hospital?”

 When she said this, she deliberately lowered her voice, and unconsciously leaned towards Qi Jingci, and the distance between the two gradually narrowed.

A smile flashed across Qi Jingci's eyes, and he deliberately moved closer, almost speaking close to her face: "What do you think?"

 Li Jiu: “…”

Li Jiu rolled her eyes, let out a sigh, and immediately turned her head away, saying nothing.

Soon, she knew what Qi Jingci was keeping secret.

She was taken to the director's office of the central hospital. When the director with half-white hair and reading glasses saw Qi Jingci, his wrinkled face immediately wrinkled together, as if he had seen some trouble and was displeased. He asked: "What are you doing here?"

Qi Jingci pulled up a chair and sat down very skillfully. He also asked Li Jiu to sit next to him. His hand had not been taken off her waist since he entered the door, which made the dean pay more attention. He glanced at her twice.

“Of course I have something to trouble you.”

Li Jiu looked at him with some surprise. This man had always been indifferent to others, and he had rarely seen him treat anyone well.

 Who is this dean?

"Hmph! You're so rude!" Dean Liu snorted, his tone unfriendly, "Tell me, what's the matter? Hurry up and get out of here!"

Qi Jingci laughed twice and said, "Uncle Liu, can't you change your temper?"

 He and Li Jiu are probably the only ones in the entire imperial capital who dare to say hello to him.

“I can’t change it, so why? Do you have a problem with my temper?”

  “…dare not.”

Li Jiu watched Qi Jingci chatting with him from the side, his eyes full of interest.

This Dean Liu seems to be interesting.

Those who dare to speak to Qi Jingci in such a disgusting tone are definitely not ordinary people.

As expected, Qi Jingci started to talk to her about science in the next second, "Jiujiu, let me introduce to you. This is Dean Liu, the old man's best friend. He has very good medical skills. I'm afraid there will never be anyone like him in the entire empire. It’s quite powerful.”

 Dean Liu waved his hand, "Hey, don't compliment me, stop doing this."

This brat, ever since he was a kid, whenever he was asked for something, he would always get compliments like this. He didn't say enough, and he was tired of hearing them.

His expression of deep disgust for Qi Jingci pleased Li Jiu, and the corners of her mouth rose unconsciously. It seemed that this person was really interesting.

After denouncing Qi Jingci, Dean Liu finally set his sights on Li Jiu. He looked at her carefully with slightly cloudy eyes. After a long time, he showed a satisfied smile and said, "Not bad, you finally did something." I'm satisfied that this wife is well-founded. This way, your mother doesn't have to worry about your life-long affairs." He nodded, and then showed a puzzled look, "But little girl, make sure your vision is right. Is that okay? Do you like wood like him?"

  Qi Jingci: “…”

 Li Jiu: “…”

 She took back what she had just said.

This dean’s mouth is not ordinary venomous.

Qi Jingci coughed twice and said, "Uncle Liu, let's get down to business first."

However, Dean Liu stretched out his hand to interrupt him, "Don't worry about that yet, I still have some questions."

 He turned to look at Li Jiu and asked, "Girl, what's your name?"

 “…Li Jiu.”

“Oh, your surname is Li, are you from the Li family?”


Dean Liu touched his beard, narrowed his eyes and thought about it carefully, "Is your father Li Chen?"

"No, it's Li Hong." Li Jiu shook his head.

When Dean Liu heard this, he frowned slightly and said, "Li Hong?"

He looked at Li Jiu carefully again, feeling a little incredible, and said in surprise: "You are actually Li Hong's daughter? You don't look like him..."

 He looked at her eyebrows, but there was a faint shadow of Li Shen.

Is it possible that you are getting older and your eyesight is no longer good?

"Uncle Liu, are you checking the household registration?" Qi Jingci couldn't help but said.

“Hey, I asked your wife a few questions, are you still jealous?”

Li Jiu saw Dean Liu saying "your wife" to Qi Jingci. He was silent and finally couldn't help but said: "Dean Liu... Dean, I am not his wife."


Dean Liu's eyes when he looked at Qi Jingci suddenly changed from disgust to extreme disgust, "I haven't caught him after a long time, tsk, why are you like your dad? It's useless."

 Mr. Qi was also very persistent when he was chasing Mrs. Qi. In the end, he couldn't stand it anymore and came up with an idea for her. Otherwise, he would probably still be a bachelor now.

Unexpectedly, Qi Jingci passed down all his temperament.

  Qi Jingci: “…”

 Li Jiu: “…”

Qi Jingci's face turned dark. He felt that the topic would become even more crooked if he continued like this, so he decisively stated his purpose of coming this time.

“Jiujiu has some health problems, Uncle Liu, can you take a look at her?”

 Dean Liu was immediately shocked, "Is there something wrong with your health?"

There is something wrong with my body at such a young age, so what can I do?

Qi Jingci nodded.

"Okay, you take her for a checkup first, and I'll take a look at her."

 Since this boy has begged him, it means that he is really interested in the girl. It would be unreasonable for him not to help.


 Qi Jingci stood up and took Li Jiu out.

Dean Liu looked at Li Jiu's back and suddenly frowned. Why did he feel more and more familiar with this girl?

 I seem to have seen it somewhere, but I can’t remember it.

 (End of this chapter)

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