She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 364: Jiujiu, don’t worry, I will definitely cure you

Chapter 364 Jiujiu, don’t worry, I will definitely cure you.

Dean Liu clicked his tongue, "Why, are you afraid that I will expose all your embarrassing things?"

He had watched Qi Jingci grow up after all, and he really knew a lot of his embarrassing things.

"Girl Li, let me tell you, he was not as unlovable as he is now. When he was a child, he was a weird spirit that everyone liked. But for some reason, he grew crooked and turned into a cold piece of wood."

 Dean Liu became more and more enthusiastic as he talked, and he wanted to tell all about Qi Jingci’s background.

  Qi Jingci: “…”

 So why did he have to bring Li Jiu here?

Seeing that the air-conditioning released from Qi Jingci's body was comparable to that of an air conditioner, Dean Liu coughed lightly and finally became serious.

He put on his reading glasses again and looked at Li Jiu's examination report carefully. After a long time, he suddenly frowned with a complicated expression.

Seeing this, Qi Jingci's eyes darkened and he asked, "Uncle Liu, how are you doing?"


Dean Liu narrowed his eyes slightly, raised his head again and looked at Li Jiu, his tone became a little solemn, "Girl Li, how long have you been like this?"

Li Jiu's expression did not change at all because of the seriousness of his words, and he replied calmly: "It's been a few years."

 “How many years is it?”


Dean Liu frowned, "Forgot?"

Li Jiu nodded.

  She knew the approximate time, but she really didn’t pay attention to when exactly it started.

"This... is a bit tricky." Dean Liu was in trouble.

When Qi Jingci heard this, his eyelids twitched immediately, and he had a bad feeling in his heart.

“Uncle Liu, do you have any idea about Jiujiu’s situation?”

 Dean Liu was silent for a moment, lost in thought.

 After a while, he said: "Girl Li's situation is the first time I've encountered her in decades of medical practice. It's really strange..."

 He thought for a while and then said: "But let me study it carefully, maybe there will be a solution."

Hearing this, Qi Jingci's heart instantly sank to the bottom of his heart, his eyes condensed, "So, even Uncle Liu, you can't do anything now?"

 Dean Liu sighed. Although he was very reluctant to admit it, this was the fact.

"Yes." He looked up at Li Jiu. As the person involved, her reaction was surprisingly calm and cold. He thought she was numb to the result. He felt a little distressed at the moment and comforted: "Girl Li, you don't have to be discouraged, old man. I have seen a lot of difficult and complicated diseases in my life, yours is nothing, let me study it for a while, and I will definitely cure you."

Li Jiu smiled and said, "Okay, thank you, Dean Liu."

She said so, but in fact she knew very well that the chance that Dean Liu could cure her was very slim, so she didn't hold out much hope. Therefore, the next medical instructions he gave her were to go in her left ear and out the right ear, and there was no chance at all. Take it to your heart.

However, Qi Jingci listened extremely seriously, as if he was dealing with a multi-billion dollar cooperation project.

I just needed that little notebook to write down everything Dean Liu said.

Li Jiu looked on and couldn't help but chuckle.

But gradually, she looked at the seriousness in his eyes, the smile at the corner of her mouth slowly disappeared, her eyes were lowered, and her long eyelashes covered the fleeting darkness in her eyes.

After Qi Jingci wrote down what Dean Liu had told him, he realized that more than ten minutes had passed. He turned to look at Li Jiu and found that she seemed to be in a daze.

 He stretched out his hand and waved it twice in front of her eyes.


Li Jiu suddenly came back to his senses, "What's wrong?"

 “Let’s go back.” Qi Jing said.

 She was a little surprised, "Is this the end?"

Dean Liu nodded, "Although there is no effective way to treat your disease, there are still some ways to alleviate it. I have just told Qi Xiaosan'er everything. As long as you follow the doctor's instructions, the condition will not get worse."

 The medicines and medical instructions he prescribed to Li Jiu are currently the ones that he thinks are best at inhibiting the worsening of the condition. As for the others, he still needs to study them further.

Qi Jingci thanked Dean Liu and left with Li Jiu.

On the way back, Li Jiu suddenly said: "Qi Jingci."


Qi Jingci turned his head slightly to look at her and asked, "What's wrong?"

 She raised her eyes and looked directly at him, with a hint of complexity in her eyes, "What if... Dean Liu can't cure me?"


Qi Jingci fell silent, pursed his lips, his eyes darkened, and the smile in his eyes quickly disappeared.

After a long time, he suddenly stretched out his hand, hugged Li Jiu into his arms with Li Jiu's surprised eyes, patted her back, and whispered comforting words in her ear: "Don't worry Jiu Jiu, I will definitely find a way to cure you." ”

 (End of this chapter)

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