She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 365: Doubt life

Chapter 365 Doubt in life

Li Jiu's slender eyelashes trembled slightly, feeling that something in her heart suddenly collapsed. She opened her mouth and said, "You..."

Before she finished speaking, she clearly felt a slight vibration coming from Qi Jingci's pocket, abruptly interrupting the atmosphere.

She swallowed what she was about to say and quickly stepped away. Qi Jingci took out his cell phone and raised his eyebrows when he saw the caller ID.

 It is Mr. Qi.

 The question is, how did he know that they had returned to China?

Li Jiu's eyes also flashed with doubt.

The two of them looked at each other, and Qi Jingci pressed the speaker phone button.

 “Hello? Third child?”

Mr. Qi’s incomprehensible voice came from the phone.

“Well, I’m here, what’s wrong?” Qi Jing said.

 “You’ve returned to China, right?”

“…Hmm.” Although he was confused, Qi Jingci still responded.

"Where are you now?"

Mr. Qi's tone was normal, but Li Jiu could tell something was wrong from his words.

 Why do you feel that the old man is not in a good mood?

Qi Jingci also paused and replied: "On the way back to Jingyuan."

Mr. Qi seemed to pause for a moment and then asked: "Xiaojiu is with you?"

Hearing this, the two of them were stunned for a moment, and looked at each other, seeing a hint of surprise in each other's eyes.

The old man has placed surveillance around them?


  …“…Did you just go to the hospital?”

 Do you know all this?


Mr. Qi was silent.

 There was silence on the phone for a long time.

Qi Jingci frowned, not sure what he wanted to do.


Just when he was puzzled, the old man's tone suddenly became serious, and he said sternly: "You two! Come back right now!"

 Then he quickly hung up the phone the next second without giving him a chance to respond.

  Qi Jingci: “…”

He looked at the phone blankly and asked Li Jiu: "What's wrong with him?"

Li Jiu didn’t understand why the old man was suddenly so serious.

"Perhaps... Dean Liu told him about my situation?" she guessed.

Could it be that as soon as they left, Dean Liu immediately called Mr. Qi?

Qi Jingci frowned and shook his head, "No, Uncle Liu won't tell anyone."

Especially, before he left, he specifically told him not to tell anyone, especially the old man and the others.

Even he was helpless about Li Jiu's situation. Letting the old man and others know about it would only increase their worries and would not have any effect at all.

Rather than letting them worry in vain, it is better to hide it first. Unless it is absolutely necessary, there is no need to let them know.

"Then why did he specifically ask you if you had just gone to the hospital?" Li Jiu asked.

Qi Jingci couldn't figure this out, so he had to say: "Let's go back first and see what happened."

They had just returned home and couldn't understand why the old man could be so serious. They just thought he had something to tell them.

However, both men still underestimated the situation.

  When they returned to the old house, they found Mr. Qi and Mrs. Qi sitting in the living room. Their expressions were as usual and nothing was wrong. However, as soon as they stepped in the door, they immediately felt that something was wrong with their aura.

As soon as Madam Qi saw Li Jiu, a smile appeared on her face, "Xiao Jiu, are you back?"

 She neglects her son on a daily basis.

Qi Jingci is very calm now.

 Ever since we had Li Jiu, it was normal for him to be ignored, it was no big deal.

Mrs. Qi didn't even give him a look, she just waved to Li Jiu. Li Jiu understood immediately, changed his shoes and sat directly next to her.

“Xiaojiu, how are you doing, are you having fun abroad with your third child?” Mrs. Qi asked with a smile.

 The day after she and Qi Jingci met in Szhou, he told Mr. Qi and the others about it.

 So for so many days, they thought she and Qi Jingci were playing abroad.

Li Jiu nodded and replied with a smile: "Very good."

Seeing that she looked really happy, Mrs. Qi's eyes flashed and she asked again: "Then why did you come back suddenly?"

Li Jiu looked a little confused, "Huh?"

If you want to come back, don’t you just come back?

Then what other reasons are there?

"Ah, I'm not saying I won't let you come back. What I mean have only been abroad for a few days. Did you have a good time?" Mrs. Qi was afraid that she would misunderstand, so she explained again.

Qi Jingci listened on the side and couldn't help but said: "Mom, how many days have it been? It's almost half a month."

Li Jiu also nodded, "Yes, and it's not all about fun when we are abroad, he also has a job."

Mrs. Qi's light gray eyes narrowed, and she glanced at Mr. Qi unintentionally. The latter immediately understood and said to Qi Jing: "Third brother, come with me."

 Then he got up and went to the study room on the second floor.

Qi Jingci was surprised for a moment and then followed him.

After they left, Mrs. Qi and Li Jiu were the only ones left in the living room. At this time, if she still couldn't tell that Mrs. Qi had something to say to her, then she would be really stupid.

Li Jiu was a little helpless and said: "Grandma Qi, if you have anything to do, just ask directly. There is no need to beat around the bush."

 In the study upstairs, Qi Jingci said the same thing.

“Dad, why did you call us back?”

As soon as he asked this question, Mr. Qi's expression immediately dropped. He picked up an inkstone at hand and threw it at him.

 “You bastard! Look at the good things you’ve done!”

Qi Jingci: “???”

 He just returned to China, what did he do?

 It’s very innocent.

Downstairs, Mrs. Qi held Li Jiu's hand and looked at her kindly and lovingly. Her eyes were particularly gentle, which made Li Jiu's heart skip a beat.

"Xiao Jiu..." Old Mrs. Qi spoke carefully, with a somewhat apologetic look on her face, "Our Qi family is really sorry for you."

Li Jiu: “???”

Mrs. Qi sighed and continued: "When your grandfather and we decided to get you and the third child engaged, we actually wanted to give it a try and let you two watch it everywhere. Who would have thought that now..."

Li Jiu: "..." What's wrong now?

Don't look guilty as if Qi Jingci cheated on you.

If he hadn't been with her these days, she would have almost believed it.

Mrs. Qi said in a vicious tone: "That beast, Third Brother! How old are you? You made your belly bigger and didn't even tell us. You are simply an unfilial son!"

 Li Jiu: “…”

Li Jiu: “???”

 Li Jiu: “!!”


Wait a minute!

 What did she hear? !

 Has her belly gotten bigger? !

 How come she didn’t know she was pregnant?

 Is she pregnant with a lonely child?


Li Jiu's expression suddenly became colorful and varied. He didn't know how to react, and his brain went blank for a moment.

 After a long period of silence, Li Jiu fell into silence and began to doubt life.

 In the study upstairs, Qi Jingci almost bit off his tongue.

“Dad, what did you say? Pregnant, pregnant?”

 How come he didn’t know that his wife was pregnant?

The key is.

He hasn’t done anything to Li Jiu yet, so why is he pregnant?

Qi Jingci, like Li Jiu, suddenly fell into the silence of doubting life.

The two of them thought in unison: Although I am a superpower, I am not so awesome that I can conceive/make people pregnant through the air, right?

 (End of this chapter)

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