She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 366: So embarrassed

Chapter 366: Embarrassed

Two minutes later, Qi Jingci and Li Jiu stood in front of Mr. Qi and Mrs. Qi with dark faces.

 “Mom, who did you listen to?” Qi Jingci pinched his eyebrows with a headache, speechless because of his mother’s frequent IQ drops.

After Li Jiu denied it to death and took her to the hospital for a checkup to confirm whether she was pregnant, Mrs. Qi finally realized that she had made a big mistake and immediately smiled awkwardly: "It's not our fault... "

She stretched out her hand and poked Mr. Qi. The latter coughed slightly, with embarrassment on his face. Under their burning eyes, he said: "Just now, your Uncle Liu called and inexplicably told us to pay close attention to Xiaojiu." body, we will..."

Qi Jingci continued what he said: "Do you think she is pregnant?"

 The two nodded slightly.

Mrs. Qi's eyes flashed twice guiltily, and she said: "We, the third brother, do you think that you... well, you are young and energetic and cannot control it, and it is possible for the gun to go off."

 “Cough cough cough!”

As soon as he finished speaking, Li Jiu coughed and looked a little unnatural.

  Qi Jingci: “…”

Qi Jingci suddenly felt an indescribable grievance in his heart. He clearly did nothing, and as a result, in their eyes, he became a scumbag worse than a beast.

 Is he that kind of person? !

"It's Old Man Liu's fault for this. Who told him to only speak half of what he said? He made us guess blindly."

 After the embarrassment, Mr. Qi felt a little embarrassed. He snorted and blamed all the mistakes on Dean Liu.

At this time, the servant suddenly came over with a mobile phone and said: "Old man, this is Dean Liu's phone number."

Mr. Qi: “…”

 It really means that Cao Cao Cao Cao has arrived.

 He took the phone and said angrily: "Hello?"

Over there, Dean Liu tilted his head, holding a mobile phone around his neck, holding a pen in one hand to sign continuously, and holding a document in the other hand to browse through ten lines at a glance. He took the time to say: "Lao Qi, I didn't say anything just now. Why did you hang up the phone after saying that?”

He originally wanted to tell Mr. Qi to ask them to take more care of Li Jiu to prevent her condition from getting worse. But something suddenly happened in the middle of the thought, so he put the phone away temporarily. When he came back from work, he saw that the call was Having been hung up on, he had no choice but to call back.

"I'm telling you, your third son brought your future daughter-in-law to my place for a lot of tests, and finally it was found that she was a little malnourished. Tsk, tsk, your Qi family is not authentic, people are almost marrying into your family. Can't you give her some supplements? She looks so thin, and I don't know why I thought you were abusing her." Dean Liu complained while approving the documents.

Mr. Qi specially turned on the hands-free speaker because he was a little hard of hearing recently: "..."

Mrs. Qi: “…”

  Qi Jingci: “…”

 Li Jiu: “…”

 There was a moment of silence in the air.

Finally, Mrs. Qi broke the silence and said, "Um, Old Liu, we know, we must give Xiaojiu a good health."

Subsequently, before Dean Liu could say anything, she quickly hung up the phone before Mr. Qi.

 It’s so embarrassing.

Having lived for decades, this old face has completely lost its appearance today.

Mrs. Qi thought with a dull face.

 Especially in front of his son and future daughter-in-law.

She slapped Mr. Qi with a slap in the face, scaring him so much that he shivered, "You confused old man! You only half-listened to what I was told. Is your head filled with paste?" "…"

Mr. Qi knew that he was in the wrong, so he kept his head down and remained silent.

Mrs. Qi glared at him fiercely, turned to Li Jiu with an apologetic smile, "I'm so sorry, Xiaojiu, look at me, I'm confused too."

Thinking about what I just said to Li Jiu, I feel so embarrassed now.

 “It’s okay.” Li Jiu said.

"But Xiaojiu, what are you going to the hospital for a checkup in your free time? Are you feeling unwell somewhere?" Mrs. Qi suddenly remembered the key point and asked.

Li Jiu's eyelids twitched and she was caught off guard by Mrs. Qi's surprised attention. She quickly explained: "No, it's just a routine physical examination. It's just that A Ci was worried and asked Dean Liu to take a look at it for me."

As she said that, she touched Qi Jingci imperceptibly with her elbow.

The latter was still immersed in the name she had just spoken to him. When he was stunned, he suddenly received a reminder from Li Jiu, so he subconsciously responded: "Yes, Jiu Jiu is too thin, I don't worry."

“Hey, you two kids, I thought it was such a big deal.”

Mrs. Qi looked at Li Jiu with a smile and said, "It doesn't matter if you are thin, tell me, within three months, Xiao Jiu will be fat and white, so there is no need to go to Lao Liu?"

 Li Jiu: “…”

Li Jiu imagined how fat and white she looked in her mind, and suddenly felt a chill, and flatly refused: "No, Grandma Qi, malnutrition is not a big problem, I will just pay more attention to it in the future, there is no need to specially supplement. "

Unexpectedly, Mrs. Qi objected righteously: "No, why isn't this a big deal? It must be fixed!"

Although she believed that Mr. Li would not treat her badly after Li Jiu returned to the Li family, looking at her current appearance, she knew that she must have suffered a lot in the past, and she would definitely not be able to make up for it in a short time.

 If you don't pay attention, you will definitely have root causes of diseases when you get older.

 Dean Liu's words today reminded her just right.

"I will buy some nourishing ingredients later and make a tonic soup for Xiaojiu tonight. Xiaojiu, you and the third child can stay in the old house tonight." Mrs. Qi became more and more excited as she spoke. Li has even formulated a detailed nutritional recipe for Li Jiu.

Li Jiu: "...But I just returned to China and I haven't had time to go back to see my grandpa. If I don't go back tonight, he will be angry."

 Actually, she just wanted to find an excuse to escape.

What a replenishing soup, let her go!

However, Mrs. Qi waved her hand carelessly and said: "What's so difficult about this? There are many rooms in the old house, and your grandfather is lonely living alone in the Li family. We haven't seen each other for a long time, so we called him over. , let’s have a good gathering.”

Li Jiu had no choice but to give Qi Jingci a look of help.

Unexpectedly, Qi Jingci raised the corners of his mouth and smiled, obviously looking very happy.

 In fact, he was even happy in his heart.

If she returns to Jingyuan, she will definitely find an excuse to sleep in a separate room with him.

 But if she was in the old house, she would have no other choice but to share a room with herself.

 When he was in Szhou, he almost always fell asleep with Li Jiu in his arms. As the saying goes, it is easy to go from frugality to luxury, but it is difficult to go from luxury to frugality. Holding Li Jiu in his arms and having her empty are two completely different feelings.

He was worried about how to find an excuse to let Li Jiu sleep with him, but he didn't expect Mrs. Qi to be so helpful. She really deserves to be his own mother!

However, he ignored one thing. He was Mrs. Qi's biological son, and Mrs. Qi treated Li Jiu better than her own daughter.

Will she let her son, who may be full of animalistic behavior and become a human being, threaten Li Jiu?

 Obviously impossible.

 (End of this chapter)

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