She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 372: fatty

Chapter 372 Little Fatty

 Li Jiu: “…”

It is estimated that when Mr. Li arrives, it will be a question whether he can sit down and talk calmly.

She twitched the corners of her lips, showed a forced smile towards Mr. Qi, lowered her head, and thought about how to avoid the upcoming crematorium.

While she was dazed, a hand suddenly stretched out from beside her, holding a small piece of sweet and sour pork ribs and placed it in front of her eyes.

Qi Jingci looked at her with soft eyes, "Eat."

Qi Mowei, who was opposite, watched this scene and the corners of her mouth twitched almost imperceptibly. Was this considered abusing the dog in front of the dog?

Just as she was about to look away, she was caught off guard by Qi Jingci's gaze. She subconsciously shuddered and avoided it with a guilty conscience.

Thinking of the ten minutes she had been "educated" by him upstairs, she almost collapsed.

The third brother is still the same third brother, even if he falls in love, he has not changed.

As always, he is scheming, has a vicious tongue, and even angers people to death!

Qi Mowei lowered her head, stabbed the food in the bowl with her chopsticks, and complained angrily in her heart.

 There is no love anymore, this third brother is definitely not dear to me.

Qi Sijin on the side saw her lowering her head and keeping silent, and asked, "Are you okay?"

 She has been depressed since she was taught a lesson by her third uncle. Did her third uncle go too far?

Is it possible that the third uncle hit her?

Qi Sijin frowned, glanced at Qi Jingci imperceptibly, and then looked away, thinking it was unlikely.

  No matter how angry the third uncle was, he would never fight a girl like her.

Qi Mowei shook her head and said in a low voice: "It's okay."

She was just a little depressed when she saw the two people across from her abusing dogs, killing dogs and threatening them.

She was furious when Qi Jingci said in the study, "She is thin-skinned, unlike you. She is not allowed to mention today's events in front of others."

Obviously they were walking around in broad daylight, but she accidentally bumped into them, and they threatened her in return?

 What kind of truth is this!

Also, what does it mean that Ajiu is thin-skinned? Does it mean that in the third brother's heart, she is very thick-skinned? !

 Do you speak human language?

  When she thought of this, she was about to explode with anger. She didn't need to eat, she was already full of anger.

Qi Sijin frowned, hearing that her tone was obviously wrong. He raised his head and looked at the opposite side, thinking that she was envious of Li Jiu, so he also picked up the chopsticks and picked up the vegetables for her.

 “Eat more vegetables and add some vitamins.” He said.

“…” Qi Mowei looked at the green stuff in the bowl silently, not knowing whether she should say thank you or stick the stuff on his forehead.

 Could you please take a look at the details?

The third uncle gave Ajiu her favorite sweet and sour pork ribs. What about him? How about teasing her by picking something she doesn't like to eat?

Qi Mowei smiled. With twenty years of education, she finally resisted her inner impulse and said, "Thank you."

Qi Sijin didn't notice the difference in her tone and said, "It's okay, let's eat."

 Qi Mowei: “…”

She picked up the green vegetables without saying a word, looked at it twice, and then put it back.

 Thank you for the invitation, she really can’t stop talking.

  It’s not that vegetables are too unpalatable, but that she is physically repulsed by them.

Seeing her expression as if she had eaten something, Mrs. Qi, who happened to be looking over here, suddenly became unhappy.

“Weiwei, what’s your expression? Do you suspect that I poisoned the food?”

She made all the things on this big table by herself, and the servants only helped.

She has been busy for so long, and this **** girl actually looks at her cooking with a look of disgust?

 Do you feel a little needy?

Qi Mowei quickly explained, "Of course not!"

“Then why are you grimacing? I don’t know, I thought you were going to the hospital after eating.”

"..." Qi Mowei felt that she should not come back today. It would be better to just find a hotel to stay outside or go to a little sister's house to have a happy night.

“Old lady, okay, it’s not like you don’t know that Weiwei hates eating vegetables.”

At this moment, Mr. Qi suddenly spoke and came to Qi Mowei's rescue.

Qi Mowei immediately nodded gratefully in response.

 “Yeah, I don’t like eating vegetables.”

Mrs. Qi’s eyes darkened, her shoes under the table immediately stepped on Mr. Qi’s feet, and she gave him a stern look. “…” Mr. Qi’s expression changed.

"Nonsense, I don't know that she doesn't like to eat vegetables? Look at her. Recently, she only eats and sleeps. Her waistline has become thicker. She only eats junk food all day long. If she doesn't eat some vegetables to balance her nutrition, sooner or later, your daughter will Become a little fat man.”

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a sudden silence on the table.

 Qi Mowei: “…”

 Qi Sijin: “…”

Mr. Qi: “…”

  Qi Jingci: “…”

Li Jiu couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of water.

 She coughed a few times and silently gave Mrs. Qi a thumbs up.

 This is definitely closer than a biological mother, otherwise I wouldn’t be able to say such a thing.

The corners of Qi Sijin's lips trembled, and he suppressed his smile to prevent himself from laughing out loud.

But looking at his slightly trembling shoulders, you can tell that he is extremely happy in his heart.

Qi Jingci also raised his eyebrows, and looked Qi Mowei up and down meaningfully.

His naked looking eyes were more devastating than Li Jiu and Qi Sijin's laughter.

 Qi Mowei: “…”

Qi Mowei's mentality has collapsed at this time.

The vegetables he held finally lived up to his expectations and fell onto the table with a clatter.

She could no longer hear any sounds, and only three words in capital letters and bold words were playing in her head: Little Fatty.


 Fat man!

 Fat man? !

Qi Mowei looked down at her waist in horror, then raised her head to visually inspect Li Jiu's waist, and asked deep in her soul: "Am I fat?"

Before anyone else could answer, Mrs. Qi said in a calm and steady tone: "You don't know whether you are fat or not?"

 Qi Mowei: “…”

 She seemed, should, indeed, not weighed in a long time.

  Recently, it is exactly as Mrs. Qi said, eating, drinking and having fun all day long.

 So, it is possible to become a fat man.


Qi Mowei was silent, forever silent, and would not say another word.

 She thought seriously about her life.


Qi Sijin couldn't help it and laughed softly.

I'm sorry, he didn't expect that he would end up like this when he picked up vegetables for her.

 He swore that he really didn’t mean it!

 But, it’s really funny, hahahahaha.

Qi Mowei looked at him expressionlessly as he laughed from the table to the bottom of the table, and asked calmly: "Is it funny?"

Qi Sijin: “Okay, okay.”

Qi Mowei: Ha! He still dares to laugh!

 Who was Mrs. Qi saying she was fat because of?

 The initiator still has the nerve to laugh?

The next second, the slender heel crushed **** the instep of someone who was laughing so hard.

Qi Sijin immediately took a breath of cold air.


 The foot is really heavy!

 (End of this chapter)

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