She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 373: two drunks

Chapter 373 Two drunkards

 During the next meal, Qi Mowei was silent, without saying another word, as quiet as a transparent person.

The same goes for Qi Sijin next to her, who is extremely honest.

There is no other reason. As long as he says a word, Qi Mowei's high heels will immediately come into close contact with his instep.

 In this way, he must be honest.

This meal was extremely weird.

 Suddenly, the servant hurriedly came in from the door and said: "Old man, Mr. Li is here."

Mr. Qi asked in surprise: "You're here so soon?"

 He thought it would be another hour before he arrived.

 He put down his chopsticks, picked up a tissue and wiped his hands, and said happily: "Invite him in quickly."


Li Jiu felt a sudden change in her heart when she heard that Mr. Li was coming, but there was nothing unusual on the surface.

As soon as Mr. Li and Li Chen entered the door, they saw this happy "family" having a "harmonious" meal. At that moment, the fire in their hearts became more intense and their faces became longer.

I was deserted in the Li family, but they turned out to be good and had a good time?

Especially Xiaojiu, even with his good eyesight, he could see a lot of shrimp shells around her plate.

 It doesn’t take much thinking to figure out who stripped her.

Li Chen, who was following Mr. Li and worried about his impulsiveness, couldn't help but twitch his eyes when he saw this scene.

 He thought that Xiaojiu was forced to stay in the Qi family, but no matter how he looked at it now, the word "forced" had nothing to do with it.

Li was silent for a moment, and suddenly understood that the old man might have fallen into Xiaojiu's trap.

“…” He lowered his head and smiled helplessly. Xiaojiu was really brave, even the old man dared to trick her.

This has never been beaten by the old man's ruler.

 Otherwise, let’s see if she dares!

Mr. Qi didn't notice that Mr. Li was in a bad mood at all, so he stepped forward with a smile and said hello: "Old Li, why are you here so early?"

Mr. Li snorted coldly and said, "Have I disturbed you, old man?"

"Wherever you go, you can come whenever you want, no matter what you say or not." Mr. Qi didn't notice anything was wrong.

 “I’m afraid you won’t welcome me.”

 “Welcome, definitely welcome.”

"Come on, come on, you and I haven't seen each other for a long time. Let's have a drink and chat together?" Mr. Qi invited.

Mr. Li glanced at Li Jiu inadvertently, narrowed his eyes and said, "Okay."

The two of them sat down. Mrs. Qi ordered the servant to bring two more sets of bowls and chopsticks. She felt that the dishes were a little short and wanted to make more.

Li Chen quickly declined: "No need to pay so much attention, Aunt Feng, we have already eaten."

Mr. Qi also said: "Yes, I just want to chat with Lao Li for a few words, no need to bother."

Mrs. Qi just sat down.

Mr. Qi took out his treasured wine and poured a glass for himself and Mr. Li. "Come on, come on. I won't go home until I'm drunk today."

Mrs. Qi immediately glanced at him and said coldly: "Just three cups."

 Don’t you know you have high blood pressure?

How dare you not return without getting drunk.

 She thought he wanted to go to heaven!

Mr. Qi: “…”

 Okay, three cups is three cups.

Mr. Li still didn't have a good expression on his face. He glanced at Qi Jingci from the corner of his eye and said in a cool tone: "Xiao Ci."

Qi Jingci suddenly felt a bad premonition. He immediately straightened his back and said, "Uncle Li."

Li Jiu picked up the cup at hand and took a sip, knowing that the old man was about to start an investigation. “When did you and Xiaojiu come back?”

Qi Jingci was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously looked at Li Jiu. After noticing something was wrong in her eyes, the bad feeling in his heart became stronger, so he straightened his expression and replied: "Today."

"Really? Why don't I know?" Mr. Li snorted a few times, revealing his dissatisfaction, "You said you did this. As a grandfather, I don't even know the news about my granddaughter returning to China. If it weren't for Xiaojiu called me, and I always thought she was abroad. "

  Qi Jingci: “…”

Qi Jingci's heart skipped a beat, and he secretly wanted to finish.

I took Li Jiu back to China on a whim without telling anyone in advance, let alone Mr. Li. If Dean Liu hadn't called Mr. Qi to tell him about it, even none of them would have known about it.

Mr. Li is angry. What should we do?


Mr. Li sighed and said: "You young people are so passionate and energetic. You just like to run around and have fun in the world and engage in romanticism. Unlike us old people, we can only stay alone at home, deserted. of."

 After saying that, he took a sip of wine depressedly, as if he wanted to drink away his sorrow.

Li Chen: “…”

 Li Jiu: “…”

  Qi Jingci: “…”

 Li Chen looked at Mr. Li, who looked like he was drunk and grumbling unreasonably, and pinched his eyebrows with a headache.

Sigh, the old man’s temperament is getting more and more indescribable.

At this time, Qi Jingci's mood was even more difficult to describe.

 He never expected that one day he would hear such words from Mr. Li’s mouth.

 “Uncle Li, I...”

He was about to explain something, but was interrupted by Mr. Li waving his hand.

"You don't need to say it, I know it. You don't actually need to care about us. As long as you are good, we will be relieved."

After speaking, he drank another glass. This time, he smacked his lips and asked Mr. Qi, "Why does your wine have no taste?"

Ever since the first words Mr. Li said just now, Mr. Qi had been drinking while Mrs. Qi was going upstairs. By now, he was already three-thirds drunk. When he heard this, he immediately couldn't do it anymore, "What do you mean? Taste? This is a good wine that I have treasured for many years. I won’t give it to ordinary people when they come here. Why are you so picky?”

Mr. Li twitched the corner of his mouth and said, "Okay, okay, I won't argue."

He grabbed the wine bottle in front of Mr. Qi, poured himself a full glass, and then drank it quickly, so fast that Li Chen couldn't stop him in time.


Li Chen felt like his head was big. Although the old man didn't have high blood pressure like Mr. Qi, he was old, so how could he withstand drinking like this?

At that moment he was about to bring the wine, but he dodged it.

“Dad, you can’t drink too much. Give me the wine quickly.”

Mr. Li refused, "I'm fine. If you let me drink some, I'll take care of it."

Li Chen: “…”

Mr. Li refused to hand over the wine to him, and he did not dare to grab it forcefully.

 So, when Mrs. Qi came down from upstairs, she saw two drunkards.

Mrs. Qi: “…”

How could these two people be so drunk when she went upstairs to get something? !

  Mrs. Qi’s good temper was gone at this moment.

She gave him numerous warnings not to drink too much, but what was the result? He poured it well and drank half the bottle of wine!

 He is really good and kind!

 (End of this chapter)

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