She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 375: Qi Jingci: Change rooms

Chapter 375 Qi Jingci: Changing rooms


Qi Jingci made up his mind to stay with her and sleep with her tonight.

Li Jiu: You’re not leaving, are you?

 Two minutes later, Qi Sijin suddenly stopped on his way back to his room.

Not far in front of him, Qi Jingci stood in front of Li Jiu's room door, his face as black as the bottom of a pot, and the air pressure in his body was so low that it could freeze someone to death.

 You don’t need to think about it to know that he was rejected by Li Jiu.

 Qi Sijin: “…”

   Why do I want to laugh for no reason.

Perhaps sensing his gaze, Qi Jingci turned his head sharply, his eyes cold and murderous.

Qi Sijin coughed slightly and greeted him awkwardly, "Third, third uncle, it's so late, why don't you go to bed?"

"What does it have to do with you?" Qi Jingci said angrily.

“…Well, what I want to say is, it’s okay for you to stand here. Can you not block my door?” Qi Sijin coughed lightly and said.

His room and Li Jiu's were next to each other, and Qi Jingci happened to be blocking him there, making it impossible for him to go back.

Qi Jingci was stunned, glanced behind him, suddenly thought of something, his face darkened, and he asked: "Is this...your room?"

 Qi Sijin nodded.

At that moment, he felt that the temperature of the surrounding air seemed to be lower.


Qi Sijin silently took a step back.

 You cannot afford to offend a man who is in love.

At this time, the jealousy in Qi Jingci's heart was completely overturned, and he almost drowned himself.

For the 102nd time, I complained that Mrs. Qi was unreliable. It would be fine if she didn't arrange Li Jiu near him. Why should Qi Sijin and Li Jiu be next to each other?

Do you sincerely respond to him?

Is this really something a mother can do?

 “Third uncle?”

Seeing that Qi Jingci didn't respond for a long time, Qi Sijin couldn't help but speak out.

 Suddenly, Qi Jingci raised the corners of his lips coldly, and a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes, "Ajin."

Qi Sijin trembled subconsciously.

 “What, what’s wrong?”

 He was a little panicked when he suddenly called him that.

Qi Jingci turned to look at him, his eyes not as cold as before, "Would you mind changing rooms with me?"

Qi Sijin didn’t understand what he meant for a while: “Huh?”

Qi Jingci pointed to his room and said to him: "My room is over there. You can stay here for one night, but you can't touch anything in my room. Your room will be returned tonight." I."

 He ​​has a mysophobia, and his room is a forbidden area in the Qi family. Even the cleaning servants are not allowed to enter. You can imagine how much he paid to live close to Li Jiu.

Qi Sijin felt that he might have heard something, and he confirmed incredulously: "Uncle, are you serious?"

 Are you joking with him?

His third uncle would take the initiative to give up his room for someone else to sleep for one night?

This possibility is smaller than a meteorite hitting the earth and hitting him.

 But Qi Jingci gave him a definite answer, "Yeah."

 Qi Sijin: “…”

A minute later, Qi Sijin was sitting in Qi Jingci’s room, thinking about life. Can falling in love really change a person so much?

He actually cured my third uncle’s twenty-year-old mysophobia. How powerful is the boss?

 Qi Sijin pondered for a moment, then took out his cell phone and told Li Jiu about the matter. —[Four: Boss, my third uncle said he wants to change rooms with me. ]

      九:Did you agree? ]

Li Jiu knew that Qi Sijin lived next to her.

      四:…had to agree. ]

If he doesn't agree, Qi Jingci's vengeful temper will definitely bring him good results in the future.

      九:So? What's the use of telling me that you've already switched with him? ]

    四: Of course, I’m reminding you that your room and mine are connected to each other, and the balcony is connected. Be careful of uncle climbing up the window in the middle of the night. ]

Before finishing reading this piece of news, Li Jiu heard a slight sound from the balcony.

 Looking up, I was speechless.

     九: You reminded me too late. ]

-[Four:? ? ? ]

       九:He has climbed over along the balcony. ]


    四:Boss, do you need help fighting perverts? I can help for free. ]

  —[9: No need. ]

 Then there was no news.

Qi Sijin waited for a few minutes but did not receive a reply from Li Jiu, so he began to make assumptions in his mind.

 It seems that these two people are going to commit a crime tonight under the noses of the elders on both sides.

 Tsk tsk tsk.

  I hope that my third uncle will be fine tomorrow.

Over there, Li Jiu put down her cell phone and looked at someone who came in from the balcony with a dull face, not knowing whether to praise him or to criticize him.

 “…You are really persevering.”

 She locked him out just now. She originally thought he would give up, but she didn't expect that he would do it again.

She said with a headache: "Aren't you afraid of Grandpa Qi and Grandma Qi..."

Before he finished speaking, Qi Jingci hugged her whole body. As usual, he habitually put his head into the crook of her neck and rubbed it twice. He said in a muffled voice: "I told them tonight. Too busy to take care of ourselves and no energy to care about us.”

Li Jiu couldn't stand being rubbed by him, so she tilted her head slightly and said, "Come on, even if Grandma Qi and the others don't find out, how are you going to explain to my uncle tomorrow why you and Si Jin changed rooms?"

Qi Jingci said: "I promise that everything will be flawless before your uncle gets up tomorrow."

 Li Jiu: “…”

“Jiujiu, I really can’t sleep without you, so just be nice and take me in, okay?” Qi Jingci’s tone was very pitiful.

Li Jiu sighed and had no choice but to agree: "Okay."

In fact, even if she refuses, it will be of no use. Someone will definitely not leave if he is so shameless. Instead of doing this, just let him go. She is indeed tired and has no energy to continue tossing with him.

What's more, since sleeping with Qi Jingci, she also feels that her sleep quality is getting better and better.

It was like he was carrying some soothing medicine. She would fall asleep deeply every time, and she would never wake up from time to time like before.

She also suspected that this was a coincidence. For this reason, she also specially conducted an experiment, but the result was that she could sleep peacefully only by Qi Jingci's side.

 She told Ji Yunshu about this situation, but even she didn't know what was going on. However, it seemed that sleeping with Qi Jingci had some relief to her situation.

So, with such a free human flesh tranquilizer delivered to your door, is there any reason not to use it?

 “You can stay, but the offer is subject to Chapter 3.”

Qi Jingci nodded in agreement, "No problem."

“First, I don’t want to see you when I open my eyes tomorrow.”

Although it sounds a bit scumbag, it's better than being caught on the spot by someone else who spent the night together.


“Second, don’t touch me.”

Qi Jingci said no, "I want to hug you."

Li Jiu gritted his teeth: "Don't push yourself too far!"

 “…Okay, what about the third one?”

"Third, don't steal or kiss me while I'm sleeping!" Li Jiu said word by word, grinding his teeth.

 (End of this chapter)

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