She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 376: Qi Jingci: Let’s go for a morning jog together?

Chapter 376 Qi Jingci: Let’s go for a morning run together?

Qi Jingci touched her nose. Unexpectedly, she knew everything he had done before.

It was inexplicably embarrassing for her to say this kind of thing in such a serious tone.

But he also knew that if he didn't agree, she would kick him out immediately.

 Only a fool would refuse to agree.

 No big deal, we’ll kiss you later.


Finally, someone contentedly hugged his wife and went to bed, which made Qi Sijin who stayed in his room miserable.

Qi Sijin was lying on the bed, tossing and turning, unable to sleep, not because he recognized the bed, but because he was worried that Li Jiu and the others would be discovered.

The third uncle's courage is really extraordinary, and he committed the crime under the noses of both parents.

If this was discovered, there would be no doubt that he would be sentenced to death without a reprieve of death.

 Furthermore, if the third uncle is discovered, Li Jiu is also likely to be affected.

Qi Sijin sighed quietly, got up and got out of bed, and took a special look at Mr. Li and Li Chen's room. There was no movement, so they must have fallen asleep.

Mr. Li and Grandpa drank a lot tonight, so they must have slept deeply, so there is no need to worry too much.

The key is Li Chen and grandma. If they get up at night, they will definitely pass by Li Jiu's room. If any clues are discovered then, they will be exposed.

Qi Sijin kept paying attention to what was going on outside in fear, fearing that Qi Jingci would reveal the incident without paying attention. As a result, he didn't sleep much all night, and he was completely depressed the next day.

 Seeing the heavy dark circles under his eyes, Qi Mowei was startled as soon as she got up from the sheets, "Ah!!"

Qi Sijin was caught off guard by her scream and was startled for a moment. He raised his eyelids with a tired look in his eyes, "Are you screaming so early in the morning?"

Qi Mowei looked him up and down, her mouth wide open enough to swallow an egg raw, and said in disbelief: "You went to rob a tomb at night? The dark circles under your eyes are so heavy."

Qi Sijin: "...go aside."

 She just went to rob a tomb!

“Also, how did you get out of Third Brother’s room?”

Qi Mowei looked past him and looked behind him. In that direction, it was the third uncle's room. She was right.

 Then the problem arises.

She clearly remembered that he went back to his room last night, so why did he come out of his third uncle's room this morning?

 Transmigrated? still…

Qi Mowei suddenly felt something wrong when she looked at Qi Sijin.

"you will not…"

Looking at her eyes, he knew that she must not be thinking of anything good. Qi Sijin immediately interrupted: "Stop your imagination. I just changed rooms with my third uncle last night."

Qi Mowei immediately let out a disappointed sound. The next second, she realized something was wrong, "Why is Third Brother changing rooms with you when you have nothing to do? Doesn't he always allow others to enter his room?"

Last time she just held the door handle of his room after eating fried chicken, and he just replaced the entire door.

That behavior can make a person crazy!

Now he would actually allow Qi Sijin to stay in his room?

 Did the third brother be struck by lightning?

Qi Sijin became angry when he mentioned this. He tugged at his lips, sneered and said, "How can you be idle and have nothing to do? Third uncle is just being overly considerate."

Qi Mowei didn’t understand what he meant: “…what?”

 It’s just a room, what’s the point of being thoughtful?

 “Are you dissatisfied with me?”

At this moment, a cold and indifferent voice sounded. Qi Jingci came out of Li Jiu's room. He looked at the two of them with dark eyes and raised his eyebrows, "You guys got up so early?" At five o'clock in the morning, he estimated the time to go back to the room, but he didn't expect to see the two of them as soon as he came out.

 Qi Sijin: “…”

Why did he get up so early? He had barely slept all night.

Qi Mowei's eyes were almost shocked. She once wondered if she was still sleepwalking. Otherwise, how could she see the third brother walking out of Ajiu's room?

She pointed at Qi Jingci in shock, then pointed at the door behind him, and finally tugged on Qi Sijin's sleeves in disbelief and asked: "You, you, did you see it? The third brother came from Ajiu Come out of the room!"

∣ Qi Sijin: "...I'm not blind."

Moreover, he already knew it.

Qi Mowei: “!!”

 Instinct told her that there was something going on here.

 Sure enough, the early bird catches the worm, and the early woman catches the gossip.

Qi Mowei, who originally just wanted to get up to get a glass of water, immediately lit up, with a gossipy light shining in her eyes.

"Is it possible, Third Brother, you and Ajiu..." The corners of Qi Mowei's mouth gradually rose, revealing a malicious smile.

Don't blame her for thinking wrongly. When she woke up this morning and saw such a fascinating scene, everyone would think that it was not suitable for children.

Qi Jingci did not deny what she said, but raised his eyebrows, "Do you have any objections?"

"No! No!" Qi Mowei waved her hands immediately, the excitement on her face could not be concealed, and her thoughts were running rapidly. Some things can be connected with just a little thought.

For example, Qi Sijin just said that the third brother deliberately changed rooms with him. What could be the reason? Isn't it because his room is next to Ajiu?

Moreover, if she remembered correctly, the balconies of the two rooms were still connected.

 So, in conclusion, Third Brother and Ajiu spent the night together in front of everyone’s eyes last night, and they haven’t noticed yet? !


 Qi Mowei's expression became more and more subtle.

"Third are so brave, haha." She laughed dryly.

Qi Jingci crossed his arms across his chest and looked at the two of them with interest. His thin lips curled up slightly and he suddenly said, "Since we're already up, I happen to be going for a morning jog, why don't we go for a morning jog together?"

 Qi Sijin: “…”

Qi Mowei: "...Huh?"

Half an hour later, near the old house of the Qi family, Qi Jingci was running quickly in front of him in a black sportswear. Qi Sijin and Qi Mowei were wearing pajamas and following closely behind.

After running for a while, Qi Mowei was out of breath and felt that she would be able to pass by in the next moment.

"No, I can't, I think... I'm going to die." She gasped as she ran.

As she spoke, her legs became weak for a while, and she was about to hit the rock in front of her. Qi Sijin quickly picked her up again and said, "Be careful."

Qi Mowei was about to cry without tears. She now felt that her legs had lost all feeling. She immediately collapsed on the ground and shouted: "I can't do it anymore. I really can't do it anymore. If I keep running, my legs will really become useless." "

She took a breath and looked in the direction of Qi Jingci. He was getting further and further away from them, and she could almost only see his back.

“The third brother is too perverted. It’s been so long and the speed has not changed at all.”

Look at her again, her legs are weak, she has no strength to even stand up, her face is covered with sweat, her hair is messy like a crazy woman, how can she still have the demeanor of the eldest daughter of the Qi family.

He is simply a lunatic who escaped from a mental hospital!

 (End of this chapter)

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