She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 377: Mom, you are really my mother!

Chapter 377 Mom, you are really my mother!

"I think he was making things difficult for us because we caught him coming out of Ajiu's room."

Qi Mowei sat on the ground and thought about it with her mind, which was obviously much clearer after the strenuous exercise, and finally understood why Qi Jingci pulled the two of them out for morning exercise.

 Because this time is the usual time for Mrs. Qi and Mr. Qi to get up!

 He pulled them out just to prevent them from snitching in front of Mrs. Qi!

Qi Sijin sneered, lowered his eyes to look at her, and said, "You finally realized it. It seems you are not completely stupid."

 From the moment Qi Jingci invited them to do morning exercises together, he knew what he was planning.

 Qi Mowei: “…”

Qi Mowei no longer had the energy to argue with him. She just raised her eyes and glared at him, and then complained harshly: "The third brother is such a bitch."

Qi Sijin also thought so about this. He nodded heavily, "Well, that's too bad."


“Then what should we do now, sneak back while he’s not paying attention?”

Qi Sijin said: "Do you think that if you sneak back, with Third Uncle's calculating temper, I can let you go?"

Qi Mowei thought for a while, smiled sadly and said: "No."

If she dared to escape, Qi Jingci would dare to use even more suffocating methods to deal with her.

 In short, she should not have an easy time.

  …"Then it's over."


Qi Mowei wanted to cry, but before she could cry, a nightmare-like voice sounded from behind her: "Why are you two lazy here?"

After Qi Jingci came back from running around, he saw these two people standing and sitting, both slacking off, and immediately frowned.

 “Third brother, I really can’t run anymore!”

Qi Mowei desperately wanted to plead with Qi Jingci, but he rejected him mercilessly, "No, I just ran a few laps and said no. I think what mom said is true. You are useless when you stay at home all day." ”

 Qi Mowei: "Woo woo woo..."

"Stand up quickly and continue! There are still two laps left." Qi Jingci looked at her and said coldly.

"...Third brother, I was wrong. All the mistakes were my fault. I shouldn't have gotten up so early, and I shouldn't have bumped into you coming out of Ajiu's room. I promise not to tell anyone. Please spare me! "Qi Mowei hugged Qi Jingci's thigh with tears in her eyes and said.

However, Qi Jingci didn't appreciate it and avoided her hand with disgust. He smiled at her and slowly uttered two words that made her collapse: "No."

 After saying that, without waiting for her to react, she ran straight forward, leaving Qi Mowei standing there with tears in her eyes, looking at his back pitifully.

Qi Sijin sighed and said, "Continue quickly, otherwise Third Uncle will come up with another way to torment us."

 “But I can’t run.”

Qi Sijin stretched out his hand to her: "I'll help you, come on."

 He pulled her up, ran slowly with his hands on her shoulders, and tried to slow down his breathing to adapt to her rhythm.

"I have a question." Qi Mowei asked suddenly as she ran.


Qi Mowei turned her head to look at him and asked doubtfully: "I don't usually watch you exercise. You ran for half an hour like me. Why is it that your face is not red and you are out of breath, but I look like I am exhausted?"

Qi Sijin’s eyes paused and he said, “Maybe I’m born with better physical strength than you?”

This is true. Sometimes we have to admit that boys have much better physical strength than girls.

Even so, Qi Mowei still felt something was wrong, but she couldn't tell where it was. Because she was still running, she didn't ask any more questions.

Not far away, Qi Jingci stopped at some point and watched them running with an incomprehensible expression. After two laps, Qi Mowei could no longer walk even with Qi Sijin supporting her. She just wanted to sit down and rest for a while.

"You have just finished exercising strenuously and cannot sit down. Please stand and rest for a while." Qi Sijin said.

 He asked her to stand where she was and ran to Qi Jingci to get water and towels.

 “It’s very stable.”

Just when he was about to go back, he heard Qi Jingci suddenly say this.

 Qi Sijin paused in his steps and his eyes flashed lightly.

“After running for so long, you still look like a normal person. Do you often do morning exercises abroad?” Qi Jingci asked curiously.

After a moment of silence, Qi Sijin said with a smile: "I can't get up so early. I just went to the gym a few more times when I was abroad."


Qi Jingci responded calmly and said: "You have also seen Weiwei's situation. Don't take her everywhere crazy in the future. Take her to exercise more. There is no harm."

 “I understand, Third Uncle…”

Qi Jingci hummed, turned around and walked back.

 Looking at this time, Ajiu should have gotten up, and it was time for him to go back.

 “What did third brother say to you?”

Qi Mowei stood there for a while and felt better. When she looked up, she found Qi Sijin and Qi Jingci chatting there.

 “You said your physique is too poor and you should exercise.” Qi Sijin handed her the water and said.

 She rolled her eyes, a little unconvinced, "Am I that bad?"

Qi Sijin raised his eyebrows: "You can't even run away from me, what do you think?"

Qi Mowei looked at his thin figure and fell into silence: "..."

Indeed, someone like Qi Sijin, who looks like a weakling, can last longer than her. Isn't she a bit too useless?

Seeing her depressed and thoughtful look, Qi Sijin chuckled and said, "Okay, I'm just kidding, it's windy here, let's go back quickly."

Over there, as soon as Qi Jingci entered the door, he saw that Mrs. Qi had already gotten up.

“Third brother, where are Ajin and Weiwei? Why are they nowhere to be seen when they wake up so early in the morning?” Mrs. Qi asked.

 “They went to morning exercise with me and will be back soon.”

"Morning exercises? Them?" Madam Qi opened her eyes slightly, with a look of disbelief on her face, "Wei Wei, who can stay in bed all day and never get out of bed, will he take the initiative to do morning exercises?"

The sun is really coming out in the west.

Qi Mowei, who had just been helped back by Qi Sijin, heard Mrs. Qi's words as soon as she entered the door, and immediately said: "..."

 Mom, you are really my mother!

Over there, as soon as Qi Jingci entered the door, he saw that Mrs. Qi had already gotten up.

“Third brother, where are Ajin and Weiwei? Why are they nowhere to be seen when they wake up so early in the morning?” Mrs. Qi asked.

 “They went to morning exercise with me and will be back soon.”

"Morning exercises? Them?" Madam Qi opened her eyes slightly, with a look of disbelief on her face, "Wei Wei, who can stay in bed all day and never get out of bed, will he take the initiative to do morning exercises?"

The sun is really coming out in the west.

Qi Mowei, who had just been helped back by Qi Sijin, heard Mrs. Qi's words as soon as she entered the door, and immediately said: "..."

 Mom, you are really my mother!

 (End of this chapter)

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