She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 378: Qi Jingci: How about we work together?

Chapter 378 Qi Jingci: How about we work together?

The morning sun shines through the window on the bed, casting layers of soft golden light.

Li Jiu felt something slowly approaching in her sleep.

  Qing Qian's eyes suddenly opened, and in front of him was Qi Jingci's handsome face enlarged. From this angle, one could even clearly count the fine hairs on his face.

 And he seemed to have been caught trying to do something bad. When he saw her suddenly opening her eyes, his eyes suddenly dodge for a moment.

 Li Jiu: “…”

Li Jiu looked at the handsome face in front of her, her eyes narrowed dangerously, and she asked expressionlessly: "What do you want to do?"

  Qi Jingci: “…”

This is very embarrassing.

 However, Qi Sanye perfectly proved to us what it means that as long as I am not embarrassed, others will be embarrassed.

 “I want to wake you up.”

 Five words, you can say them without blushing or out of breath.

Li Jiu chuckled twice. Only those who can believe him are ghosts. Then he reached out and grabbed his ears and asked in a dangerous tone: "Why are you still here?"

She had given him a clear warning last night to leave before anyone else got up, but now, he was still staying in her room openly?

Qi Jingci's expression was subtle for a moment: "...Listen to what you said, why is it so strange?"

 Just like the prostitutes in ancient brothels who did not recognize anyone after sleeping.

 It’s very aggrieved.

Li Jiu's eyes turned cold, and the strength in his hand became stronger, "Huh?"

“…Jiujiu, mom asked me to come up and wake you up.” Qi Jingci’s tone was innocent.

Not only did he leave early, but he also went out for a morning jog for almost half an hour. When he came back, she was still sleeping, so Mrs. Qi asked him to come up and wake her up for breakfast, but she misunderstood him.

It’s so sad.

“Why did you wake me up so close to me?” Li Jiu was not deceived by Qi Jingci’s expression.

Judging from his appearance just now, it was obvious that he wanted to take advantage of her.

 Do you really think her brain is just a decoration?

With a strong force on her hand, she pushed him aside cleanly.

Qi Jingci was caught off guard and pushed away by her. He almost fell out of bed unsteadily. Only then did Li Jiu see clearly that almost his entire body was leaning on her. She knew that he had bad intentions without even thinking about it.


Li Jiu was speechless. Can this man think of something serious?

Qi Jingci still had a serious expression on his face, his eyes were slightly lowered, and his tone was slightly aggrieved: "Oh, I obviously listened to you, but you still wronged me."

Li Jiu’s mouth twitched.

 “Be normal.”

 “I don’t, you wronged me.”

  …"It's you who want to do something bad."

"What did I do to you?" Qi Jingci asked confidently. Anyway, she woke up in time and he didn't have time to do anything. There was nothing he could do if she didn't acknowledge her.


 “You just wronged me.”

Li Jiu's face turned dark, and his temples were beating faintly. Is it still reasonable to beat him up?

She got out of bed, opened the closet and looked for clothes, not wanting to talk to him at all.

However, Qi Jingci didn't give him this chance. He stretched out his hand and pressed his long arm against the closet door, blocking her way.

“Jiujiu, you have wronged me, and this is the end of it?” He raised his eyebrows at Li Jiu.

Li Jiu crossed his arms and asked, "What do you want?"

Qi Jingci turned his head to the side, pointed at his face, and said, "Give me a good morning kiss."


Even a good morning kiss, believe it or not, she asked him to go to the hospital emergency room to sign in?

 “Don’t roll away.”

Qi Jingci smiled at her, as if he wouldn't let her go unless he kissed her.

 “Unless you kiss me.”

Li Jiu didn't move, looking at him steadily with no change in his expression.

Qi Jingci also stared at her. The two of them looked at each other, staring at each other, and neither of them spoke for a while.



After a long while, Li Jiu finally couldn't bear this stupid behavior and couldn't help laughing and scolding: "Look at your potential!"

She grabbed Qi Jingci's collar, pulled him down hard, stood on tiptoes, raised her head and kissed him.

 A dragonfly touches the water and divides it at the first touch.

Li Jiu let go of his hand, raised his eyebrows and asked, "Is that okay?"

Qi Jingci licked his lips and said with a smile in his eyes: "Not enough."

 After saying that, he lowered his head and pressed Li Jiuyan's red lips together, deepening the kiss again.


Li Jiu frowned, seemingly dissatisfied, and bit him angrily.

Qi Jingci groaned in pain, his eyes darkened, he put his arms around her waist and pulled her into his arms, turned around and pressed her against the closet door, kissing her passionately.

 Li Jiu “…”

 She didn’t brush her teeth when she got up in the morning, so she smoked him to death!

However, Qi Jingci told her with his actions that he did not dislike her at all.

Ten minutes later, Li Jiu locked herself in the bathroom, looked at her extraordinarily fresh and rosy lips in the mirror, and secretly cursed Qi Jingci as a dog for kissing her all over.

Qi Jingci's smiling voice came from outside the door: "Jiujiu, hurry up, everyone is waiting!"

Li Jiu: "...get out of here!"

 Knowing that everyone was waiting for them to kiss, why did she blame her?

 Do you speak human language? Are you doing anything about personnel matters?

Qi Jingci listened to her angrily scolding herself outside, the corners of her mouth rising in a happy arc that she couldn't suppress no matter what.

He reached out and touched his upper lip gently, and immediately hissed. Her lower lip was too heavy, and it was obvious that the skin was broken without even looking.


 The smile on Qi Jingci's face deepened, which was good.

When Li Jiu finished cleaning up, she saw him standing there with a silly smile on his face, and there was a moment of silence: "..."

 Why do you look like you've lost your mind?

Qi Jingci didn't know what she was thinking. When he saw her coming out, he said, "Let's go down."

Li Jiu didn’t move.

She pointed at his mouth and said with difficulty: "You...are going to go on like this?"

With this appearance, anyone can guess what they just did.

She is still shameless?

Qi Jingci raised his eyebrows slightly and said nonchalantly: "It's okay, they won't notice. Let's go."

"…don't want."

Qi Jingci was silent for a moment, then chuckled and asked: "Jiujiu, you obviously bit it yourself, but you are still afraid of others telling you?"

“…” Li Jiu glanced at him coldly.

“Don’t worry, it’s okay. We are legal and they can’t do anything to us.”

 “It’s nothing.” He will tell lies with his eyes open.

The smile in Qi Jingci's eyes deepened, "Then... why not make it legal? Then we can do whatever we want."

Li Jiu twitched the corners of her lips and glared at him coldly, "Are you farting?"

  It’s still legal, so why doesn’t he go to heaven?

Qi Jingci curled his lips without any surprise. He already knew that Li Jiu would not agree.

 Sigh, there is a long way to go. When can we abduct her into the Qi family's household registration?

Qi Jingci thought worriedly.

Li Jiu didn't know what was going on in his mind. He thought for a moment and said, "How about you wear a mask to cover yourself?"


 (End of this chapter)

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