She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 379: Li Jiu: She knew it

Chapter 379 Li Jiu: She knew it

 A minute later, Li Jiu and Qi Jingci came downstairs. Everyone was basically there. Seeing them coming down, they all looked over. When they touched the mask on Qi Jingci's face, their eyes suddenly became subtle.

Li Jiu looked around and didn't find Mr. Li and Li Chen. He asked in surprise: "Where are grandpa and uncle?"

Mrs. Qi looked away and replied: "Your grandfather and your uncle left after they woke up."

"Leaving?" Li Jiu frowned, "So soon?"

Mrs. Qi sighed, "Yes, we can't even let them stay for breakfast."

 Li Jiu: “…”

She felt that it was most likely that Mr. Li felt too embarrassed after he sobered up and could no longer stay here.

Li Jiu has found out the truth.

At this time, Mr. Li was holding his head, which was particularly painful after a hangover, with one hand, and his intestines were turning green.

 Why couldn’t he hold back from drinking too much last night?

At such an old age, I feel the hangover of young people.

Mr. Li was sitting in the back seat, leaning against the car window with his arms, his eyes closed, his expression a little heavy.

Li Chen was next to him, with the corners of his mouth pressed down as hard as he could, trying to hold back a smile.

  When I got up this morning, the old man recalled the embarrassing incident last night, so he pulled him away without saying a word.

It’s so...cough!

Thinking of this, Li Chenxian couldn't help but laugh.

Mr. Li gently opened his eyes and glanced at him, "You can laugh if you want."

"...Ahem, Dad, I didn't want to laugh." Li Chen became serious for a second.

 “Come on, I don’t know you yet?” Mr. Li snorted.

Li Chen: “…”

“I was drunk last night, didn’t you know how to hold me back?”

 Very good, let’s start calculating the general ledger.

Li Chen looked helpless. He also wanted to stop him, but the key was that he couldn't.

 But you can't say that, otherwise, the old man will explode again.

Li Chen, who has always been well aware of Mr. Li's temperament, decisively admitted his mistake, "I'm sorry, dad, it's my fault."

Mr. Li snorted, "It was your fault in the first place."

Li Chen: “…”

Over there, in the Qi family, Mr. Qi got up the latest. He reached out and rubbed his aching temples and went downstairs. When he looked up, everyone was sitting there eating breakfast quietly. No one paid attention to him or anyone. Go wake him up.

 He asked: "Why didn't you call me for dinner?"

Mrs. Qi put her chopsticks heavily on the table, glanced at him, and snorted: "Do you still need to eat? Can't you just have wine? Just in time, I will take out all your wine and put it on your bed It’s over, you can go over with the wine from today, and I’ll sleep in the guest room.”

As soon as she said these words, there was a sudden silence around her. The servants standing next to her lowered their heads and did not dare to breathe, but in fact they were laughing so hard in their hearts.

Sure enough, in the Qi family, the highest status is still the old lady. Even though the old man is all-powerful outside, doesn’t he have no say at all at home?

Qi Jingci and the others, being juniors, remained silent and ate their meals quietly.

Mr. Qi, who had just sobered up and was still a little confused: "..."

The memory came back, and Mr. Qi's face gradually changed as he gradually remembered what happened last night, and he suddenly did not dare to look at Mrs. Qi.

"I don't know who it was last night? You are quite old, and you are quite drunk. Weiwei and Ajin had to work hard to help someone back to their room. I even took care of him all night. You are really What a big deal!" Mrs. Qi looked at him coldly.

Mr. Qi originally wanted to admit his mistake directly, but due to the presence of a junior, he still had to save some face, so he coughed lightly and said softly: "Um... Hanqing, how about we go back to the room first?"

"What? Are you embarrassed in front of so many people? Do you still know how to be embarrassed?" Mrs. Qi cursed, but she got up and went back to the room with him.

After the two elders left, Qi Mowei held the bowl, looked at Mrs. Qi's back, and sighed with emotion: "Don't think that mom was a foreign royal lady when she was young. After marrying dad, all her self-cultivation and temperament are gone. Dad is really... tut, tsk. ,sharp!"

Qi Sijin frowned and tapped her on the forehead with chopsticks, "Grandpa and grandma, you dare to arrange it. If they hear it, you will look better."

Qi Mowei was in pain, covering her forehead and glaring at him angrily, "Qi Sijin! You dare to hit your little aunt?! Is there any way to do it?" "Wang Fa? Then you just teased the two elders, is there any way to do it?"

"I...that's me" Qi Mowei hesitated and had no words to refute.

"Are you speechless? You only allow the state officials to set fires, but not the people to light lamps."

 Qi Mowei: “…”

 She turned to Qi Jingci opposite for help: "Third brother, take care of your nephew."

I'm afraid only her third brother can control him now.

However, Qi Jingci didn't seem to be very interested. He sat there with his hands folded across his chest, his face mostly covered by a mask, and all he said was a muffled, "I can't control it."

  While saying this, he glanced at Li Jiu next to him from the corner of his eye.

 Qi Mowei: “…”

 It was so awkward that she really couldn’t stand it anymore.

This mask is too inconsistent.

Qi Mowei couldn't help asking from her soul: "Third brother, why do you wear a mask when eating? Is it possible that my bad breath is serious enough that you need to wear protective weapons?"

  Qi Jingci: “…”

 Qi Sijin: “…”

Li Jiu: "...Poof!"

Li Jiu couldn't help but spray.

 God has such bad breath!

 Qi Sijin closed her eyes, unable to bear to look directly at Qi Mowei's IQ, " must be inconvenient to wear a mask. It has nothing to do with your bad breath."

Really, eat well, why do you have bad breath!

“Inconvenient? Isn’t it inconvenient to eat while wearing a mask?” Qi Mowei asked.

Qi Jingci nodded, "Well, it's very inconvenient."

 “Then you take it off?”

Qi Jingci looked sideways at Li Jiu, gestured to her with his eyes, and asked, "Can I take it off?"

 Hearing this, the other two people immediately turned their attention to Li Jiu.

Does this mask have anything to do with her?

Li Jiu's eyes twitched when he saw it, "...It's up to you."

Since Mr. Qi and Mrs. Qi are not here now, it doesn’t matter if they take it off and be seen.

Qi Jingci reached out and took off the mask. The next moment, Qi Mowei and Qi Sijin choked at the same time.



Opposite them, at the corner of Qi Jingci's mouth, a deep and obvious ambiguous bite mark is particularly eye-catching, making people imagine endlessly.

 You can tell at a glance what he has been through, and he understands everything.

Qi Mowei silently gave Li Jiu a thumbs up.

Ajiu, you are strong. You can do this to the third brother. You are awesome.

  Qi Sijin also cast an admiring glance.

 Boss, yes, if you work harder, maybe Third Uncle can get it.

 Li Jiu: “…”

 She knew it! These people will definitely think in the wrong direction!

  Okay, I admit, I still can’t do the third update. Alas, the flag has fallen again.



 (End of this chapter)

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