She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 383: How do you want me to meet my ancestors?

Chapter 383 How do you want me to meet my ancestors?

 It seems that he still doesn’t know enough about the Li family and the Qi family.

Li Jiu's eyes flickered, and unknown emotions flashed across his eyes.

Li's current situation, Li Hong is unable to recover, so what will grandpa do next?

 “Ji Huai.”


 “Please take your time with Li’s actions, don’t be hasty.”

Ji Huai was confused: "Why?"

Li Jiu's lips curled up slightly, "Firstly, pushing too hard can backfire. Secondly, I feel uneasy. Grandpa has not said anything to Li Hong and Li Shi so far, so he may be preparing a bigger plan."

It would be okay if this plan was only aimed at Li Hong, but if it was aimed at MZ, then we should be really careful.

Mr. Li's methods were something that no one was afraid of back then. If he had done it himself, even she might have had a hard time dealing with it.


 Li family, study room.

Mr. Li raised his wrist lightly and wrote a few lines of words on the paper. The pen was powerful and majestic.

 He picked it up to appreciate it carefully, squinted his eyes, and nodded with satisfaction.

"Dad," Li Chen pushed open the door and walked in with a document in his hand, "This is the MZ information you want."

Mr. Li put down his words, pushed up his reading glasses on the bridge of his nose, took the information and read it carefully.

"MZ has been suppressing Li more and more recently. There have been complaints from the board of directors. Dad, do you need to temporarily deal with it?" Li Chen said.

Mr. Li waved his hand and said, "No, let your uncles endure it peacefully and don't lose your temper."

 He scanned the information from beginning to end and asked, "Is this all?"

“No, MZ is headquartered in M ​​state, and the information is not easy to find. This is all we have for the time being.”

Mr. Li sighed, "A branch dares to be so rampant. The person behind MZ has a somewhat radical personality."

 As soon as he established a foothold in Imperial Capital, he successively attacked SR and the Li family, offending the two giants of Imperial Capital at once, causing constant turmoil. These days, there are even more rumors from all walks of life, disturbing people's peace.

Mr. Li picked up the tea cup, took a sip, and narrowed his eyes. It was too hard to break.

MZ's style of dealing with things is strong and decisive, leaving no room for error. Although this can make the opponent unable to breathe and deal with it, to a certain extent, this kind of behavior is extremely risky. It can be said that he is dancing on the edge of life and death. If he is not careful, he will not be satisfied. All bets are lost.

Just like the method used against Li this time, Li Hong was unable to resist at all and could only run around in panic, like a headless fly.

Li Chen frowned and nodded: "I heard that MZ's rise back then relied on strength and ruthless methods. The entire team behind MZ was called a 'desperate lunatic' by the outside world."

 MZ’s veteran members are almost all working hard together with the people behind MZ. Every confrontation between them and their opponents is full of determination and a desperate fight.

But the miraculous thing is that their suicidal approach made MZ advance rapidly, and in just a few years, it ranked among the top three in the world.

 Their method of success, although enviable, is so risky that no one dares to try it because it does more harm than good.

Li Chen thought for a while and said: "Although I don't know why MZ wants to attack Li for no reason, we have to prepare early. After all, if MZ's methods are really matched, we may not be able to win."

Mr. Li nodded, "That's why I asked you to investigate." The Li family is used to keeping a low profile, and the winning mentality has been worn away by such a long period of comfort.

If you really encounter a strong opponent at this time, you may really not know how to deal with it, just like Li Hong now.

Speaking of Li Hong, Mr. Li suddenly remembered and asked: "How is Li Hong over there?"

"It's still the same as before. He is eager to make up for the previous deficit, but MZ has been chasing him, and now he is in a mess." Li Chen told Mr. Li all the news he knew, and by the way, he said: "He Came to see me yesterday."

"Huh?" Mr. Li raised his eyes, "Why is he looking for you? Asking for your help?"

Li Chen nodded: "Yeah."

“Hmph!” Mr. Li snorted heavily, his face suddenly turned cold, “He thinks of you now? He didn’t cherish the brotherhood much when we were fighting for the Li family name with you.”

Li Chen twitched his lips and said, "Dad, actually even if he doesn't fight, I don't intend to fight against the Li family. I don't have the talent to manage a company."

As soon as he finished speaking, Mr. Li immediately gave him a cold look.

“I know best whether you have talent or not. I also know best whether you really want to take over Li’s family. There is no need to explain.”

How could he not know the son he had raised with his own hands?

Li Chen smiled awkwardly and said nothing.

Mr. Li put the information aside, picked up the pen again and began to practice calligraphy. While writing, he asked: "Back then, you refused to take over the Li family because of Wen Wen. What about now?"

Wen Wen has been dead for many years, and he has been traveling around the world for several years, which can be regarded as fulfilling Wen Wen's wish during his lifetime.

Now that he has decided not to leave, there is no reason to refuse what he should do, right?

Li Chen paused, a dark color flashed under his eyes, and smiled helplessly, "Dad, why do you want me to come? Tingzhi and Muye have grown up, and they are capable of acting on their own, and there is also Xiaojiu , didn’t you give her 10% of Li’s shares?”

They young people are full of energy and are at their most capable. They are much better than him. Why do they only hold on to him?

 “Come on.” Mr. Li sneered lightly, unhesitatingly revealing his thoughts, “You are just too lazy to take care of these troublesome things, so why bother with the children?”

  …Yes, yes, I was wrong.”

  Unexpectedly, his idea of ​​using juniors as a shield would be seen through immediately, and Li Chen couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed.

Mr. Li said: "Do you think I haven't thought about choosing one of the children to take over the Li family? But look, which of these children has a suitable temperament?"

  When you take over the Li family, you take over not only the property, but also the family. The honor and disgrace of the Li family for hundreds of years are all tied to one person. There is no doubt that that person must be extra cautious and steady to take on this important responsibility.

 Li Chen is the only one who possesses these two points.

Although Tingzhi has a stable temperament, he has no intention of inheriting the family business. Makino is too impatient and aggressive, which is not the material at all. Xiaojiu... She is somewhat suitable, but he can see that she is not interested in this, and he does not want to use it. The Li family came to tie her up.

 So after thinking about it, Li Chen is the one who best meets the requirements.

 He is the one he likes, the only next head of the Li family.

Mr. Li sighed, "Ah Chen, I'm not forcing you. There's no one to entrust the Li family's huge fortune. I feel bad. I'll try my best to take care of the Li family while my brain is still functioning. Okay, but what if I die one day? Will the hundreds of years of Li family history be ruined in my generation?"

 “How do you want me to see my ancestors?”

 (End of this chapter)

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