She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 384: Don't disturb Yun'er

Chapter 384 Don’t disturb Yun’er

 He will eventually die. If there is no successor at that time, he will really be ashamed of his ancestors.

Li Chen held his forehead with a headache, "Aren't you talking about MZ? Why does it involve me again?"

“MZ’s current attack on Li has attracted widespread attention. If Li cannot respond, it may cause panic.”

After all, MZ's march into Imperial Capital has caused an uproar among various forces in Imperial Capital. Now that it has done this, people will inevitably speculate that MZ wants to gradually encroach on Imperial Capital.

Seeing that he still didn't want to touch on this topic, Mr. Li sighed helplessly, and without saying much, he just followed his words and turned the page.

“Don’t worry, if the people in MZ had some brains, they wouldn’t do this.”

Li Chen was surprised: "Why?"

"If the water in Imperial Capital is muddied and the long-standing balance is broken, it will involve more than just the interests of a few families. If MZ offends the public, even if it is one of the top three in the world, the various families in Imperial Capital will not give in. It saves face.”

“But MZ’s behavior is fearless and he never thinks about these aspects.” Li Chen said.

“There is a premise for what you said.”


Mr. Li pushed up his glasses and said, "Only when the people behind MZ are around, do they dare to be so unscrupulous."

Although he doesn’t know much about MZ, and he doesn’t know much about the man behind the scenes, but based on his years of experience, the man behind MZ must be an extremely unnatural existence.

 He seems to have an invincible luck that allows MZ to never fail.

"This man is very smart and dangerous." Mr. Li said: "If he were here, I guess the current situation would have to be re-evaluated."

Li Chen nodded, that was indeed the case.

"No matter what, we must make complete preparations." Mr. Li pondered for a moment and said, "Ah Chen, go find your uncles, talk to them in private, and find out the details of MZ's attack on Li."

 “Okay.” Li Chen nodded, turned and left.

Mr. Li sighed and sat back again, staring at the words in front of him, not knowing what he was thinking.

At this time, a high-end villa in Imperial Capital.

Li Hong had just finished socializing. He staggered into the house with his suit jacket on his hands, smelling of alcohol, and his eyes were scarlet.

 “Ah Hong! Why are you drinking like this?”

Seeing this, Xu Su immediately went up to him and took his coat. When he smelled the strong smell of alcohol on his body, he couldn't help but frowned and said in disgust: "Didn't I tell you not to drink like that?" "Much?"

These days, I always come back drunk, and a few times I even came back unconscious and was carried back, and it happened again this time!

 “Get out of here!”

Li Hong staggered and his head felt dizzy. Hearing her babble, he pushed her away impatiently.

Xu Sugang was about to go out. He was wearing high heels. He almost fell down when he pushed him like this. He immediately became angry from the bottom of his heart and shouted: "What are you doing? Are you sick?"

 He drank so much and didn’t say anything. How dare he push her?

Li Hong is now two heads and two tall. He is extremely irritable and has a cold and gloomy expression. "I'm in a bad mood, stay away from me!"

The partners who had been looking for so long all regretted it. Seeing that the project they were about to win was ruined again, thinking that he drank so much wine with them in vain and ended up fetching water from a bamboo basket, Li Hong wanted to kill someone.

 “Tch! Who cares about you!”

Xu Su was originally extremely dissatisfied with him coming home late smelling of alcohol. She was kind-hearted and cared about him, but he didn't appreciate it at all. In this case, there is no need for her to be so ignorant.

Immediately, she threw the suit aside casually, picked up her newly bought brand-name bag, and turned around to go out.

Li Hong saw her dressed up so late at night, her head suddenly sobered up a lot, and she immediately asked, "Where are you going?"

Xu Su tidied her clothes and said casually: "Go to my friend's place to play for a while."

 “Are you still going so late?”

 “So what? Didn’t you come back so late too?”

Li Hong said sternly: "Can I be the same as you? Isn't this just for this family?"

Xu Su frowned and turned around to glare at him in warning, "Keep your voice down! Yun'er is still resting upstairs. She needs enough sleep now, so don't disturb her!"

Hearing her mention Li Yun, Li Hong's voice dropped significantly and he asked, "How is Yun'er today?"

"It's still the same, I can't eat anything, but it doesn't matter. It was like this when I was pregnant with her, it's normal."

Li Hong suddenly remembered something, and asked with a bad expression: "Isn't there anyone from the Lu family?"

It's okay if you don't mention this. But when you mention this, Xu Su becomes even more angry.

"What the hell! The Lu family are all evil-minded people. That Lu Shaoqi made Yun'er pregnant and ignored him. There is also Lu Shiqian. The person in Yun'er's belly is also his grandson, after all. He didn't even acknowledge him, who is he? "Xu Su's expression was particularly contemptuous.

"Ever since Yun'er went to the Lu family last time, she has been depressed when she came back. It's obvious at first glance that she must be angry. Humph! What a Lu family, but she looks down on our Li family!"

When Li Hong heard this, his expression immediately changed, "Are you serious?"

  Do the Lu family really have no intention of acknowledging Yun'er?

"Can this be false? I could clearly see the tears on Yun'er's face when she came back."

Xu Su felt so distressed at that time that she wished she could scold all the eighteen generations of Lu Shaoqi's ancestors. She no longer had the appearance of instigating Li Yun to use methods against him.

Li Hong said angrily: "The Lu family is really bullying others!"

"It was their son who took advantage of Yun'er first, and now he still wants to admit it? How can there be such a good thing in the world! Let's go to the Lu family in person tomorrow."

Xu Su frowned. After Yun'er went there, the Lu family didn't want to see them very much. She didn't want to come and be offended.

"I want you to go, I don't have time." She said lightly, turned around and got into the car with elegant steps and left.

Li Hong stood there, thinking carefully about going to meet the Lu family with his still somewhat clear head.

If the Lu family is willing to take responsibility for Yun'er, then he might be able to use the Lu family's influence to rescue the Li family. Then, he will show off to the old guys on the board of directors!

Li Hong sneered sarcastically and staggered upstairs to his room.

At this time, in Li Yun's bedroom on the second floor, the bedside lamp was still on, and there was only a faint light in the dark room, which was very penetrating.

Li Yun did not fall asleep as Xu Su said at this time, but sat on the bedside, biting her fingernails nervously, her eyes cold and cold, staring at the mobile phone in front of her.

Suddenly, the phone vibrated slightly.

Li Yun's expression changed severely.

I can’t do it anymore. I have a headache that’s about to explode. I don’t know why I’m always sick lately. Alas, I’m extremely speechless.

Today you can just think that I only updated one chapter. This second chapter is just to improve the word count, because I don’t have a leave note. It doesn’t matter if I subscribe. I will just write a new chapter and paste it up later. I won’t let you know. It cost you a penny more, so you don’t have to worry.



 (End of this chapter)

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