She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 388: There is also a difference between a boss and a boss

Chapter 388 There is also a difference between the tyrant and the tyrant

As Qi Jingci said, the food will be ready in no time.

It was just because she fell asleep for a moment and unconsciously sat on the sofa and lost consciousness. It was not until Qi Jingci shook her awake that she realized that she had fallen asleep.

Qi Jingci still had a trace of the smell of oil smoke that had not yet dissipated, and his tone was obviously very helpless, "I told you not to sleep here."

As a result, all his words fell on deaf ears.

Li Jiu rubbed his sleepy eyes and said, "I didn't want to sleep. I passed by without knowing it. I didn't mean it."

I don’t know if it was because she suddenly returned home recently and was not feeling well. She was very tired and yawned all day long. She originally wanted to go to Ji Yunshu’s place to see, but she was called by Mrs. Qi to go to Qi’s house and to MZ to see Shan Mingxi. I forgot about it as soon as I came back.


Li Jiu thought.

 There must be no further delay.

Now, whether it is the Imperial Capital, S Continent, or any other place, it is just a relative calm before the chaos. No one knows when this dynamic balance will be broken. Her terrible situation, It's just too passive.

When she was in a daze, Qi Jingci brought the steaming food in front of her and said, "You must be hungry, eat it while it's hot."

Li Jiu blinked silently, and his eyes suddenly lit up for a moment.

 His cooking skills are obviously much better than those in Continent S.

 “My cooking skills have improved.” She praised him without hesitation.

Who would have thought that Qi Jingci would shamelessly follow her words and praise himself, "Well, I think I'm great too."


Li Jiu lowered his head and took a sip of the soup, then rolled his eyes indifferently.

They all say that when you are full of food and wine, you will be full of thoughts...ah! No, he just wanted to sleep after eating. Li Jiu was yawning nonstop just now, and now his eyelids were trembling, and he could hardly hold on.

Qi Jingci saw her like this after putting away the dishes and chopsticks. Then he took off his apron and stepped forward to pick her up.

Before walking to the door of the bedroom, his body visibly paused, his eyes swept across the two doors in front of him, he hesitated for a moment, and then decisively took Li Jiu back to his bedroom.

 Putting the person down gently, he placed a kiss on Li Jiu's forehead, his eyes gentle and caressing.

"Good night."

The next morning, when a ray of sunlight accidentally fell on Li Jiu's face, her long, curly and thick eyelashes trembled slightly, and she opened her slightly sleepy eyes.

After waking up, Li Jiu blinked and recognized that this was Qi Jingci's room, but he was no longer there.

  He raised his wrist and looked at the time.

 Hmm…nine o’clock in the morning.

 He should have been processing documents in SR's office for a long time.

When she finished washing and walked out of the bedroom, she found that breakfast was still on the table with a note on it.

 ‘Heat it up, don’t eat it cold. ’


Li Jiu pouted, threw the note away, grabbed a bun and took a bite.

 I’m too lazy to heat up, so eat something cold.

While I was eating, my phone suddenly rang.


 “Jiujiu, are you up?”

 On the mobile phone, although it is a question, the tone is indeed affirmative.

 Li Jiu: “…”

 Since when did she even know that this man was a roundworm?

Seeing that she was silent, Qi Jingci curled his lips, twirled the valuable pen in his fingers, and said with a smile: "Could it be that... you are eating the breakfast I gave you?"

 He raised his eyebrows, and the pen on his fingertips suddenly stopped.

 “Let me guess, Jiujiu, did you eat something cold?”

“…” Li Jiu swallowed the last bite of the bun with an expressionless face, picked up the cup and sipped the water.

 “Are you a roundworm?”

Qi Jingci smiled softly, "Yes, you are a human tapeworm."

Li Jiu almost choked.

“It’s so early in the morning, please be normal!” she gritted her teeth.

“Okay, let me say it again, good morning, dear girlfriend, do you want a good morning kiss?”

 “...Get out.” Li Jiu uttered one word simply and roughly.

Qi Jingci's eyes curved, a smile flashed in his eyes, but he didn't know what he thought of, and suddenly sighed in a low voice, "What a pity, if it weren't for the fact that there were too many things accumulated a while ago that couldn't be dealt with, I really wanted to stay with you. Home.”

Li Jiu rolled his eyes, "Who asked you to delay for so long in Continent S?"

Had it not been for her sudden illness, he might have stayed there with her longer.

When Qi Jingci heard this, he felt a little aggrieved: "Jiujiu, why didn't I stay there for a long time just to help you?"

If he hadn't met Li Jiu in Continent S, he would have finished handling the matter and come back long ago, and there would be no need to waste so long.

Li Jiu narrowed his eyes and said in a dangerous tone, "Oh? You mean it's all my fault?"

"...Of course not," Qi Jingci immediately explained, "I just want to help you."

Li Jiu snorted softly, finished the last bit of breakfast in his hand, took out a tissue and wiped his mouth gracefully, and said: "Okay, you go to work quickly, Weiwei asked me to go shopping, let's not talk anymore."

 After saying that, he hung up the phone.

Qi Jingci looked at his mobile phone and fell into silence: "..."

 While he is immersed in the case at the company, they go shopping?

His face is a little dark.

 …If he knew that Li Jiu was the real boss of MZ and had nothing to do every day, he would probably collapse even more.

  Sometimes, there is a difference between a boss and a boss.

 “Ajiu, here!”

At the entrance of the shopping mall, Qi Mowei stood there in a light green dress, with long black and silky hair shawl, and a particularly gentle and tranquil temperament.

Seeing Li Jiu, she immediately waved her hands excitedly, her peaceful temperament gone.

Qi Sijin stood behind her, holding her forehead helplessly. Sure enough, no matter how ladylike she dressed, she couldn't hide her tomboy temperament.

Li Jiu, who noticed Qi Mowei at a glance from a distance, raised his eyebrows and walked towards her.

When she arrived, she looked at Qi Sijin with surprise, who was following Qi Mowei like a bodyguard, and asked, "Why are you always there wherever Weiwei goes?"

Qi Mowei made a sound, took Li Jiu's arm, rolled her eyes at Qi Sijin, and said, "Ajiu, leave him alone. He's been going crazy lately. He follows me wherever I go."


Qi Sijin glanced at her with a serious look, and the latter immediately shrank behind Li Jiu.

   What kind of evil is it? What she said is obviously the truth!

Li Jiu looked at him with questioning eyes.

what happened?

A flash of emotion flashed across Qi Sijin's eyes, and he gestured to her where no one could see him.

Li Jiu's eyes changed, and the pressure in his body became a little low.

Standing next to her, Qi Mowei suddenly felt a cold air rising from her back. She couldn't help but shrink her arms, "Why is it a little cold? Am I wearing less clothes?"

 The weather outside is really unpredictable.

She curled her lips, turned around and pulled Li Jiu and said, "Ajiu, let's go in quickly."

Li Jiu nodded and walked in side by side with her, glancing at Qi Sijin inadvertently.

   This chapter should be left blank like the previous one and I’ll come back to fill it in tomorrow.



 (End of this chapter)

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