She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 389: Li Jiu: Complete the task within the deadline

Chapter 389 Li Jiu: Complete the task within a time limit

Entering the mall, Qi Mowei went shopping like crazy, completely forgetting about the two people behind her.

Li Jiu and Qi Sijin were walking together behind her. Li Jiu asked, "What's wrong?"

 The gesture he made to her just now meant that something was wrong.

Qi Sijin shook his head, his eyes falling on Qi Mowei in front, "It's not a big deal, it's just that she has been targeted recently."


This matter started a few days ago. Qi Mowei saved a waitress who was taken advantage of when she went to a bar, and beat the man who molested her to the point of paralysis. At that time, she got into trouble and was afraid of Qi Mowei. The old lady and Mr. Qi knew that they were worried, and in the end it was him who went to the bureau to pick them up.

Li Jiu: "What can happen to this?"

Qi Sijin smiled helplessly, "The person behind the bar is not very clean, and the person she beat up has a close relationship with the bar owner. There are many unknown people investigating her whereabouts these days."

Out of worry, he would follow her wherever she went during this period of time.

Li Jiu narrowed his eyes and said, "Who is so bold that even the Qi family dares to touch him?"

If it weren't for Qi Mowei being involved this time, he wouldn't even be interested in knowing about these people.

Li Jiu raised her lips and smiled, "I thought the cruel fourth child suddenly turned into a good person."

“…Boss, stop teasing me.” Qi Sijin’s originally cold eyes were immediately filled with helplessness.

 “Who made fun of you?”

Li Jiu put his hands in his pockets, turned around, and said, "After you returned home, your temperament has changed. If you hadn't called me boss, I would have thought you were betrayed."

 Speaking of this matter, Qi Sijin was also helpless.

"You can't blame me, boss. This time when I returned to China, my third uncle stayed at Qi's house for a particularly long time. If he doesn't pretend to be a bit more like him, his fault will be revealed sooner or later."

Qi Jingci is not an ordinary person. If someone behaves slightly abnormally in front of him, he will immediately notice that something is wrong. The words that suddenly came out to him during the last morning jog, although he was temporarily put off by them, he still has lingering fears.

This kind of insight was so keen that even his heart palpitated. If he hadn't felt the mental fluctuations in Qi Jingci, he would have almost regarded him as a person with supernatural powers.

"I used to travel abroad a lot and didn't have much contact with my third uncle. Even if I came back occasionally, I would never meet him. Who knew this time, I would be hanging around under his nose almost every day. Boss, to be honest, my liver is a little bit crazy." Trembling." Qi Sijin said.

Li Jiu chuckled, "You are a level 2s superpower, and you are so angry at your third uncle? Look at your potential!"

Because there were so many people in the shopping mall, Li Jiu deliberately blurred the pronunciation of the word "superpower", but Qi Sijin could still understand the sarcasm in her words.

 Qi Sijin: “…”

There is nothing we can do about it.

 It is true that he was repaired by Qi Jingci too many times when he was a child. Even if he becomes stronger now, the psychological shadow is still there. When facing Qi Jingci, his legs are still weak. This is natural and he cannot restrain himself even if he wants to.

“Boss, Third Uncle only restrains his temper in front of you. Of course you don’t feel how scary he is.” Qi Sijin said.

As long as he is in front of Li Jiu, no matter what Qi Jingci's aura that is so cold that he would not pay for his life in front of outsiders, he can turn into spring breeze and rain and nourish all things.

Li Jiu glanced at him coldly, "I'm not blind, and I'm not a fool. Do you really think I can't tell?"

She said that Qi Jingci was the only person she had ever seen who could match her strength, regardless of whether he was a superpower or not.

 She knows that he is special to her, but this does not prevent her from getting to know the real him through appearances.

Hearing this, Qi Sijin was silent, okay, just say so. "So you would rather follow Weiwei all day?" Li Jiu brought the topic back and asked.

"...Hmm." Qi Sijin swallowed, his eyes a little weak.

Li Jiu sneered in her heart, do you really think she is easy to fool?

"Why do I think you are using this as an excuse to avoid the training mission?" She narrowed her eyes and asked slowly and word by word.


"...No, boss, I don't think so." Qi Sijin defended himself without any credibility.



Li Jiu snorted a sneer with a nasal tone and stopped talking.

The atmosphere suddenly became awkward.

Qi Sijin felt that her situation was a bit dangerous.

That's right, to put it bluntly, he just wanted to avoid this training mission.

The reason is none other than that the missions have not happened so frequently in recent years, and my body and bones have become loose due to the normal maintenance. I have become accustomed to comfort and don't want to bother anymore.

At first I wanted to take the opportunity to be lazy, but Li Jiu saw through it all at once, which was really embarrassing.

 Qi Sijin was extremely depressed.

 What a mistake, what a mistake.

Thousands of people never expected that Li Jiu knew him so well.

The person who knows Qi Sijin best in the world is not his parents, nor the two elders of the Qi family, nor Qi Jingci or Qi Mowei, but Li Jiu.

Li Jiu has known him for at least ten years, and she knows all about the mess in his belly.

Usually, because of his ability to calculate people's hearts and make suggestions, he is almost unrivaled, so he undoubtedly serves as the team's think tank and strategist. The second team is known as cunning, cunning, and scheming in the association, and more than half of the credit is due to him. Given.

 But despite this, he was still a little too young to use the trick on her.

 After all, they have known him for such a long time, and she knows him very well.

Li Jiu's voice was calm and he said calmly: "I give you one week to complete the training tasks, and then hand in the 5,000-word examination as well."

 Trying to play tricks with her will not kill you.

Qi Sijin’s face, which had always maintained an expression, suddenly wrinkled into a bitter melon, “Why do you still need to write a review?”

 “You’re not happy?”

Years of desire to survive told him that the correct answer at this time was definitely not yes.

"…of course not."

 (End of this chapter)

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