She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 390: How did you hook up?

Chapter 390: How did you hook up?

"Then stop pushing." Li Jiu's tone was not very good.

Qi Sijin: "...But boss, if I disappear for no reason, grandpa and the others will become suspicious."

Regarding this point, Li Jiu had already "intimately" thought up an excuse for him, "I will tell them that I am asking you to do a small favor and I need to borrow you for a while."


Needless to say, with how much the Qi family loves Li Jiu, let alone borrowing him for a few days, even if she wants to kick him back abroad, Mrs. Qi can even help her do it herself.

 The gap is so big.

"Oh, by the way." Li Jiu suddenly remembered, "Before you leave, don't forget to deal with the group of people who want to attack Weiwei. If you leave, I won't have time to help you look after her."

 She was also busy dealing with Li's affairs and had no time to spare.

“…Yes.” Qi Sijin responded in a muffled voice.

 “Ajiu, what are you doing standing still? Come over here and lift it up for me!”

Qi Mowei was carrying large and small shopping bags. She was almost unsteady on her feet. She finally turned around, only to see Li Jiu and Qi Sijin standing there motionless, watching her struggle alone. She suddenly yelled at them angrily. yelled.

Li Jiu glanced sideways at Qi Sijin, "Didn't you hear me? I'm calling you."

 Qi Sijin: “…”

He was not deaf yet, so she clearly called her by Li Jiu's name.

 But due to Li Jiu's power, he had no choice but to accept his fate and step forward, and finally became Qi Mowei's labor force gloriously.

Li Jiu accompanied Qi Mowei to the shopping mall all morning, and saw that she was almost emptying the place. In addition, Qi Sijin had really reached her limit, so she finally said: "Let's just go shopping here today, I have something else to do. "

Qi Mowei, who was enjoying her shopping but was still not satisfied, was stunned when she heard this, "Ah? Ajiu, you don't want to go shopping anymore?"

Li Jiu’s mouth twitched. It was almost empty when she went to the mall again, so she still didn’t want to accompany him.

“No, if you want to go shopping, just go ahead and go shopping. I really have something else to do, so I’m leaving.”

 After saying that, she waved to Qi Mowei, turned around and left.

Just when Qi Mowei wanted to persuade her to stay, she had already walked far away, so she could only stamp her feet on the spot and said, "Ajiu, it's true, I haven't had all the fun yet."

She looked back at Qi Sijin, whose face was almost obscured by shopping bags, thought for a moment, and said, "Let's continue!"

It’s not easy to go shopping once, what if you don’t have fun?

 Qi Sijin: “…”

 He felt that he might be the first person with special abilities to die from exhaustion while helping a girl carry things while shopping.

On the other side, after Li Jiu came out of the mall, he took out his mobile phone and called Ji Yunshu.

 No one answered after three seconds of ringing.

Li Jiu frowned and called her clinic again, but still no one answered.

 The phone is not answering, and the clinic’s phone number cannot be reached. What is this person doing?

Is it possible that you are in seclusion again and tinkering with something new?

Li Jiu thought for a while and decided to go to Ji Yunshu Clinic first. If she was not there, he would wait there.

However, she never would have thought that when she arrived at Ji Yunshu's clinic and was about to open the door and go in, she vaguely seemed to hear a woman's gasping sound, and the sound was very familiar.

 Li Jiu: “…”

Her expression immediately became stiff.

 Listening to this sound, it sounds like...

I go!

However, his movements were faster than his brain. Before Li Jiu could react, his body had already pushed the door open.

 Immediately, he met the misty eyes of Ji Yunshu who was pressed against the wall and kissed.

Li Jiu: "..." The moment she saw Li Jiu, Ji Yunshu suddenly woke up and pushed away the man who was pressing on her.

The man's tall figure staggered, his breath was a little unsteady, and he looked at Ji Yunshu doubtfully, not understanding why he stopped at this time - he was so focused that he didn't notice someone pushing the door in.

Ji Yunshu looked behind him with a stiff expression. He followed her gaze and turned to look back. The next moment he said: "..."

Li Jiu and Li Tingzhi looked at each other and said again: "..."

 For a time, the atmosphere between the three of them could no longer be described as awkward and stagnant.

 “Xiao, Xiaojiu, why are you here?”

Finally, Li Tingzhi coughed lightly and smiled dryly to break the weird atmosphere.

"...I came to see Dr. Ji to tell him something..." Li Jiu twitched the corners of his mouth stiffly and found that he couldn't laugh.

 “Oh, that’s it.” Li Tingzhi laughed twice and said nothing more.

He usually has very little communication with Li Jiu, hardly talks, and doesn't know this sister very well. Now that she bumps into him, he is extremely embarrassed. If it weren't for the paralysis of his face that he has practiced for many years, he might really I won’t be able to hold myself tight.

Ji Yunshu could no longer hold back any longer. She covered her face helplessly, trying to get rid of the long-lasting blush on her cheeks, and kicked Li Ting hard, "Why are you standing there? Hurry up and get some water!"

What a piece of wood!

How could he still stay here after being caught by someone? !

 Especially when that person is my sister.

 If it were her, she would have locked herself away long ago and didn't want to see anyone.

 “Oh oh oh.”

Li Tingzhi responded quickly and turned around to go up to the second floor. As for whether he really went to pour water, no one knew. Anyway, Ji Yunshu hoped that he would not come down before Li Jiu left.

Under Li Jiu's subtle and complicated eyes, Ji Yunshu pretended to be calm, adjusted his clothes, and said, "Sit down."

 Li Jiu: " and my brother..."

"It's not what you think!"

Before she could finish speaking, Ji Yunshu immediately retorted. Unexpectedly, due to the excessive movement, the collar that had been pulled loose by Li Tingzhi opened again, revealing the ambiguous traces of blue and purple inside, extending to below the collarbone.

Li Jiu’s eyes moved downwards, and then again: “…”

Ji Yunshu saw her staring at him without blinking, lowered her head slightly, her fair neck and cheeks immediately turned red, and she quickly tightened her clothes.

Li Jiu was so shocked that he couldn't see anything and said numbly: "Should I inform grandpa?"

Now that you've reached this point, I'm afraid you have to prepare a betrothal gift, right?

 How much dowry does it cost to marry a ghost doctor?

At this moment, Li Jiufei's mind was running rapidly and calculating, and then he came to a conclusion.

I'm afraid it would take the entire Li family to prepare this betrothal gift.

Ji Yunshu no longer knew what expression to make, "...I beg you, can you forget what you just saw? If you can't forget, I don't mind using hypnosis to help you."

Li Jiu looked up at her and smiled: "Do you think it's possible?"

 Ji Yunshu: “…”

"It looks like I'm going to have a sister-in-law soon. A ghost doctor is indeed a ghost doctor, okay."

 Ji Yunshu: “…”

After gradually digesting this matter, Li Jiu regained his composure, crossed his hands on his chest, looked at her with raised eyebrows, and said, "Tell me, how did you two hook up?"

 Ji Yunshu: “…”

 (End of this chapter)

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