She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 391: He and I are not suitable

 Chapter 391 He and I are not suitable

Ji Yunshu was speechless by Li Jiu's three short words. He sat there with a slightly embarrassed expression and swore that he had never been so embarrassed in his life.

She scolded Li Tingzhi in her mind, raised her head and smiled, trying to fool him, "What do you want to see me for?"

Li Jiu's face was expressionless: "I want to ask you when did you and my brother hook up."


Ji Yunshu collapsed: "Please, stop asking if it's okay!"

  She is a fool, stop asking, give her some face, she can’t afford to lose face!

 Thinking of the stupid things she had done, she wanted to go back and kill herself immediately.



 After a moment, Ji Yunshu hesitantly squeezed out a few words from between his teeth, "Just... like that."

 The pronunciation of the words in a sentence is vague and the sound is very low.

 “Hmm?” Li Jiu raised his eyebrows with a meaningful expression.

Ji Yunshu took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and simply broke the jar and said: "Last time... I researched a new medicine. I originally wanted to test the properties of the medicine myself, but..."

 The result was that he tried the wrong medicine.

 The reason was that the two naughty boys tore off the label on her medicine bottle and mixed it up.

Ji Yunshu wanted to strangle those two naughty kids to death when he mentioned this.

What's wrong with playing with the drugs in her lab?

 The medicines in her laboratory are usually clearly organized into categories, and almost every medicine bottle has its own label so that she can access it at any time while doing the laboratory.

But who knew that Tongtong and Ala had used some method to secretly break into her laboratory and knocked off several labels on the medicine bottles. In order to avoid being discovered, the two of them panicked and put them back on - they were very good. Of course, the donkey's lip is not the horse's mouth.

 She was too focused when doing the experiment and did not notice this subtle change, so she just picked it up and used it.

Who knew, she accidentally took...that medicine!

Li Jiu frowned, picked up the tea cup on the table and asked, "Which medicine?"

  “…” Ji Yunshu: “A medicine that makes people estrous.”


Li Jiu was caught off guard and spit out a mouthful of water.

"What, what?" At this moment, the expression on her face was cracked, and she confirmed again in disbelief.

Ji Yunshu felt that he was about to die. He was so stupid, and his eyes were full of hopelessness. "Those two **** put the labels on the aphrodisiac they made and the new drug I researched on the wrong label."

She felt something was wrong as soon as she took it, but she didn't expect that the medicine they made was quite powerful, and her consciousness was almost swallowed up in an instant.

If she hadn't had strong concentration and forced herself to stay clear, she would have lost her mind long ago.

Li Jiu’s eyes twitched fiercely, “I remember that you are invulnerable to all poisons.”

“…Is that medicine considered poison?”


 It doesn’t seem to count.

 As their eyes met, the air fell into a brief silence.

 So, there is no need to guess what happens next.

Ji Yunshu can sit here safe and sound, either because someone helps her find an antidote, or... well, they all understand.

  But, a dignified ghost doctor shouldn’t be too bored to research antidotes to aphrodisiacs.

As for why the ghost doctor called Li Tingzhi after taking the medicine, she didn't really want to know.

Li Jiu coughed lightly, put his fingers on his lips, and lowered his head slightly.

Ji Yunshu gritted her teeth. She was holding back her laughter. She could see it!

Let alone Li Jiu, even if it happened to herself before, she would laugh at it without hesitation. The dignified ghost doctor made countless people frightened by the news, and he was extremely skilled in poisoning... As a result, the boat capsized in the gutter and fell on two naughty children.

Li Jiu was holding back his laughter at first, but the more he thought about it, the harder he couldn't help it, and finally he burst into laughter and couldn't stop at all.

“Hahahahahaha Lao Qi, you...I want to know how Tongtong and Ala are doing?”

Those two little geniuses have caused such a big trouble. According to Ji Yunshu's temper, it would be strange to let them go.

Ji Yunshu sneered when he mentioned them, grinding his molar teeth and said, "What else can I do? I threw them back to the medicine house."

Those two bastards, if she doesn’t take care of them this time, her surname will not be Ji!

It’s really becoming more and more lawless!

 They even dare to make that kind of medicine, what else do they not dare to do?

Seeing that she was so angry, Li Jiu said quickly: "Don't be angry. In a sense, they have done a good thing indirectly."

"A good thing?" Ji Yunshu opened his eyes wide, "Do you think this is a good thing?"

Does this matter have anything to do with the word "good"?

She is going to be worried to death now, okay?

 Her head was feeling dizzy while taking Chinese medicine, so she called Li Tingzhi for some reason. What made her speechless was that the person whom she could rarely contact happened to answer the phone at that time.

 After that, her consciousness only stayed in the scene where she jumped straight up when she saw him.

 After waking up, needless to say, the scene was unbearable to look at.

 A proper crime scene.

The whole room was littered with evidence of her crime, and she couldn't even make excuses.

She almost didn't have the nerve to look at Li Tingzhi.

I originally wanted to have a good talk with him, but halfway through my conversation, for some reason, he pushed me against the wall and kissed me again.

 Then Li Jiu came to the scene to witness.

Thinking of this, Ji Yunshu's face turned pale, her expression almost despairing, and she severely despised herself in her heart.

Why can’t she help it?

 Why couldn’t she hold it back?

It’s really hard to look back.

Li Jiu suppressed the raised corners of her lips and analyzed her: "Everyone can see that my brother is interested in you, but he usually has almost no time to get along with you. Now, you two will pull up the progress bar directly. Full."

“…Shit!” Ji Yunshu cursed, the progress bar was full!

 She felt embarrassed all over when she saw Li Tingzhi now.

Li Jiu raised his eyebrows and asked, "You two are like this, but my brother doesn't say anything?"

Although she doesn't have much contact with Li Tingzhi, as far as she knows, this man has a strong and upright character. If something like this happens, he will definitely be responsible.

Ji Yunshu said with a bitter face: "He said that I saved his life, and he saved my life, which is offset, so I don't need to mind."

She paused and continued depressedly: "Then he said that he liked me and asked me if I would give him a chance."

Li Jiu couldn't help but chuckle, stretched out her hand and gave Li Tingzhi a thumbs up.

How wonderful.

First, he directly attributed the fact that he helped her with the antidote to repay his gratitude, and then he confessed his love, just to prevent her from having a psychological burden and to consider everything for her.

 “So, what do you think?” Li Jiu asked.

"I haven't thought about it yet." Ji Yunshu held his forehead, looking like he had a headache.

 “Hmm? Why?”

Li Jiu was a little surprised. She thought Ji Yunshu was also interested in Li Tingzhi. After this incident, it would be good for the relationship between the two to progress. Why does it seem that it is not what she expected?

Ji Yunshu pursed her lips, her eyes full of complexity, "He and I... are not suitable."

 (End of this chapter)

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