She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 392: Li Tingzhi: What's inappropriate?

Chapter 392 Li Tingzhi: Where is the inappropriateness?

Li Jiu chuckled lightly and crossed his hands across his chest, "What's inappropriate?"

“The two of you are like this now. Even if it’s really not suitable, it must be suitable.”

“…” Ji Yunshu looked at Li Jiu helplessly.

Li Jiu spread his hands and said, "This is a fact. If grandpa and uncle find out, they will definitely break their legs. I'm not kidding."

Mr. Li once said personally that if anyone from the Li family dared to mess around outside, his legs would be broken and he would be kicked out of the Li family's door.

I think back then, when he learned that Li Hong had an illegitimate daughter like her, he was so angry that he slapped Li Hong several times. His back was almost covered with blood marks, and he made him kneel in the ancestral hall for several days, almost destroying his legs. I was in the hospital for half a month before I recovered.

If Li Yun and Xu Su hadn't begged Mr. Li three times a day, I'm afraid Li Hong would have been kicked out of the house.

This is why after she entered the Li family, Li Hong, as her nominal father, did not want to see her, even to the point of disgust and hatred.

If Mr. Li learns that Li Tingzhi is having an affair with her before he has a confirmed relationship with her, no matter what the reason is, he will definitely not be able to escape with a beating.

"Don't look at the old man. He is old. He can beat people to half death when he uses family violence." Li Jiu said.

“…Can you take pleasure in others’ misfortunes? I’m already worried enough, and you’re adding fuel to the fire?”

Ji Yunshu would have wanted to strangle her to death if she hadn't been unable to defeat her.

 Can you do some personnel work? Are you deliberately trying to cause trouble for her?

Li Jiu curled his eyes and smiled, "Why don't you just agree to him? Then the old man won't talk about family troubles, and I'll probably have to praise him hard."

 Ji Yunshu: “…”

Ji Yunshu: "Go aside!"

Li Jiu teased her and finally looked more serious, "Seriously, what do you think?"

Ji Yunshu sighed, "It's... quite unexpected. My mind is very messed up."

There was indeed a bit of ambiguity between her and Li Tingzhi, but it was limited to a little. This unexpected accident directly brought the two of them into contact at a negative distance, like a huge thunder striking her head, making her dizzy. At a loss.

 “Stop talking about this, why did you come to me?”

Ji Yunshu felt his temples twitching and simply didn't want to do these troublesome things.

Hearing her ask this, Li Jiu finally remembered the purpose of coming here.

 “I have a question for you.”


 “I’ve been feeling a little off lately.” Li Jiu said.

Upon hearing this, Ji Yunshu's face changed slightly and he sat up straighter, "What's the specifics?"

Li Jiu nodded, "Now I get sleepy more and more often, and sometimes I can even fall asleep no matter where I am."

 This is what worries her the most.

Her vigilance is extremely high. No matter whether it is a dangerous environment or a quiet environment, she will tighten her vigilance no matter how relaxed she is. However, the recent series of changes seem to be that her body's early warning system has failed.

"How could this happen..." Ji Yunshu frowned and muttered to himself.

She raised her eyes and glanced at Li Jiu strangely, and asked, "You haven't eaten anything strange recently, have you?"

Li Jiu shook his head, "No."

 “Where is the medicine I gave you? Did you take it on time?”


 “That’s shouldn’t be right?”

Ji Yunshu was puzzled. The medicine she prescribed to Li Jiu was tailor-made according to her condition and would not lose its effect so quickly.

Why is the frequency of sleepiness getting higher and higher?

"Could it be that my frequent use of medicines has caused drug resistance in my body, and the effect of the medicine on me has gradually been offset?" Li Jiu guessed.

Ji Yunshu glanced at her and said, "I have thought of this problem for a long time. The amount of medicine I prepare for you is constantly increasing to ensure that you have the same effect after taking it."

Li Jiu also frowned slightly, what is going on? "Let's do this. I'll give you a comprehensive examination first," Ji Yunshu said.

 The only way now is to give her a comprehensive check again to see what went wrong.

Li Jiu nodded, "Okay."

 After saying that, she got up and left.

Ji Yunshu was surprised: "Why are you going?"

Li Jiu stopped and turned to look at her, "Are you sure you want to check me now?"

 She raised her chin in the direction of the second floor.

 Ji Yunshu then remembered that someone was still here.

Ji Yunshu: "...You should go back first and wait until I finish handling it."

A hint of joking flashed across Li Jiu's eyes, and she joked: "Hurry up then, the old man is currently worrying about my brother's life-long events."


After Li Jiu left, Ji Yunshu took a deep breath, got up and went to the second floor.

Looking around carefully, she didn't see Li Tingzhi's figure. A flash of surprise flashed in her eyes. She didn't know what she thought of, her face changed, and she immediately walked towards the bedroom.

When I opened the door and took a look, my face immediately turned green.

The tall and straight man was bending over and concentrating on processing the crime scene left by the two people last night, with a serious expression as if he was dealing with an extremely solemn case.

Seeing Ji Yunshu come in, he was stunned for a moment and asked: "Xiaojiu is gone?"

Ji Yunshu’s face was expressionless, “What are you doing?”


Li Tingzhi's expression suddenly became embarrassed and he hesitated: "I, let me clean up..."

Ji Yunshu suddenly felt his face heat up, feeling ashamed and angry, "No, just throw it away."

Even after washing, she could no longer look directly at this bed and this room.


 This room belongs to her anyway.

Ji Yunshu adjusted his emotions, stabilized his breathing, and said to him as calmly as possible: "Let's have a good talk."

 Two minutes later, downstairs, Ji Yunshu and Li Tingzhi sat facing each other without saying a word.

Ji Yunshu was the first to break the silence, sighed and said: "Last night..."

 “Have you considered what I said?”

Unexpectedly, as soon as she opened her mouth, Li Tingzhi followed up with a question, blocking her next words.

 “I...” She looked a little embarrassed.

Seeing her like this, Li Tingzhi thought he was pushing too hard, so his expression softened a little and he said warmly: "I don't mean to push you. You can think about it slowly and give me an answer later."


Ji Yunshu paused, struggled a little in his heart, and finally said his thoughts, "I think... we may be inappropriate."

After finishing speaking, Li Tingzhi's eyes darkened slightly, and he pursed his lips. He had a complicated look in his eyes, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

The atmosphere was silent for a moment. After a long time, he finally said: "What's inappropriate?"

 Ji Yunshu: “…”

How should she answer this?

"You have been with me for a while in the mountains. You know my temperament and my identity. The two of us are really not suitable for each other."

She is a ghost doctor and is destined to deal with many complex forces. She will face countless dangers in the future. If she is not careful, she will fall into the abyss. What's more, her identity is much more than that. If she is with him, That meant dragging him into this dangerous situation.

 (End of this chapter)

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