She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 394: Who do you want to play?

Chapter 394: Who do you want to play?


As soon as he entered the cafe, the waiter came up with a smile on his face and greeted him warmly. However, he paused obviously when he saw their postures, and a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes.

Is this a couple? The relationship is too good, right? Men love women so much!

Before she could finish eating the candy in her heart, Qi Sijin said coldly: "Is there a seat?"

The waiter felt as if he had been blown by a cold wind. He shivered at his voice and said, "Yes, yes, please come this way."

 She led them to a seat by the window, with a wider view, just enough to see the passers-by on the street.

 Qi Sijin narrowed his eyes, gently put Qi Mowei down, and said to the waiter behind him, who was staring blankly: "A glass of iced Americano, and give her a cappuccino."

The waiter's mind was filled with thoughts like "Wow, the little brother is so handsome and the young lady is so pretty too", "They match each other so well" and "These hands are so pretty". When he suddenly heard his words, he was so shocked that he immediately came back to his senses, " Oh oh oh, okay.”

Qi Mowei continued: "Please bring me some mango pudding, thank you."

"OK, just a second."

Qi Sijin raised his eyebrows and looked at her. She said with an embarrassed expression: "I've been shopping for too long and I'm hungry."

Seeing that he kept staring at her, Qi Mowei's face gradually turned red, and she immediately said: "What are you looking at? Have you never seen someone who is hungry while shopping?"

Qi Sijin snorted coldly, "I've never seen anyone get hungry without putting in much effort."

“…” Qi Mowei said angrily: “Walking will make you tired, okay?”

Qi Sijin raised his eyebrows and suddenly said to the waiter not far away: "Waiter, bring me a mango pudding too, and she will pay."

 “Yes, sir.”

Qi Mowei suddenly opened her eyes wide and looked at him in disbelief, "Why should I pay the bill?"

"I've been walking around with you for so long, mentioning this and that, and carrying you on my back for so far. I'm quite tired. Shouldn't you be responsible?" Qi Sijin settled the accounts with her in a reasonable and well-founded manner.

Qi Mowei was immediately speechless: "..."

Outside the cafe, on a street corner not far away, several strange men were squatting there, their eyes fixed on Qi Mowei's position in the cafe, without blinking, for fear that she would escape out of thin air.

“Quickly, inform sir, the ungrateful woman has been found.” A man patted the shoulder of the person next to him twice and said.

As soon as the man identified the target, he immediately took out his mobile phone to contact her, "Hello? Sir, we found the woman."

"Found it?" The man called Mr. was lying on the recliner in the box. Two young girls were kneeling beside him, rubbing his legs. There was a long and hideous scar on his forehead. Although it had scabbed, It is still very permeable, and one can imagine what kind of dangers he has experienced.

However, this did not prevent him from looking at the two girls lustfully and wreaking havoc on them with his hands.

While enjoying the girl's service, he said fiercely: "Keep an eye on me. Once that **** is alone, catch her immediately!"

 Dare to attack him, it seems she is tired of living!

The caller hesitated for a moment and said, "But sir, they are from the Qi family. If we offend, the consequences will be..."

The Qi family is one of the two giants in the imperial capital. I heard that Qi Mowei is the favorite of Mr. Qi. If he touches her, the Qi family will definitely not let it go.

"What are you afraid of?!" The man called Mr. spat fiercely and cursed: "I'm just an adopted daughter of the Qi family, do you really think of yourself as a rich lady? Bah! Bitch! I will be sent to you by the Qi family in the future. A **** who marries others for fun!”

His eyes were sinister, and he smiled contemptuously and said: "Before she is played with, I want to taste her. You guys, get her back to me quickly! If you can't do it... Humph!" The man trembled all over, subconsciously worried. This gentleman was a friend of the boss who had just met him. Although they had only known each other for a few days, they all knew his abilities. Almost no one dared to touch him. Even The boss also needs to give him some color.

But who would have thought that when my husband was having fun in the bar owned by the boss two days ago, he was suddenly beaten by a woman. The woman was very cruel and used a piece of a wine bottle to cut a scar on his face. The police were also called and he was detained for several days before being released.

 After learning that the woman was Mr. Qi’s daughter, the boss didn’t want to offend the Qi family, so he asked his husband to endure it. He agreed on the surface, but who knew that he secretly sent them to follow Qi Mowei and look for opportunities to capture her.

He took a liking to Qi Mowei's face, so it was obvious why he wanted to take her back.

They were all secretly surprised by his boldness, but they had to listen to him and could only look for opportunities to act.

“Boss, Sir, please let us take the person back quickly.” The man said after hanging up the phone.

"I want to be quick, but I have to find an opportunity." The man called the boss cursed, "That brat is always around that woman, how can I start?"

They have been following Qi Mowei since she came out of the mall. They have been unable to find a chance for such a long time. This is all due to Qi Sijin.

Seeing that the deadline set by Mr. Li was getting closer and closer, the man known as the boss gritted his teeth and said: "Wait! I don't believe the two of them can stay together forever!"

In the cafe, Qi Mowei didn't care about the image of a lady, and didn't care about the surprised looks from people around her. She ate pudding happily. During this period, she raised her head and glanced at Qi Sijin, but saw that the pudding in front of him didn't move at all, and he squinted his eyes. Staring out the window not knowing what he was looking at.

She stretched out her hand and waved it in front of his eyes, "Hey, what are you looking at? Why don't you eat?"

Qi Sijin suddenly stood up and said in a solemn tone: "You stay here and don't go anywhere. I'll come back as soon as I go."

 After saying that, he walked out.

Qi Mowei didn't know why, "Hey! Why are you going?"

 However, Qi Sijin had already left the cafe and could not hear her words.

 “It’s really... baffling.”

 She touched her nose, lowered her head and continued eating.

 “Hey, hey, that man is gone!”

 The man known as the boss saw Qi Sijin leaving with sharp eyes, and immediately said excitedly.

Others also looked happy, "That's great, boss, let's do it quickly!"

"You're stupid, how can you do this in broad daylight? You have to trick her into a place where no one is around... This way, Monkey, you look ordinary and won't arouse anyone's suspicion. You go in and trick her out, and then we can do it again." The boss showed an evil smile on his lips.

"This **** has made us drink the northwest wind for so long. When she succeeds, let's have a good time first and then send it to the husband."

 “Long live the boss!”

 “The boss is wise!”

While everyone was cheering, they suddenly felt a chill rising from behind.

Immediately afterwards, a dangerous and murderous sound suddenly sounded at the empty street corner.

 “Who do you want to play?”

 (End of this chapter)

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