She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 395: Beat a mad dog

Chapter 395 Beat a Mad Dog

  The cheers and wanton laughter just now stopped abruptly. Everyone looked back stiffly with their eyes wide open, like ducks being pinched by the neck.

If Qi Mowei were here now, she would definitely be shocked, because Qi Sijin seems to be a different person at this time, with a cold aura all over his body, and a strange and evil dark light flashing in his light golden eyes.

Half of his body was hidden in darkness, revealing endless danger, which made people feel frightened. Panic arose subconsciously, and his limbs and bones seemed to be instantly immersed in ice, which was bone-piercingly cold.

“Boss, boss, he, why is he here?” One of them was scared out of his mind the moment he saw Qi Sijin.

The people who were in the cafe far away one second appeared in front of them the next moment. Even in broad daylight, they felt the cold wind blowing behind them.

The man called the boss was so frightened that his heart skipped a beat, his pupils shrank suddenly, and the blood in his body almost flowed backwards. His hair stood up involuntarily. Hearing his question, he swallowed and tried his best to hide his panic: "No, no. Know."

 Compared with the man's worries about whether Qi Sijin was a human or a ghost, he was more worried about how much he had heard what they just said.

 This is a very scary question to think about.

Although they have the courage to harbor evil intentions towards Qi Mowei, it does not mean that they dare to face the Qi family head-on.

If they really had the guts, they would not stalk Qi Mowei and wait for the opportunity to strike, but would directly rob her in the street.

These little minions together can be dealt with without the Qi family having to lift a finger. They actually lusted after Qi Mowei here with ulterior motives, and even planned to attack her. This was undoubtedly overestimating their capabilities.

The moment he saw Qi Sijin, all the daring thoughts in his heart disappeared. There was only one thought: run, must run.

With their strength, they have absolutely no chance of winning against Qi Sijin, the second young master of the Qi family!

"What are you doing standing there, run!" He yelled immediately, and before everyone around him could react, he turned around and ran away.

 If you don’t run now, are you waiting to die?

 He turned around and took the opportunity to glance at the people who were still stunned, and cursed secretly.

 What a bunch of idiots!


When everyone saw him, their first reaction was to run away. Before they could react, they all froze on the spot.

They looked at each other and saw confusion in each other's eyes.

 “What to do now?” someone asked at a loss.

This scene happened so suddenly that there was no time to think too much.

"What else can we do? Come on! I don't believe how powerful he can be on his own!" The man spat. He is not afraid of being bold and timid!

 After saying that, he took out the dagger he carried and used all his strength to rush towards Qi Sijin.

With him taking the lead, the others also took out their weapons and swarmed forward.

However, in just a few seconds, they were all kicked to the ground by Qi Sijin. Several ribs were broken, and they were in so much pain that they could not get up.

 For a time, the ground was filled with groans of pain.

Qi Sijin sneered twice, stepped on the back of the person who rushed towards him first, and crushed hard with his toes, and suddenly there was a wailing like a slaughtering pig.

"You have no brains, but you are very courageous." Qi Sijin's tone was full of ridicule and ridicule, "Who is your master looking down upon when he sends you here? Huh?"

  The sound of the last word suddenly became heavier, and at the same time, there was another force under my feet.

The man almost fainted from the pain, and his intestines turned green. Why was he so reckless? If he had known that this man was so powerful, he would have just run with the boss.

 It’s a pity that there is no one who sells regret medicine in the world.

 “Spare, spare your life!”

He used all his strength to squeeze these two words out from between his teeth. His eyes were so wide that they seemed to be about to pop out. "Spare your life?" Qi Sijin smiled playfully, the corners of his mouth becoming colder, "I see you were having a great time discussing it just now? Come on, tell me, who are you going to play with?"

He lowered his head slightly and spoke softly, as if he was chatting with them calmly, but there was no warmth in his eyes.

Coupled with the scene in front of him, he looked like a ghost coming to seek his life, terrifying and frightening.

 “No, no, no!”

The man on the ground quickly denied it, fearing that he would be cut into pieces if he waited a second, shaking his head desperately, "We are not playing with anyone, we are playing with ourselves, playing with ourselves..."

Qi Sijin raised his eyebrows and asked. "Oh, is it so?"

“What a pity, I’m neither deaf nor blind.” Qi Sijin said lightly.

  No matter how hard the man tried to defend himself, nothing changed in the result.

He kicked the person out, and the person flew out like a kite with a broken string until it hit a hard wall, making a painful muffled sound, and he fainted immediately.

Qi Sijin glanced at the person lying on the ground with disgust, raised his feet and walked over, looking at the entrance of the alley where the man called the boss escaped, with a mocking arc at the corner of his mouth.

 “Do you think you can run away like this?”


He went abroad at the age of eighteen. Before that, he knew almost every corner of the Imperial Capital, especially the intricate alleys. He knew almost the exits of every path.

Even after so many years, this place has not changed at all. I want to get rid of him here, it is a wishful thinking!


In the cafe, Qi Mowei was holding a spoon in her mouth boredly, looking at the empty plate in front of her, and then at the intact pudding opposite, and sighed. Did she promise to come back soon?

 She had finished eating a large piece of pudding, but no one could be seen.

Where did he go?

Qi Mowei thought gloomily.

She turned to look out the window and saw no trace of Qi Sijin. She sighed helplessly, forget it, she happened to be not full either, so she would order another portion and wait for him while eating.

 Finally, halfway through the second portion of pudding, Qi Sijin made a phone call as if he just remembered that she was there.

Qi Mowei narrowed her eyes, filled with anger. She answered the phone and asked, "Where have you gone?"

She didn’t know what Qi Sijin was doing over there. The signal was very poor and various noises came intermittently. She frowned and asked, “Where are you?”

Where has he been for such a long time?

The other side paused, as if he was looking for a place with a better signal. After a while, he finally said: "Sorry, I forgot you were still there."

At this time, while holding his mobile phone, he kicked the escaping man in the crook of the knee, forcing him to kneel on the ground with a plop.

Chasing this grandson for three streets, he unknowingly got farther and farther away from the cafe, and even forgot that Qi Mowei was still there.

Qi Mowei heard the strange noise coming from the other side and asked doubtfully: "What are you doing?"

“It’s nothing, just a mad dog.” He said.

 (End of this chapter)

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