She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 397: Qi Sijin: You are so brave

Chapter 397 Qi Sijin: You are so brave

A flash of fear flashed across the man's eyes, and his expression suddenly became panicked.

 What does he mean?

Is it possible to go find Mr. Wu?

 No, no, Mr. Wu will kill him!

However, Qi Sijin didn’t give him a chance to refuse and directly picked him up and dragged him away.

 In the noisy and chaotic bar, countless men and women work day and night, frantically venting their emotions and expressing their inner rebellion.

In the VIP box upstairs, Mr. Wu held up his wine glass in a leisurely manner, teasing the beautiful woman next to him with a wicked smile, not feeling the danger at all.

 A bump.

 The door of the box was kicked open violently, making a loud noise.

 The wine in Mr. Wu’s hand spilled all over him, and the woman next to him screamed in fright.

His expression turned cold, and his eyes became extremely gloomy. When his eyes touched the person Qi Sijin was holding, there was obviously a moment of hesitation. His heart skipped a beat, and a bad premonition arose, and his eyes were wary. He looked at him and said angrily: "Who are you?"

Qi Sijin sneered, his eyes were extremely pale, with an aggressive chill that made it impossible for people to look directly at him subconsciously.

He easily threw the person he was holding at Mr. Wu's feet. He was dragging him all the way. He was so frightened that he fainted completely due to the strength in his hands.

In order to press Mr. Wu about something, he beat this man until his nose was bruised and his face was swollen. His whole body was covered with wounds. At first glance, he looked ferocious and terrifying, as if he was dead.

 Two young women usually sat at a table in a bar. They had never seen such a scene before, and they immediately let out deafening screams.

Mr. Wu was shocked when he recognized that the person who fainted on the ground was the person he sent to capture Qi Mowei. When they shouted in advance, he almost frightened his soul away. He became even more irritated. Each of them slapped them and roared: " Shut up!"

 The two women covered their faces and stared at him helplessly and pitifully.

 “Get out of here, everyone!”

Qi Sijin didn't seem like someone to be trifled with at the moment. He was here specifically to cause trouble. If they stayed any longer, they might be affected, and they might even lose their lives.

Hearing Mr. Wu roar like this, they would definitely not be happy if it were normal times, but now, they ran out faster than one.

Qi Sijin looked at the two women leaving with a cold arc at the corner of his mouth, "Mr. Wu really knows how to enjoy it?"

Mr. Wu’s hair stood up all over his body at this time, and his eyes were full of alertness, “...who are you?”

 So even he didn’t know him, who gave him the courage to provoke the Qi family?

Qi Sijin sneered and sat across from him, crossing her legs nonchalantly with a hint of mockery: "Mr. Wu dares to send people to follow the Qi family, and they don't know me?"

Mr. Wu's expression changed immediately, his eyes went from vigilant to frightened, and he jumped subconsciously.

The only person who can be called Aunt Qi Mowei is...

 “Young Master Qi?”

Mr. Wu’s mind went blank at this moment, and he was too shocked to react at all. His hands hanging by his sides were trembling slightly, indicating his current fear.

Among the youngest members of the Qi family, this Qi Sijin is the most unpredictable and the hardest to offend. His temper has been raised to be willful and willful, and he can do whatever he wants. As long as he does not go out of line, no matter what he does, the Qi family will never do it. Intervene more.

Unexpectedly, the person he sent out to follow Qi Mowei actually insisted on hitting the gun and attracting Qi Sijin.

Mr. Wu seemed fine on the surface, but in his heart he cursed the unconscious man on the ground and the trash that had been twisted in. Incompetent bungler!

If I didn’t bring him back, I would cause a big trouble!

Qi Sijin had a faint smile on his lips, and the next sentence almost made him pee, "Mr. Wu, I heard that you are very interested in people from my Qi family, and you sent someone to follow them?"

 “No, no, no! I didn’t!”

Mr. Wu was shocked and said in horror: "Second Young Master... there must be some misunderstanding here?"

Qi Sijin raised his eyelids and said, "You mean, I wronged you?"

He let out a disdainful snort and pointed at the man lying on the ground, "This man claims to be your subordinate and has done everything you told him. Do you still want to deny it?"

"False accusation! This is a false accusation!" Mr. Wu defended with an excited expression: "Second Young Master, you must not believe what these people say. These ruffians had an affair with me a few days ago, and now they are pouring all kinds of dirty water into it. Splashed on me."

 He wanted to put all the blame on these people and remove himself completely.

 But, does he think Qi Sijin is such a stupid person?

Qi Sijin's eyes flashed with sarcasm, and he said calmly: "I will judge for myself whether what they say is true or false."

 In short, it’s not something he can explain in just one or two sentences.

 “If you are really wronged, simply provide evidence.”

Mr. Wu’s expression changed and his eyelids twitched. How could he get the evidence?

 It was originally Qi Mowei who he sent people to follow.

This evidence to prove his innocence is naturally impossible to produce.

Mr. Wu lowered his head, a gloomy look flashed in his eyes, and he was silent and unable to speak.

Seeing him like this, Qi Sijin raised the corners of his mouth playfully, stood up slowly, moved his wrists, and said in a calm tone: "Since you can't produce evidence, does that mean what they said is true?"

He glanced at Mr. Wu with a half-smile, but the smile did not reach his eyes, and his aura suddenly became extremely oppressive and cold, "Mr. Wu, are you really brave to attack the Qi family?"

Mr. Wu's forehead was covered in heavy cold sweat. Seeing the imposing Qi Sijin approaching step by step, he was so frightened that his legs became weak. He could only keep retreating and leaning against the wall for support.

", Second Young Master, even if you lend me a hundred courages, I wouldn't dare!"

Mr. Wu's eyes were filled with fear. The door of the box was closed, and top-level soundproofing equipment was installed here. In other words, no one would notice Qi Sijin even if he did anything to him here.

He swallowed and stuttered immediately, "Besides, what's the status of the Qi family? I'm not a fool. If I follow Miss Qi, wouldn't I be looking for death?"

Qi Sijin’s eyes flashed, and he chuckled and asked, “How do you know it’s my little aunt they are following?”

 He didn’t seem to mention Qi Mowei’s name just now, right?

So, how did Mr. Wu know that these people were following Qi Mowei and not him?

 Obviously there is only one answer.

Mr. Wu froze for an instant, the expression on his face was wonderful and unpredictable, and he almost bit his tongue for a moment.

In a moment of desperation, what did he take the initiative to explain?

 (End of this chapter)

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