She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 398: Qi Jingci: Deserve it

Chapter 398 Qi Jingci: Deserve it

Qi Sijin stared at him condescendingly, with a cold light flashing in his eyes, and kicked him in the abdomen with enough force.

Mr. Wu groaned and slid to the ground against the wall.

Qi Sijin grabbed his collar and lifted him up. His light golden eyes were filled with a cold chill, looking straight at him without a trace of warmth.

The corners of his mouth raised in a sharp arc, and he smiled evilly, "Who are you looking down on when you attack my little aunt?"

 He held his head down with his other hand and hit it against the wall. At that moment, the flash of murderous intent in his eyes was heart-stopping.

Mr. Wu didn’t even have a chance to explain, so he fainted.

 “Tch, it’s useless!”

Qi Sijin snorted coldly and added another kick. However, the person on the ground had already fainted and had no reaction at all.

Who gave him the confidence to dare to touch the Qi family for such a piece of trash?

Qi Sijin stood up, narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked around the box.

A dirty place like this should not appear in the Imperial Capital and should have been destroyed long ago.

 He took out his mobile phone and dialed the police station.

“Hello, 110? I want to call the police.”


 In the end, the police arrived quickly, but took Qi Sijin away together.

Although he was the one who called the police, Mr. Wu was beaten almost to death by him. It was difficult for the police to handle the matter and they could only go through the process.

 In the police station, Qi Sijin sat there with a calm face and a calm attitude. He had a cup of tea in front of him. He didn't look like someone who had been arrested at all.

“Ahem…Second Young Master, you know the situation, and we don’t want to make things difficult, so can you please tell us what happened in detail?”

The young policeman sitting in front of him suddenly cleared his throat, his tone was a little weak, but he still tried to maintain his seriousness on the surface.

Although Qi Sijin has been abroad all year round, because of his face, almost no one in Dijing does not know him. In fact, the people who brought him back to the police station were also upset. Even if they brought him back, they would not know him at all. I don't dare to treat him with the attitude of judging others. I want to eat and drink so much that I even want to feed him and serve him.

 The young policeman sighed.

The situation in the box at that time, anyone with a discerning eye would know what happened at a glance.

 This was proved even more after examining Mr. Wu’s injuries.

 Qi Sijin’s attack was too harsh.

Moreover, he didn't leave even after knocking the person unconscious. He stayed in the box openly and openly. When they arrived, he was still enjoying the wine slowly.

 Just one word, arrogant.

 He has been on the job for a few years, and he has never seen such an arrogant person.

 That's why he was so panicked when facing Qi Sijin.

Who knows whether Mr. Qi will demolish the police station in a bad mood?

But fortunately, Qi Sijin's attitude was quite good, which could even be described as gentle, and he explained everything very cooperatively.

 After hearing this, the young policeman asked: "...No more?"

Qi Sijin snorted, "No more."

 Young policeman: "...Okay, we will verify the situation as soon as possible. We are sorry for the inconvenience."

I never thought that this was the reason why he almost beat Mr. Wu to disability and reported the black bar.

 That Mr. Wu’s brain was kissed by a pig or kicked by a donkey, or was he kissed by a pig first and then kicked by a donkey?

Even Qi Mowei, who was held in the palms of the Qi family's old man and his wife, dared to move. What else could he not dare to do?

 The young policeman's expression was very confusing, and he couldn't figure out why there were people with such undeveloped brains in the world.

The Qi family's doting on Qi Mowei is well known to the entire imperial capital's upper class circles, and they have also heard about it.

Fortunately, this idiot didn't succeed. If he had succeeded, wouldn't the Qi family cause chaos in the Imperial Capital?

Although this matter was not a big deal, the police station still notified the Qi family and called Jing Yi - Qi Sijin specifically asked not to call the old house. This kind of thing, whether it is Mr. Qi or Mr. Qi, Neither Mrs. Qi nor Qi Mowei are suitable to know.

As for his parents, they could not see anyone for 360 of the 365 days in the year. They were basically busy studying some academic papers and had no time to talk to him.

After thinking about it, Qi Jingci was the only one left. After receiving the call, Jingyi thought he had received a scam call.

 The second young master entered the police station because he almost maimed someone?

Are you kidding me?

 The Second Young Master usually doesn’t seem to be very skilled, so he can’t beat someone to the point of being disabled. Besides, the Second Young Master is so temperamental that he would beat someone himself?

 What kind of international joke is this?

However, this is the fact, and he has to believe it no matter how shocked he is.

 After hanging up the phone, he immediately informed Qi Jingci of the matter.

At this time, Qi Jingci was sitting in the office, enlightening Lu Qingran, who was sitting opposite with a gloomy look on his face.

Lu Qingran ran into his office early in the morning, his head drooping, and his face looked as if someone owed him money.

Qi Jingci, who had just returned from continent S and didn't know what happened, was suddenly surprised.

Lu Qingran has always been heartless, what could make him like this?

The answer is of course that the relationship is not going smoothly, and Ning Feng gave her a hard time.

After learning the whole story, Qi Jingci's expression suddenly became very subtle, and he looked at Lu Qingran as if he were looking at a fool.

“You teased someone back then, and then you shamelessly relied on them after being beaten. Now you still want to pursue them?”

Qi Jingci’s eyes became very disgusted.

 It’s so stupid, this person is beyond redemption.

 Don't say that Ning Feng didn't want to see him. If it were him, he could just punch him to death.

“…” Lu Qingran’s already depressed mood became even more depressed, “Can you please stop adding salt to my wounds?”

Qi Jingci immediately sprinkled another handful of cumin, lightly opened his thin lips, and uttered two words: "You deserve it."


 Lu Qingran is completely autistic.

At this time, Jing Yi knocked on the door and came in. He lowered his voice in Qi Jingci’s ear and told about Qi Sijin.

Qi Jingci paused while holding the pen and narrowed his eyes, "Where is he now?"

Jing Yiyi: "Still at the police station."

Lu Qingran looked at them blankly, not knowing what happened, "What's wrong?"

Qi Jingci raised his eyelids and spoke directly without hesitation: "That kid Qi Sijin got into trouble by beating someone up."


Lu Qingran couldn't hold it back and laughed directly.

 Forgive him, this was originally a very serious matter, but he just couldn't help but want to laugh.

Qi Sijin also has today!

Lu Qingran couldn't help laughing, and excitedly clapped her thighs twice with both hands, making Jing's eyes twitch.

Such a blatant gloating, if the second young master is here, these two people are destined to fight again.

After Lu Qingran had laughed enough, he suddenly realized a question, "Why didn't he find Mr. Qi or Mrs. Qi, but you?"

Qi Jingci raised his eyebrows and said, "Maybe you uncle is more reliable?"

 Lu Qingran: “…”

 No, Third Brother, are you a little self-aware?

If your uncle is reliable, there will be no unreliable person in the world.

 (End of this chapter)

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