She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 399: I have never seen anyone so active in seeking death.

Chapter 399: I have never seen anyone so eager to seek death.

However, he did not dare to say this, so he could only complain in his heart. If he said it, it would be another story, and he would probably have to lie down and leave the office.

Qi Jingci stood up, picked up his coat and was about to leave, but was suddenly stopped by Lu Qingran.

 “Hey wait, I’m going too.”

 How could you miss such a good opportunity to watch the excitement?

Qi Jingci raised his eyebrows, "Are you not depressed anymore?"

Lu Qingran waved her hand and smiled with a malicious look on her face, "It's okay, it's more important to watch Qi Sijin's jokes."

 Jingyi: “…”

 Are you sure that the second young master won't start a fight on the spot if he sees him later?

On the way to the police station, Lu Qingran fantasized about Qi Sijin's appearance in his mind, and was gloating about his misfortune. However, when he arrived, he realized that he didn't look like someone who had entered the police station.

His attitude was as arrogant as that of an old man, but on the contrary, the young policemen were all cautious, as if they owed him eight million.

 Lu Qingran: “…”

 Why does it seem to be different from what you imagined?

Qi Sijin was boredly playing with the patterns on the paper cup. His eyes were lowered, and the dark eyelashes covered the expression under his eyes. Coupled with his extremely handsome face, he had a melancholy temperament.

When he caught sight of Qi Jingci and others from the corner of his eye, his eyes flickered. He put down the paper cup, stood up, and glanced at Lu Qingran behind Qi Jingci. He narrowed his eyes and guessed his purpose of coming here. But he didn't say anything, and he called out in a particularly obedient manner: "Third Uncle."

Qi Jingci glanced at him, hummed, and said in an unclear tone: "You're good now, and you've beaten everyone to the end."

After saying this, before Qi Sijin could say anything, the policeman on the side quickly smiled and explained: "Third Master, you misunderstood. In fact, the Second Young Master did something good. After our investigation, we found that the man is the owner of a black bar. He usually does a lot of dirty things, but the second young master bravely reported it to the bar, but... maybe he was a bit harsh. "

When Lu Qingran heard this, he couldn't help laughing: "Be brave enough to do what is right? Him? Are you kidding me?"

He held back a smile and looked at Qi Sijin, his eyes full of teasing light.

He knew very well what kind of temper Qi Sijin had. He ignored everything that happened and was brave enough to do what was right. These four words were antonyms to him. Now he is saying that he bravely reported a shady bar, what's the fuss about?

Not to mention Lu Qingran, even Qi Jingci raised his eyebrows slightly, not believing that Qi Sijin would meddle in such nosy matters.


Qi Sijin glanced at Lu Qingran expressionlessly, and then said to Qi Jingci: "That person wanted to kidnap Wei...little aunt, but I caught him."

 He is indeed not very nosy in normal times, but when it comes to Qi Mowei, that has to be discussed separately.

 Reporting to the bar and making this matter bigger will definitely alarm Qi Jingci. If he learns about this matter, he will definitely not remain indifferent. Then Mr. Wu and the people behind him will have no peace.

 This is another reason why he asked the police station to notify Jingyi instead of Laozha.

As long as Qi Jingci takes action, he will definitely eliminate the roots without any worries.

In this way, through Qi Jingci's hand, there is no need for him to come in person, and there is no need to worry about any flaws being exposed.

Qi Jingci’s eyes darkened, he frowned and asked, “What did you say?”

“That person sent a group of gangsters to follow my little aunt. If I hadn’t gone shopping with her today, I might have…”

  Qi Sijin did not continue speaking and stopped.

As expected, Qi Jingci's body pressure immediately dropped a lot, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and he let out a light chuckle.

 “I’ve never seen anyone so eager to seek death.”

 (End of this chapter)

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